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Legolas's Begetting Day  by daw the minstrel 29 Review(s)
Estel_Mi_OlorReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/28/2004
"He could not understand why Eilian liked to do that with maidens, but he did. To Legolas, kissing on the mouth looked like a really embarrassing thing to do." :) Legolas is just too cute! I know I had this attitude-as all children do-but I still find it adorable!

The Great Hall Fiasco was hilarious. You don't usually imagine the graceful, poised first-born tumbling over each other. Poor Green-y. If those mice don't get stepped on sooner or later, they are going to die from heart failure.

I loved the ambiguity of the title. It serves to explain the clue-but also to describe Legolas and co. during that finding-the-lavender scene. Eilian should realize it's his fault they're annoying him. Amelith seems rather empty headed and annoying-glad he married Celuwen in the end.

The flashback is great! I love how you're taking it from everybody's POV. I believe Lorellin is next? It is so sad to read about the joy Thranduil and everyone will have in Legolas's birth, and how wonderful it is that he will have Lorellin to be his nana. Just so sad knowing about her death!

I can't wait to find out how Eilian and Maltanuar escape the Orcs, and whether the mice are returned to the impregnable fortress. Cheers and keep writing!

Author Reply: I thought it was funny that Legolas just sees this kissing on the mouth thing as one of Eilian's little quirks,like liking porridge better than bread or something. Legolas has to just wrinkle his nose and avert his eyes. Of course, one of the these days he'll be able to make use of his observations!

Wood elves would try not to step on a little critter, I think. They're in tune with nature. Not that they want the little beasts in the house, necessarily. And the chatterings pests did indeed interrupt big brother.

I had originally thought that I would get into Lorellin's head but then I realized that I'm using people's memories, so I can't because she's not around to do the remembering. Sigh. Her family needs her still, I think.

Impregnable fortress! Heeheee.

tigerlily713Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/28/2004
Wonderful chapter! The chattering pest! Brilliant! I can just see you in front of your computer snickering and giggling at the antics of the elflings.

Author Reply: Oh you have me pegged! I was giggling like crazy at my own jokes. How pathetic is that? LOL.

Glad you liked it, Lily.

JuleReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/28/2004
Green-y and the can really liven up a party. That whole scene was very funny. Wood elves were going to automatically try not to step on an animal, even a mouse. Thranduil's worry was realistic. No matter how well Legolas can climb, his Ada is still going to worry to see him up high.

I thought the whole point of Eilian watching the elflings was so they weren't wandering around by themselves causing trouble/getting hurt or lost. This scavenger hunt has so far tried to send them somewhere the cook thought would be dangerous, then to the great hall where there would be tons of elves to climb a pillar. Is the next clue going to have them juggling knives in the dungeons.

Seriously, I do love this story and was thrilled to see a new chapter. Can't wait for the next one.

Thanks for writing


Author Reply: You are so right about the Wood-elves! I couldn't see them being grossed out by the mouse or frightened by it, although, like Cook, I imagine they wouldn't want it in the food. And Legolas was high up and I think that Thranduil is a little overprotective of his baby.

What a good idea about the knives!!! LOL. No. I have other plans. However, Eilian is probably not winning points with Thranduil as a babysitter.

DotReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/28/2004
ROTFLMAO!!! This is the funniest thing I've read in ages! I can't stop laughing at Thranduil thinking Eilian called him a "chattering pest" - in front of Legolas & pals!! Anyway, I'm at work so I'll have to send in a decent review later. Sorry to take up space but I had to let you know how much I enjoyed this. If I wasn't the librarian I'd be thrown out for laughing so much... Back in a few hours... :-)

Author Reply: "Sorry to take up space" -- Yeah, 'cause authors hate hearing that their readers are disgracing themselves at work laughing at a fic! :-)

CasualisReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/28/2004
I have enough of They won't let me leave a review. I will take residence here to give you my appreciation of your story.

It is so very sweet. But I have to say that Eilian disappoints me slightly. Must still be young and more interested in the ladies than in watching over elflings. One can understand but it is no very fair for young Legolas.

Thanks for the story. Every new chapter makes my evening.

Author Reply: Welcome to Stories of Arda! It's a great site and you'll find lots to read.

Eilian is indeed young. He's 60 years older than Legolas, so he's 80 in the "present" and 60 in the flashbacks. Tolkien says some elves don't reach their full stature until they're 100, so he's pretty young. And he's going to spend the next day with Legolas. He just would like to spend some of his leave with a girl! Legolas does not understand that at all!

LOTRFaithReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/28/2004
lol... Eilian reminds me of a friend (A male friend) who like Eilian likes his 'chic's':-) Everytime I read about Eilian though it gives me hope that my friend will someday settle down with the right girl and all his well need for experience you could say will end with her:-D

lol.. I love the names of the mice! Green-y:-) lol..

Author Reply: LOL. Eilian is absorbed in this girl right now, but not so absorbed that he couldn't pass Legolas's test for him: Yes, he says, you can stay with us. And having learned what he wanted to know, Legolas is happy to go on with the treasure hunt.

I thought "green-y" was exactly the kind of name a kid would give a mouse with a green ribbon.

