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The Golden Bell of Greenleaf  by lwarren 13 Review(s)
-Reviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/23/2004
Love the story.....really love it. i don't know what else to say....its good. can't wait for the next chapter.

Author Reply: Why, thank you so much! I'm glad you are enjoying the story so far. I'll try to get the next chapter up sooner than these 2! :-) Thank you again.


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/23/2004
I never thought I'd enjoy a horse story so much. Very well written, and I think your squirrels are lucky to have you.

Author Reply: Why, thank you so much, Larner. I am so glad you are enjoying the story. Arod kind of grows on you, doesn't he? He's a very personable and practical horse, is our Arod! :-) I never thought I'd ever write a horse story, tho' I've loved reading them since I was about 10! My squirrels...ah, ya gotta love the little critters, they do have their moments! LOL However, they've kept me from my elf and horse for well over 2 rude! Things have settled down some, so we'll see! *g* Thanks again for the kind review! (I read Light on the Way the day before I got are some kind of writer!)


BodkinReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/22/2004
Elfwine is asking for trouble - with all the best motives in the world of course. Would he count as a killer squirrel, or doesn't he have the right qualities? Maybe if Legolas wakes up and says how helpful he has been, Eomer's wrath will be mitigated. And perhaps not.

I love the bossy motherly woman of Rohan. Not even great warriors can stand against her.

The mare must have decided to hang around if she is prepared to go into a barn with Arod. Legolas will be pleased.

Wonderful experience for Legolas - but I'm glad he is waking up.

Author Reply: Elfwine would fit right in with Stephen in my class - though he is much more thoughtful! Hmmm, maybe he could give caring, not sneaking out!
Isn't it funny how kids have the best intentions in mind, right before the hand of doom descends on them? LOL

Yes, the elf has to wake up and get on with training his new horse!!! Or maybe she'll train him! Actually, I'll bet Arod will take them both in hand (umm...hoof!)

I think Legolas is better armed now against the grief he will eventually face and the sea...not immune to them, but better prepared. And Nienna was concerned with healing and the learning of endurance through grief.

Thanks again for reviewing! :-)


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