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Seeds of Old Trees  by Marnie 49 Review(s)
SulrielReviewed Chapter: 6 on 9/8/2004
"For I came to see Finrod" ....

Beautiful!! I love the thought of Galadriel's reaction to that tidbit.

Author Reply: LOL! Thanks! I can safely say she's not happy :D

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 6 on 9/8/2004
I just feel another craving to say: brilliant, brilliant, Brilliant, BRILLIANT.

ElemmíreReviewed Chapter: 6 on 9/8/2004
Now that I am on fewer painkillers I can offer more useful comments. :)

>>And - if you would aid me - it should be beneath your banner, with as showy an escort as can be mustered."
When I read this, I was like...uhoh...what is he planning...this is *so* unlike Celeborn!

>>Naturally," Thingol's eyes gleamed with dangerous humour...I will give you such an entourage that his sight will be darkened, from the dazzle. All who see you will conclude that you are the equal of any of his sons. My own pride demands no less."
This whole exchange feels wonderfully in-character. Thingol is prepared to have fun with this.

>> And I will set in motion one or two small projects of my own, which I will ask permission for later; after I am assured they will work.
Celeborn has been independant for a long time...I wonder if he will over-step himself here?

>>...who had cast aside the names they gave her and taken a new, foreign one...
This sounds like a father a bit hurt, a bit bemused...even after ages without him, she still clings to the name he gave her, not the one they did!

>>Few who knew only his daughter's empathic grace, her gentleness and generosity, would suspect the streak of harmful stubbornness in her - the way she clung to hurt, though it all it achieved was to scar her.
Which your stories have always made oh-so-clear! I can't now think of her any other way.

>>Caparisoned in cloth of silver, their unbridled horses snorted, restless, and tossed the gems wound into their manes in flashes of light, as though they had waded through Varda's stars.
What a lovely image!

>>aware that he was instinctively looking for something of which to disapprove
Finarfin the wise is at least aware of it...

>>No one could be worthy of her, least of all this dark elf, youngest of a line of youngest sons, unaware of how ridiculous his display of self importance was making him look.
This is a great line...Galadriel is the youngest child of the last son of Finwë after all...and I love the oh-so-Noldor thinking that its the Umanyar that are self-important, vain-glorious, &c. when it's the Noldor whom the Sindar (and, let's be honest, everyone else) actually regard that way! I mean, this is the Elf whose city is tiled with semi-precious stone...

>>But the banners were still a touch too far. ...But all were now left behind. Dead kingdoms; vanished glory.
I'll grant dragging all your banners along is a little odd...but it ought to serve as a reminder of how strong the Elf he faces is, while Finarfin (in typical, I expect, Amanyar style) disregards them entirely.

>>His purpose is practical - to make it impossible for you to discreetly turn him away. He is not above using whatever weapon comes to hand.
Somehow I suspect it is more than seems too 'surface' a meaning.

>> I too know what it is like, to be left behind by Galadriel.
Ah hah! I'm glad you're showing this as an unexpected link between them.

>>"That may be so." Pointedly, Galadriel returned to her corner seat and took up her work again, keeping her head bent. "But still I do not want to see him."
Galadriel has run out of reasons..."but still I do not want to see him." LOL! Stubborn girl.

>>He moved to stroke the many tight braids of her hair, piled queenly on her head and aggressively pinned with rubies.
aggressively...a nice image

>>Orodreth's deep, soft tones, greeting the new arrival as a friend long missed.
yay for Orodreth!

>>"I am not promising anything," Earwen smoothed her sky-blue sleeves primly, and watched her go with narrowed eyes.
I'm really beginning to like Earwen!

>>And it has been long since she needed our advice."
Somehow I don't think Earwen believes this!

>>Finarfin's problem son-by-marriage bowed with simple courtesy; far more hesitant than his massive entourage had led Finarfin to expect.
An interesting approach...not quite the same as when he approached Fingolfin...

>>Where he had thought to face a wall of Umanyar arrogance, he was taken aback to find something far more familiar.
Again...*Umanyar* arrogance? Only a Noldo...okay, unless he had one too many run-ins with Oropher or Thranduil!

>>This man was all shadow - the moving shade and coolness of trees. One could not see what was going on in his mind, until speech broke the canopy of his thought, startling as a flight of hawks.
Oh lovely lovely image!

>>"I was not left with much choice," he said, annoyed at being thanked for something which he had been forced to do.
score 1 for Celeborn

>>He expected protest; some change at the very least in the shadows of those verdant eyes, so strangely dark. Surprise, surely? But there was nothing, save perhaps the steady interest of a chess player, who sees a long foreseen move played out. His own interest was piqued. Was this a more even match than he had suspected?
Finarfin keeps offering shallow explanations of their marriage–questioning, in much the same way, as his kinsman had done in Beleriand so many years ago! He should know better than to think his daughter would marry any less than an equal...

