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The Golden Bell of Greenleaf  by lwarren 176 Review(s)
Nieriel RainaReviewed Chapter: 9 on 10/19/2006 I'm only half thru this chapter, but I have to go to bed & I couldn't go without commenting. I WANNA BE EOLYN!!! *grin* I'm tremendously jealous...I think I will have to open an elf bath.... Brilliant! I loved the modest blushing elf!

Author Reply: Wasn't that funny? And I wanted to be Eolyn, too!!! She, however, was so much a mother figure here, and I think Legolas needed a little tender loving care after all his trials! Yeah, I really liked Eolyn! :-) And the blushing, modest elf! *g* Thanks, NiRi!


Nieriel RainaReviewed Chapter: 7 on 10/18/2006
Another brilliant chapter. Wonderful visuals of Aman. I love how you pull Sil knowledge into this story and weave it all together. WOW. Only thing I see that is possibly a problem is I've been told elves do NOT get infections. If something remained in the wound like poison or a sliver of arrowhead it might fester and not heal, but they do not suffer bacterial infections like mortals. And fevers from poisons is fanon but I like it! We need someway to torture the Firstborn. *grin* Excellent job and a great story!

Author Reply: Hey NiRi! I'm glad you enjoyed the descriptions of Aman. Had a time getting that the way I wanted! As for the infection, I didn't intend for it to be an infection. It was all about a poisoned sword wound. I'll check back and make sure that it's clear. Thanks for pointing that out...and for taking the time to write so many reviews!!!!


Nieriel RainaReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/18/2006
I am really enjoying this story so far! Very well written. I LOVED your description of the song and how you went into the Simarillion (I am really beginning to enjoy Sil fics). Very nice take on the sea longing as well. I LOVE this. I do worry about the elf, though elves can take much greater hurt than humans and are not easily hurt by poison, so I have hope he will be ok. Your horsey info the last several chapters has been wonderful. I love the body language. It's perfect!

Author Reply: YAY! I'm so relieved the horses have been handled right, finally! *g* As for the Song and the sea-longing, well, I can only hope I used the right words to describe what I felt. The information in the Silmarillion was so interesting and I love how music was used as a creative force by Eru, and later the the Valar! Thanks again, NiRi, for taking the time to read and review.


Nieriel RainaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 10/11/2006
Another wonderful chapter Linda! WOO HOO! I am really liking this story. You write beautifully! I LOVE the connection between Legolas & Arod. But I do have another horsey complaint!

“The muscle is not torn, my lord,” the stablemaster looked up at the tall elf standing at the gray horse’s head, holding him still. “It would almost be better if it were. Torn muscles seem to mend stronger, somehow.”

Whoever told you that needs to be SHOT! torn muscles do NOT heal stronger, in fact they are usually the ones that cause recurring problems along with torn ligaments! Bones heal stronger, but a horse with a broken leg in this time would have been put down. I think it would have been more feasible if Arod HAD torn a muscle or ligament as that would be a more retiring injury. A pulled muscle would heal even in an older horse. Torn muscles even heal well...this injury sounds more like a torn ligament or a bowed tendon. I was a groom for a thoroughbred with a simlilar recurring injury and he ended up being unable to be ridden at 4 years old. But he was a beautiful lawn ornament! But that' just my two cents worth...I used to work in a boarding stable, I'm not a vet. But I will tell you that horses seem to INVENT ways to hurt themselves! *grin*

I LOVE this story...can't wait to read more! I love how you write Eomer and his stable master.

Author Reply: Hey, NiRi,don't shoot the author! *ducks behind a wall...or bush...or barrel* Here's another chapter headed for the chopping table tomorrow! You just keep on complainin' and I'll just keep on buggin' you for the right answers. :-) Again, glad you liked the chapter (most of it anyway *g*). Thank you for the review!


Nieriel RainaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/11/2006
I am really enjoying this story! Very well written and as a horse lover who has dealt with their injuries, I feel for Legolas having Arod hurt. My only complaint is whoever gave you equine info did NOT know how to treat an injury such as this!! You would NOT use HOT wraps!! No, no he would have had Arod in that stream soaking that leg in COLD water! *shivers* Oh the number of nights I've had to be up every few hours to hose a leg! Horse leg injuries are awful! Perhaps if he had boiled the herbs and then cooled them in the stream before wrapping, that would be more feaible as a liniment might help but the best thing is COLD water soaks for 15 minutes... HOT soaks work great for getting a hoof abssess to drain. Ok...I'm done venting for this chapter! Still very well done story! I'm loving it!