I am so pathetic. I'm laughing at my own story even now. How embarrassing!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/28/2004
Oh, just brilliant - so funny. Amelith calling the elflings 'sweet' and 'cute' - how insensitive.

I'm so glad Eilian was able to control his raging hormones and be nice to the elflings when they misread his clue - it certainly helped Legolas feel valued when his brother was able to remove his arms and lips from his evening's entertainment and turn his attention to them. And he passed the test when he said they could give up the hunt and join him and Amelith in the sitting room.

Poor Green-y, being the cause of all that chaos. Those elflings are bound to end up in trouble over this - as is big brother. Not the most subtle of places to hide the answer to clue 2 - or a place/answer likely to thrill Adar. I adored the look he gave Turgon when told the clue - and Legolas's hasty explanation. I think Eilian has already earned one paternal rebuke.

Loved the flashbacks - Lorellin pretending not to know about Eilian to make it easier for Ithilden. And the memories of Ithilden and Eilian's childhoods. Even in mischief, Ithilden is anxious and taking the responsibility of the world on his shoulders, whereas Eilian is frivolous and light-hearted. Naneth is right - Ithilden does need a nice elleth - it is so sad that she never got to know Alfirin or Sinnarn.

Annael is so lovable. He is just such a secure, loved elfling (until you slew his adar!!) He is also reliable, dependable (and to quote a comedy show of which you will never have heard) lots of other things ending in 'able'. And Turgon - so many good qualities, to go with the less appealing. And more open, I think, than his little brother.

Lovely way to start the day.

Author Reply: Glad you liked it, Bodkin!

You are so right that Legolas was setting a little test for Eilian, trying to see if his brother would choose him or the maiden. And once Eilian had passed, he was allowed to stay with the girl! Legolas had learned what he wanted to know, after all, and I suspect he can see that this girl is not going to be around for long. But then, they never are.

Thranduil did seem think that the use of his crown was a bit disrespectful. LOL. But he surely knows that even Eilian knows better than to call him a chattering pest. Pest maybe. Chattering? Hardly.

I had fun writing about little Ithilden and little Eilian too. And little Annael is always a delight to me. I love picturing this sweet little thing raised in such a loving home. Legolas is so lucky to have him as his friend. I do feel a little bad about Siondel. Not to mention Turgon!

Rose SaredReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/28/2004
ahh, the mice of chaos live up to their name! Great pile up, and nice labour scene. Poor Eliam, now Dad's going to break up his tryst, poor lad can't win.
Much fun ta. Rose

Author Reply: Poor Eilian indeed! He really NEVER would have called Thranduil a chattering pest. He's not insane, after all. But he probably shouldn't have used the crown. I couldn't resist though. It made me laugh when I thought of it.

Glad you liked the labor scene. It's hard to describe labor realistically even when you've been there and done that. :-)

Dragon-of-the-NorthReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/28/2004
This chapter really cracked me up - it was a perfect comedy piece, balanced by the more earnest (and very sweet and fitting) memories, but mainly such fun! Legolas innocent wondering why Eilian likes to kiss maidens on the mouth was priceless - *that* matter seems to come into the story very often... But only fitting for a begetting day story, I suppose. The flower hunt itself was quite wonderful, and I admit that I was very curious what the "chattering pest" reference meant ("flowers overhead" did make me think of Thranduil's crown, but I was quite sure that not even Eilian was going to term him a "chattering pest" - so it was doubly amusing when Turgon's words let Thranduil assume that just that had happened... *g*). "He is, in short, a Wood-elf, my poor Sindar love" - I loved that bit, too! It is most fitting, and even if said in jest, it might explain one or the other thing about your Thranduil... It is also most amusing to see where the mice turn up again - one mouse for every step of the "treasure hunt", hm? I will also admit that I am quite glad that Eilian is not going to end up with Amelith forever - she "smiles too much" indeed, or rather... she seems a bit immature and does not take children seriously, always a minus. ;-)
Great chapter once again!

Author Reply: Glad you liked it, DotN! I have to admit I laughed while I was writing it.

I had that very same thought about how whatever is Eilian is doing with Amelith may be incomprehensible to Legolas but is very fitting in a begetting day story -- although one hopes not TOO fitting!

You're very clever to think of Thranduil's crown! I would never have guessed that riddle if I hadn't written it.

It's really too bad Lorellin died. Thranduil would have been happier and a little more relaxed with her still around.

vicReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/27/2004

What a great chapter you produced for us! So beautiful and funny :-) I loved flowers being on the head of a chattering pest... sorry still rolling on the floor here... This was just brilliant! I do hope Legolas and his friends will not get into too much of a bother on the eve of the elfling's birthday. It is very interesting to see how the whole family reacted to the imminent birth of yet another son. I do hope that the whole family will be together to welcome the new addition into the world.

I hope you had a wonderful birthday yourself, with lots of presents and Legolas stories running through your head :-)


Author Reply: Thank you, Vic. Poor Eilian. In all innocence, Legolas and his friends just got him into a bit of trouble with Thranduil. Chattering pest indeed!

Elves had so few children in their very long lives that I imagine a birth was an enormously exciting event. But I'm also trying to think a little bit about how each family member must have reacted to this one in this very dangerous world they live in.

And I did have a nice birthday myself. :-)

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