>>your daughter is as the North Star in my sky - the centre about which my world revolves. But I am not such a fool as to think her a liar. She said she would not see me, therefore she will not. The sight of her would be as rain to me after ten thousand years of drought,
This is so beautiful!

>>For I came to see Finrod."
LOL. Celeborn learned the art of siege well...


Author Reply: What happened - re the painkillers, I mean? I'm glad to hear you're recovering anyway. Thanks for the review! I was so happy to think that Celeborn's character was so established that his display of pomp was immediately obvious as OOC. As you can see, it was done for a practical purpose, and worked, so hopefully it's not OOC after all, just surprising.

Re Celeborn's private projects, oh yes, they overstep the line in a big way :)

In thinking of Umanyar arrogance Finarfin is thinking of people like Eol and Oropher, even Thingol on his bad days. I think that in the pig headed 'I'm better than you' stakes they could give any Noldo a run for their money!

As far as the banners go, their purpose was mostly just display, but also to remind Galadriel of the long history he and she had together - all the places they ruled together and all of those times. I don't know if I'll be able to get that in to a later chapter, so it's nice to be able to say it here.

I like Orodreth. He's another character who gets abused by the fandom, just because the nutters are more charismatic than he is. He did OK as king of Nargothrond before bloody 'walking disaster' Turin turned up.

My feeling was that Celeborn would be more nervous on meeting Finarfin than on meeting Fingolfin because Finarfin was his father in law, and because he felt himself to be in the wrong in having stayed away so long. Also, because he's there as a private person and not as a representative of his people, he can afford to *look* more nervous than he did with Fingolfin.

Glad you liked Celeborn's unexpected move at the end. I did enjoy doing that :)

Many thanks again!

Marnie :-)

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 6 on 9/8/2004
Oh great. I was so happy to come in to this.

I just love Celeborn's sheer intelligence in dealing with the Galadriel situation. Of course he hasn't come with all the pomp and circumstance to see his wife - of course he accepts her word that she won't see him. Of course his sole ambition is to see Finrod.

His resistance to his grandfather's fate is interesting, too - and his concern for the houseless elves remaining in Arda.

I like Finarfin and Earwen - and their slight exasperation with the tantrums of their 20,000 odd year old daughter. Some things never change. Interesting that Finarfin should have some fellow feeling from having been abandoned - and the likeness of Celeborn to Earwen.

I must say I am looking forward to the eventual meeting of Celeborn and Galadriel.

More soon? Please.

Author Reply: Thanks for the review, Bodkin! Of course Celeborn's announcement that he doesn't want to see his wife is not intended to provoke her to such fury that she wants to rush out and tell him where to get off. That would be sneaky and underhanded, and far too low for a noble elf-lord ;) I'm delighted that you see that.

I do feel that someone ought to be concerned about the houseless ones and the orcs, and all those missing characters like Daeron and Maglor, who are doomed to wandering the world. The fact that Celeborn has a family member in such circumstances just makes it easier for him to care.

I think that, given the chance, Finarfin and Celeborn will get on fine - they're very similar. But that rather depends on what Galadriel decides. I'm not looking forward to their meeting, because it's going to be far too complicated!

Thanks ever so much for a great review.

SphinxReviewed Chapter: 6 on 9/8/2004
You really do know how to return with a bang. ;)

And you promised me Galadriel. But furniture throwing scene is yet to come. I want to see a furniture throwing scene.

I am not above bribery.

And Melian's -

"You are a hard man to compliment,". Never a truer word said. What a brilliant insight.

*swoon* I think I have returned to shameless fangirlyness. Lack of fanfic and the fandom at large has done this to me.

Celeborn is such a tactician. I think that's what I love most about him, and its something I always try and bring out. And it was such fun to read your version of Finarfin's impressions of him. *big grin*

Sorry about the lack of email, but RL has been insane and full of evil things called assignments.

Do update. :D

Author Reply: Thanks!

I promised Galadriel and I delivered Galadriel, but I'm afraid the furniture throwing scene is likely to take place out of doors, so there won't be any furniture to throw.

I'm glad you liked Melian's words. Celeborn's imperviousness to praise intregues me. As my muse he keeps saying things like 'you're making me too nice, stop it!' or 'not everyone likes me you know - make sure you write down that some people think I'm a jerk.' I find it rather touching, but then I have long been abandoned to swooning shameless fangirliness, and I'm always glad to pass it on ;)

Exactly, he is a tactician - he's shrewd and practical, and that's so rare in elves that it's no wonder he's called 'the wise', the majority of the mystic types like Gildor, Elrond and Galadriel just don't think like that.

I'm glad too that you approved of the meeting with Finarfin, though you've set the standard for that. Did you know yours was praised on HASA recently?

Hope studying gets better! Thanks again.