Author Reply: OK, NiRi. I'm going to edit this chapter tomorrow. And then I'm going to bug you to read it and see if I got it right!!!! :-) I'm glad you still liked the story though! Thanks for taking the time to review!

Linda (who has never been around horses in her life...just loved them from afar)

Silivren TinuReviewed Chapter: 9 on 7/30/2006
Legolas trying to get all that food into him as quickly as possible must have been a sight to behold. *g* And it seems tempers are flaring again. I can understand how difficult it must be for Legolas to speak about that dream (especially in front of a disbelieving dwarf). Eolyn really has a lot of good sense, it's a good thing all of them ended up in her house.

I simply love the interaction between Legolas and Eolyn, and I can only imagine how happy he must be to be able to bathe again. ;-) And it seems he even escaped with his modesty intact, lol. That is such a sweet scene, with Legolas sleeping against Aragorn's shoulder and Eolyn combing his hair! *huggles all*

It seems things are finally getting back to normal again... *watches elf and dwarf happily exchanging insults* I was so looking forward to the moment when Legolas would finally see the mare! :) I'm really relieved now, for I moment I thought she would still decide to leave. The two of them must be such a beautiful sight! Legolas really deserves this joy.

“You may tell us whenever you find those words, mellon nin, and know that we will believe you.” - I love that ex-ranger. :)
"Both songs are part of the Great Song…I knew that, but did not realize that through my own song, I could bring them into harmony." - A wonderful idea, and absolutely perfect. The scene with Legolas and Aragorn sitting there and Legolas singing was incredibly beautiful. I think I'll probably sit here for a while and listen closely - perhaps I will hear the song. I'm glad Aragorn does not need to fear for his friend any longer. I wish I would be Laelith or Eolyn. *sigh* It must be nice to have a singing elf in your garden for a time... ;-) Hm, I think Eolyn and Laelith are really going to miss that elf... I wonder what trip Legolas has in mind?

Another wonderful chapter, I especially love all the parts about Legolas' new song. That was quite breathtaking. *dreamy look*

Tinu :)

Author Reply: I really had a blast writing this chapter - and Eolyn developed into a very understanding, compassionate character. Legolas is going to find many people on this extended trip that will care for him and help in ways he can't imagine. The elf shoveling the food in as fast as possible just seemed to slip out - and I figured all his friends would be sitting around staring at him until he notices. How embarrassing would that be? *g* Yeah, Gimli didn't mean anything really, but Legolas is very nervous about revealing his 'dream' to everyone...he's pretty sure they'll think he's lost it! Had fun with the bath scene, too! LOL Gee, I wonder why?

The mare fully accepts Legolas - finally! Gimli and Legolas return to their normal insulting selves - of course! And we begin to see how Legolas being able to recognize all his different parts in the Great Song will ease him enough to stay in ME. Not that he still won't have trouble - but at least it won't be quite so painful. (Says the author somewhat hesitantly. Hmmmmm...)

I want an elf in my garden, too! Know where we can find one? *looks behind nearest tree* :-) Thanks again for another wonderful review, Tinu! *sends along big hugs and more chocolate*


Silivren TinuReviewed Chapter: 8 on 7/30/2006
You keep fascinating me and drawing me in with the way you depict nature, in this case, the storm. I know I repeat myself, but I love the way you do this. The mare and Arod together must be a sight to behold! Legolas really has made a lot of friends. *smiles fondly at Elfwine* And of course a nine-year-old cannot be called a boy any longer. *g* I love the atmosphere you conjure up in this stall, with the two horses and the boy and the storm... It seems the mare has truly made her decision now. You have a wonderful way to describe horses - you give them so much personality, but they never appear too human. I think I will expect each horse I meet to act like this from now on, it seems so natural. ;-)

Arod has obviously a gift to comfort more people than just his master. Hehe, I can easily believe Eomer would have been frantic! These young ones never consider how much concern they cause with their actions. *g* Well, that woman is obviously not awestruck at the sight of an elf. *giggle* “All mothers are forces of nature, and not to be trifled with, my friend,” - LOL!

