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The Golden Bell of Greenleaf  by lwarren 176 Review(s)
ManderlyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/17/2004
Yay! You are writing more! A great beginning and the bond between Legolas and Arod is so real that one forgets that Arod is a horse. The bantering between them can almost be mistaken for that between Legolas and Gimli. I am anxious to see where you will take this story. Please keep on writing!

Author Reply: I think these two know each other very well by now, and Arod probably knows how best to deal with an overanxious elf! Thank you for reviewing, Manderly! More soon!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/17/2004
Well, if you have an injured horse, who better to appear than the Rohirrim? I can imagine that they know more about horses than anyone. Still, I can see lessons about mortality here for Legolas. Sigh. It must be hard to watch many of those you love die.

Author Reply: I think, in addition to knowing they will eventually die, actually seeing how time and age affect his mortal friends will be hard for Legolas. And yes, the Rohirrim calvery to the rescue! Thank you for reviewing, daw!

SivanReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/17/2004
I'm glad you post you story here, and I hope to see more of it. (MC! Yahoo list)

I love what I read, thank you!

Keep up the perfect work that you are doing with your fic.


Author Reply: Hi Sivan! I recognized your name from before...thank you for reviewing and I'm glad you're enjoying the story (and you remembered it, too! *g*) More to come soon, I hope!

Rose SaredReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/17/2004
Oh no, Arod is not going to take kindly to having his paces curtailed and poor old Leggy is set fair to lose another mortal friend. Tough being an elf.
Lovely horsey stuff.
Lovely writing
well done

Author Reply: Arod is not going to take kindly to a lot of things in the future, but he loves his elf and will cooperate, I think! I told you it was a horsey story! Thank you for reviewing, RS!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/17/2004
I love the relationship between Legolas and Arod. They are the best of friends - and talk like it! What a great horse-centric start. I hope Arod survives this injury. I'm sure Legolas will just want to have him around for rather longer.

Trust the Rohirrim to understand a delay that is horse-related. They must be really glad to have Arod in Legolas's hands - he couldn't have a better carer.

I like it when Legolas decides philosophically that the search will give Eomer an excuse to leave Edoras. And when he tells Arod not to let Gimli know that the elf had been acting as a servant to his horse.

Author Reply: I have always loved the thought of the elves relating so closely to their horses, and you have Arod accepting Legolas as his rider right away in the book. Then he accepted Gimli on his back, too, and that would have taken a special sort of communication for that to happen, I think! LOL

Yes, Legolas is a good one to have charge of Arod's care - though I think he might argue with you about that! He's feeling rather guilty about Arod's injury.

Yes, Gimli would find something to tease the elf about here - even if it's just to tell him he's acting like Mother Legolas to a HORSE! Thank you for the review, Bodkin! :-)

TinnuialReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/17/2004
What a lovely start to this story....I loved how Legolas and Arod have this beautiful connection to each other and how all of Meduseld was in uproar over their disappearance!!! Looking forward to more chapters....

Author Reply: You wouldn't know it from the beginning (when I posted, my stupid computer messed up a whole paragraph that I need to repair), but Legolas and Arod were expected in Edoras! When they were late, everyone freaked! LOL...and I like thinking that the Rohirrim have gotten over their suspicions of elf-kind, especially where this particular elf is concerned, and he has become a valued friend to Eomer and his people! Thank you for the review, Tinnuial! :-)

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