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The Making of a Ringbearer I: Adrift  by Henna Gamgee 40 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 6/19/2008
Nice that in your story's cae it is Saradoc and Esmeralda who realize solution to the problem first. Nice.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 8 on 6/19/2008
How wonderful to know love of this sort.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 7 on 6/19/2008
Lovely! And I'm proud he already knew that phrase.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 6/19/2008
A plausible first meeting. I have them meeting with Aragorn leading a troupe of Dunedain quickly through the Shire from the Bridge toward the Sarn Ford on a report that unknown Men had been seen approaching the Shire from that direction. Now, what will Frodo remember some thirty-five or so years from now?

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 6/19/2008
Poor lad has been caught! Now, if only it's Rangers that have found him, good will come out of this.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/17/2008
Good--caught in his own machinations!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/17/2008
He is indeed being ignored a bit too much, and Saradoc thinking that Bolo taking Frodo outside is a good thing is itself a bad thing. And now Merry's born--at least one good thing to come out of this period of time.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/16/2008
Ah, how sweet!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/16/2008
Somehow Bolo doesn't strike me as the type of cousin I'd have room with someone like little Frodo. And he's looking forward to Bilbo's coming? Good!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 11 on 1/31/2008
Hello Obelia--

Having come to the end of Anchored, I suddenly realized that I had never read the first one! I have to say, I really enjoyed this--your Bilbo and your Merry are so delightful here, especially. And I liked how concerned Saradoc and Esmeralda were, even though they did not have the time they'd wish for Frodo.

The episode of meeting with Estel and the Elves was well handled, and a lot of fun to read. I was quite glad to see the dastardly Bolo recieve his "come-uppance".

And it explained something--I'd always thought your hobbits seemed a bit young for their ages, and I now realize what it is--while both of us use a formula for figuring the maturity of young hobbits in comparison to young humans, you use 18 as the "coming of age" figure, while I use the more traditional 21. So naturally, it makes them all seem much younger than mine! (By the way, I've no objection to the use of a different formula, or even to those who use no formula at all--I just like knowing that the difference is there!)

Now that both "Adrift" and "Anchored" are finished, can we hope to see the third story in your trilogy make its appearance? I assume--and hope--that it covers the years between Bilbo's leaving and the Quest. I know that you're finishing up your doctorate this year, which is going to take up most of your time--but I do hope that you'll find a chance to think a bit about hobbits as well!

Author Reply: I'm so glad you enjoyed Part 1! I'm like you, I like to write with specific age equivalents in mind. :) Not only is my coming of age younger than yours, but since my formula is nonlinear, very young hobbits are equivalent to humans only half their age. The ratio approaches and passes 2/3 as they age. Elderly hobbits end up equivalent to humans 3/4 their age. (100yo hobbit = 75yo human) Weird, yes, but oh well.

I am indeed still planning to write the third part! For awhile I thought I should just stop with Anchored, but I have so many ideas for the post-Bilbo-leaving, pre-Quest period, I really want to continue! Anchored ended up being largely about Frodo's relationship with Bilbo; I didn't get to explore Sam, Merry and Pippin nearly enough. Part 3 will undoubtedly proceed at the same painfully slow pace as Anchored has been lately, but if people can tolerate that, I will certainly be writing it. And I'm thinking there will be a post-graduation, pre-new job period in my life, which should be highly conducive to thinking about hobbits. ;)

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