*sigh* It's so nice how his three friends keep watch over him, and I like the idea to bring him into the garden, unconscious or not. Though I hope for Gimli's sake that Legolas wasn't able to hear that "wilted flower" remark. *g*

Arod and Elfwine on a stealth mission, hm? ;-) Legolas really has wonderful friends, both four-legged and two-legged. “He loves you, too, Master Gimli.” - LOL! I bet Gimli didn't want to hear that comment, however true it undoubtedly is.

Oh, you even give Olorin an appearance in the story! *huggles author and Olorin* And of course he knows already what's going to happen with LEgolas and Gimli. *g* "Waking up was like surfacing after a dive into a great container of his favorite pudding." - *imagines Legolas jumping into container with pudding and giggles*

*happy sigh* That was the perfect ending for a perfect chapter! :)


Author Reply: Isn't Elfwine funny? He just kind of slipped into the story and kept stealing the show, so to speak! LOL I had so much fun sneaking him out of the house and getting him to the barn before that whopping big storm hit! Of course, he got into BIG trouble with his father later, but hey - he had to check on Arod! Yes, I do believe the mare is here to stay, although Legolas will have one more conversation with her to be sure.

I'm glad you appreciate the woman that our friends are staying with - she's a very practical, salt-of-the-earth type, not too impressed by titles or elves! ;-) After a few days of letting Legolas sleep and not being able to rouse him, I think Aragorn is ready to try anything to bring him around. There is one other place back at the beginning of the story when Eomer says almost the same thing as Gimli in comparing Legolas to a flower that needs the sun and fresh air to thrive! *g*

Elfwine is your typical 9 year old - if the elf can't come to him, he's going to find a way to go to the elf, especially when everyone is becoming so worried about the continued unconsciousness. And of course, Arod is Legolas' friend and he MUST come, too! Stealth mission, indeed! LOL

I just had to give Olorin a cameo appearance! *g* And glad you find the pudding reference amusing...wait until Legolas actually gets hold of some! LOL

Thank you, are really encouraging me with this story...I am stuck on chapter 21 and these reviews of the past are acting like well-placed cable jumpers on my poor, run-down battery! *frowns* What a silly comparison! :-/ Oh well, THEY ARE!


Silivren TinuReviewed Chapter: 7 on 7/30/2006
I am sorry to hear about the illness of your mother, I hope she has recovered completely by now. I know hos difficult such a situation can be - my own mother had an accident some months ago and was completely unable to move for more than a month. Situations like that can be very frightening and sometimes do not even leave the room to *think* about writing.

Alright, back to the story. :) I think I'm going to need tissues if you go on like that. This is both sweet and heartbreaking. *sniff* "I will be with you every step of the way. I will not leave you." - *sigh* Friendship is something wonderful to write about, isn't it? I love it that the mare still refuses to leave.

"Leaving the walkway, he approached the tree, his awestruck gaze tracing the trunk up and up, following the graceful branching of limbs draped in a gray-green robe of leaves and mist." - I love this description and Legolas' interaction with the tree! It seems we both have a liking for oak trees. ;-) Wow! You leave me slightly speechless here- what a wonderful idea to bring Nienna and the Valar into the story in such a way! I'm so glad they want to help Legolas, he really deserves it! "no one of importance" - *snorts and mutters something about stupid, stubborn elves* "As for your fears of eternal separation from them…you must, in the end, trust that He will reunite all of you someday.” - *sniff, sigh* Legolas is not the only one who feels comforted here... So that is why he suddenly started weeping before. *huggles soundly sleeping Elf*

What a description of the sea, I feel as if I were right there standing on these shores now! This chapter was so incredibly beautiful! *sigh* For the moment I think words are a bit inadequate...

Tinu *sigh*

Author Reply: Thanks for your good thoughts about my mom - we had a terrible few months then dealing with medication/dosage, but finally all seems to have settled down. It is very hard to watch a parent grow old and lose their health bit by bit.

I do love writing about the strong bond of friendship between Legolas and Aragorn (and Gimli *dodges an elbow from an irritable dwarf*). And reading about it, too! :-) (And I'll try to remember to post a tissue warning next time!)

