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Going, Going, Gone  by Lindelea 47 Review(s)
BodkinReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/5/2004
Poor Frodo. This is probably more difficult to deal with than the usual physical decline - how on earth can anyone copy with invisibility?

Merry must be completely shattered. And goodness knows how Pippin will react.

And as a long term problem - how can he carry on as Master of Bag End? How can he 'leave' his property to Sam? Two witnesses - yes - Merry and Pippin - but where would he find the other five? How can he be 'dead' or 'gone' and yet be there at the same time? So many questions.

Frodo needs a resolution, a happy ending - and yet there just isn't one. A tragic character.

Author Reply: Well, don't give up quite yet. I'm a sucker for a happy ending, as you know. Though there's none in sight at the moment...

(sorry about that bad pun)

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/4/2004
This is a really eerie concept. Poor Frodo - how on earth will he cope with this?

Thank goodness Rosie has a lot of sense and seems to be able to take things in her stride.

Do Merry and Pippin know yet? This is going to be an appalling shock - either to be told now or to find out that Frodo has disappeared in the other sense, if he just tries to pretend he has left the Shire.

Author Reply: I have the feeling Merry & Pippin will find out soon. Thanks!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/3/2004
What is happening to Frodo is really spooky - he is dealing with it really well, but Merry and Pippin must know. They and Sam are the only ones who can really understand the background.

Author Reply: I don't think Frodo's going to be able to keep this under wraps forever.

Thanks for commenting!

LindorienReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/3/2004
Okay - I realize its a mixture of angst and humor - but his shoulder disappearing! yes, i'm giggling. I do hope that is the right place to do it. Over on my LJ, Lindelea. Go read it - it's the Wonderland Annex and quite disreputable. I don't have all that many entries - 20 total. But I have a couple of Badfics in truly poor taste posted there - Ivory Tower and Murky Waters. Just read, tell me what you think. It's like what I can't put in the mature version of Lindorien in Wonderland. So - is frodo goin to become translucent?

Oh - this - Once Sam gets used to the idea, it'll be back to the salt mines for you...'

Now ain't that the truth!

Author Reply: Too true. And it gets worse.

I will look in your LJ when I have some leisure for reading. At the moment I have a 6yo with tummy bug subject to sudden violent eruptions without warning. As it is I'm simply stealing a moment, while she's sleeping, to post a new chapter.

But I am getting into the mood for some poor taste... I reely reely want to add a chapter to "Angst" but I don't have enough names of LOTR fanfic awards collected yet...

Poor Frodo. *sigh* I'm afraid worse is yet to come.

LindorienReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/1/2004
Okay, this has me giggling. Am I supposed to be giggling? Because if this is a Very Serious Work, then I have a Very Serious Problem. The thought of Frodo fading away, starting with his hand and Sam shaking it. It just reminded me of Lindorien erasing Faramir's arm. Sorry about that. Anyway, please let me know if I am having the appropriate reaction. Lindorien

Author Reply: Ah. You have good instincts. This story is of that curious breed: Angst/humour. Yes, it is appropriate to giggle, if you are giggling in the right places, that is.

Thanks for commenting!

Author Reply: p.s. Lindorien erased Faramir's arm? There has got to be more to that story... Do tell!

OakWolfReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/1/2004
Oh goody goody goody!Fine job Lindelea,I thought Frodo would surely be invicible by the tale's end,good twist just enough citrus without the full lemon!(and I apologize if I misspelled Invisable,Ack I have no idea what Im doing!)Great Job!!

Author Reply: Why, thank you for your encouraging words! Nice turn of phrase: Just enough citrus without the full lemon... catchy!

Connie B.Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/27/2004
Interesting. Well we now know the plot twist and the meaning of the title. I think I'm gonna like this one.

Thanks for posting this "oldie but goodie"

Connie B.

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