Now Tinu, you know that wherever Legolas goes, he is going to find a sympathetic tree...and you are right, it always seems to be an OAK!

I had to find a way for Legolas to get some help...he is not going to leave Middle-earth, no matter what pressure is put on him (short of death or fading.) I got to thinking about this friendship and how important it would be to Aragorn to have that support during his reign...and how things don't JUST happen...everything happens for a reason. Well, if the elf is to stay to help the new King establish a stable, peaceful reign that will help heal the Shadow-torn world, then he needs some big-time help to do so! Enter Nienna - you'll note she says that Legolas' plight was 'brought to her attention'. Soooo....

Legolas is such a humble Prince - really! Tolkien never had him do anything to bring attention to himself or his heritage - can't you just hear him saying 'Who, me? Why me?' So Nienna comforts him concerning the losses to come and then takes him to discover some really important things about his relations with the sea and the Song...Thank you for thinking this was are toooooo kind, my friend!


Silivren TinuReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/30/2006
Hm, the first sentence doesn't sound very reassuring. *starts worrying* After the last chapter I had already begun to fear that the sea-longing would affect Legolas again soon. If she doesn't want LEgolas, that horse must be crazy - or perhaps she values her freedom too much. *sigh* Poor elf, his heart has obviously already made the decision. I fear it will be very painful for him if he has to let her go. I really liked Arod feeling insulted on Legolas' behalf. *pats horse* The story about Legolas and the stallion is fascinating, I can understand that he wants the mare so much now. Uh-oh, that's not good. It seems Strider has said the wrong thing. I wish Legolas would come back, I have a bad feeling about this...

The description of the conversation between Legolas and the mare was wonderful, I could nearly hear her voice in my mind - and it seems to me she has not yet decided whether she will leave or come back. I feel so sorry for Legolas, he is obviously convinced that all his hopes have been crushed once again. *sigh* I wish he would allow his friends to help him, instead of hiding away. Stubborn pointy-eared princeling. *grumbles* Wait a moment - what watcher? Oh no! Worrying for that wayward elf is going to kill me - will you STAY AWAY FROM THESE ORCS??? *tries to drag Legolas back to the camp and gets dragged through the trees instead*

*sigh* Alright, apart from being worried I really like Legolas in warrior mode, and your battle scene is great. I knew it! NO! Legolas must not fall into the hands of orcs! I want to see an irate ranger and dwarf right now! How will Legolas be able to handle this on top of the sea-longing and everything else? I really didn't expect that turn of events - it seems you have found a wonderful new way to torture your characters and readers. ;-) I'm so glad I don't have to wait for the next chapter...

Hurry up! Yes, go and look for him, and be quick about it, before the orcs hurt Legolas even more! "Ai, Legolas, could you not trust me?" - Indeed! *glares at stubborn unconscious elf* If they don't hurry up I'll have to hop in there and... well, do something. Good that they have Aravir with them who can communicate with the trees.

"His voice broke. "They have Legolas."
He felt a strong hand clasp his arm and tug him up to his feet with inexorable strength. "Not for long, lad," a gruff, implacable voice said and he looked down into the dark eyes of an enraged dwarf." - I loved that! *huggles man and dwarf* I also loved the mare coming back and leading them to Legolas. I'm so glad they found him! I love it how gentle and concerned they all are towards Legolas, I think he really needs some care now. I like rescue-and-comfort scenes. :)

Poison, too? Oh dear, the poor elf.

"Closing his eyes, he allowed the sweet song of healing he had learned at the side of the Lord of Imladris to sing through him and flow into the suffering body of his friend.
We are here, Legolas. You are safe. I have not the skill of my Adar, but take my strength now and rest." - That was so beautiful! I loved the idea with the "song of healing". Well, this chapter leaves me very, very worried. Boy, I LOVE your writing! :)


Author Reply: Suildad, Tinu! (You were really busy reading and reviewing yesterday!) *bows and sends you a big hug...and maybe some chocolate to help keep your energy up* LOL Yes, Legolas is on a veritable roller-coaster right now...up one minute and down the next! He was so excited to catch a horse that reminded him so much of the Sun Stallion of his very young youth, and now she won't cooperate and give him the time of day! You are right, he has his heart set on her and he was so sure he could reach her. Now that it seems he has failed, the strong disappointment is really affecting him (and not helped much because, right again, the sea-longing is also sneaking up on him once more.) Arod, bless him, tries to help, but to no avail and Strider just pushes the WRONG button!

So one last try with the mare - and he lets her go. The sea's call is very strong - ah, yes let's hit the trees and hide for awhile! That always helps! He is really hurting, but finds something to take his mind off his trouble! (Do you think if we tell his Ada that Legolas is making some really poor choices that he might be able to keep up with his wayward son? I know I'm tired!) :-)

Trust me, Tinu, glaring at unconscious elves doesn't help at all! LOL I am glad the fight scene and the following scenes with Gimli and Strider and the others looking for our captive elf were ok...I remember when I wrote this I had a hard time (my first battle and hurt-Legolas scene) with it. Yes, Gimli won't stand around and wring his hands...he's an all-out, go-get-'em dwarf! And the mare sensed trouble as she was leaving and turned back into the forest to see how her elf fared. I don't think she'll be leaving any time soon. So Strider and Gimli and Eomer finally reclaim their friend, who is not in the best of shape. *sigh* Strider (aka Elessar)I have always thought really came into his full power as a healer once he came to the throne. He'll need every bit of it now, I fear. Gee, I'm so sorry you are worried about the Prince!*g*
Once again, thank you for taking time out of your day to read and review!


Silivren TinuReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/30/2006
I love seeing Arod and Legolas so happy together, though I have a feeling that the poor elf has no chance against a playful Arod. *g* "that braid is not removable" - *giggle* Something tells me that Legolas might look a bit disheveled this morning. I really like the idea that Arod will stay with Legolas, a separation would have been so hard for both of them - I was curious whether Arod would really be willing to leave Legolas and go back to the herds, it seems I have my answer. ;-)

I can't believe Eomer told Legolas about Aragorn's "trees and rope and singing" remark, lol! It seems Legolas does not have much trust in his friend's talents as a singer. *giggle* Did I already mention somewhere that I love your sense of humour?! I'm really curious now what kind of new horse you have in mind for Legolas. It is wonderful to see Legolas well and happy again, and I am glad that he is so well-loved and worried over. If his friends would not care about him so much, that stubborn elf would probably succeed in killing himself while trying to suffer through his problems alone one day. *shakes head*

I love your descriptions of Rohan and nature - I always enjoy it when the beauty of nature shines through in a story, and your images are so peaceful and beautiful. I'm glad Legolas did not choose the black horse - somehow I can't see him riding a black horse, the contrast would be so strong. Well, I would probably have gotten used to it, but I'm already looking forward to the search, and this would have spoilt it. ;-) "When sleep claimed him, his dreams led him down the shady paths of Eryn Lasgalen, his father’s strong hand resting on his shoulder and his beautiful voice blending in song with his son’s." - I really liked that! :)

This mare sounds truly beautiful, though poor Legolas will obviously be teased relentlessly because of his choice. *g* It sounds like just the right horse for an elven prince. I wonder if Arod will approve. I loved the descriptions, the horses and the humour in this chapter! :)


Author Reply: Hi there! You picked out some of my favorite scenes in this chapter - the great chase scene between Arod and Legolas being one of them. LOL And poor Legolas was so guilt-ridden about Arod's injury, it didn't even occur to him to ask Arod what he would prefer. He just figured freedom would be the answer. NOT!

Ah yes, the trees and rope and singing threat - I really must see what that is all about! :-) Amen to the stubborn elf - the ellon needs a keeper! Any volunteers? ;-)

Thank you for liking the descriptions of nature - sometimes they feel awfully wordy, but they keep sneaking in, as you will discover as you read further. *g* Storm belongs to Elfwine, heart and hoof - Legolas wouldn't dream of trying to come between the boy and horse! Another favorite part of mine - Legolas walking the elven path of dreams with his Adar, singing a little duet with him!

Yes, the golden mare - a girl, and bound to be lots of trouble, according to Master Gimli! *snicker* But I am CERTAIN that our Prince can handle her! Right???? Thank you, Tinu, for taking the time to review...(the elf says 'hannon le' also...along with 'I am NOT stubborn!') I say "HA!" :-)


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