LayangabiReviewed Chapter: 6 on 9/8/2004
And with the dawn of September comes the new chapter by Marnie...:)
Sorry I haven't answered your mail yet friend, it's hell month. *-* I'll email you asap, but yeah...

(but of course, chapter 6 came out and I could not resist :D)

I am pleased to see that Celeborn, indeed, is *so* not willing to let the issue with Elmo slide, or indeed, the issue of all their lost kin. *waves Sindarin flag yet again*

(On sidenote, was quite pleased to see one of Oropher's grandchildren or greatchildren running around Valinor...well of course he'd have some around, but hey...:D)

I find it...amusing...that Earwen is rolling her eyes at her daughter, while with Finarfin, Galadriel is still daddy's little girl...o.O heh heh heh But it's nice to see that he's aware of her weaknesses and strength, the kind of person who'd be good for her. Finarfin, meet your son-in-law. :D "I've gone to see Fingon indeed" *snort* Yes, I know that he's on serious business, and he has getting back Galadriel in mind, but if galadriel had been listening by the door, what a way to burst her bubble. XD

Something i'd like to ask about Amdir: *raises hand* When Thingol said most of his folk were Avari I got the impression that he was referring to the Noldor Avari, not "their own kin." Am I right? And if so, how did that happen?

Author Reply: Yes, it's nice to be back in the saddle :) I do hate the holidays! No worries re the email, though I always enjoy getting it.

As far as Elmo goes, I recently put a picture of him up on my site, with the result that I've rather fallen in love with him. Someone needs to rescue him, definately.

Off the record I can definately confirm that that was Legolas' daughter who was dancing with Beleg - I think they may be an item.

Glad you liked Celeborn's sneaky strategy :) It's rather funny to imagine Galadriel's reactionwhen she hears. And as for Amdir, no, I meant that most of his folk were Lindar Avari, from the early days of Lorinand. He has some Noldor avari too - they had spread all the way to Beleriand by the first age, so I think it's reasonable that some might have settled in Lorien.

Anyway, many thanks for the review!

SphinxReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/24/2004
An orc? An orc!!?!?!?

You put Agatha Christie to shame. Cliffhanger skills are brilliant, Marnie.

Remind me to bug you for more of Elladan in the future. ;)

'pologies for the delays - RL has been hectic.

I love Elu in this. The way he comes out in his dressing gown, the way he talks, the way he always seems to be *there*. And...Calandil's back! That should be reason enough to celebrate. I've told you time and again how much I like him.

But Galadriel should enter. Now. And then the fireworks shall begin. :)

Author Reply: My cliffhangers have a tendancy to be like those ones in the old serials at the movies, where you'd end the film with him falling off the cliff and go 'OMG! what happens next!' and then next week go back only to find that he'd had his foot on a ledge all along :)

No more Elladan in this one, I'm afraid. And sadly hardly any more Elu - as you know he's my second favourite elf ever :) Calandil insisted that I couldn't just leave him like that, since everyone else in the world was getting in the fic, and who am I to resist?

I can indeed promise Galadriel next chapter, and Finarfin, and one or two other Noldor. But sadly, now the summer holidays have arrived and my children are at home all day long, the next chapter won't be until September.

Many thanks for the review!

Marnie :-)

ArquenReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/22/2004
Just ran across this story last night. This is wonderful! I don't think anyone can write Celeborn the way you do. And I try to immitate the way you write Elves, the way you make them Elves, instead of like some writers who make them seem like only glorified humans. I can't wait to see where this story goes. It is truly intriguing.

Author Reply: Thanks Arquen! Particularly about thinking that my elves are elvish - I do try hard to remember they aren't human :) But don't imitate me! Any success I might have comes through the fact that I imitate Tolkien :) Check out the elvish scenes in The Hobbit for inspiration!

Thanks again!

Marnie :-)

npkeditReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/21/2004
I'm new to LOTR fic, but have always been a Celeborn fan and everyone I consulted told me I had to read your stuff. I have not been disappointed. Actually, I'm enthralled.

The comparison of the Elu/Melian and Celeborn/Galadriel relationships is intriguing (and, I think, spot on). I liked Celeborn's initial anger at Melian--struck me as very realistic. And his insight into Melian's difficulties is wonderful--he really is one of the few Sindar elves who could appreciate her position.

And that Elmo stunner at the end...very powerful.

I, for one, am riveted and can't wait to see the next chapter.

Author Reply: Many thanks for the review, npkedit :) It's always a delight to meet another Celeborn fan. I only started to write about him because I wanted to read about him and no one else seemed to be interested. Things have much improved since then - be sure to look up Bodkin, Nilmandra, Bejai, Sphinx, and JastaElf for great stories featuring Celeborn.

Alternatively, visit my site, where I've been collecting good Celeborn stories, and you can find all of the above and more:

A lot of the Third Age elves we meet seem modled on one or other aspect of Elu Thingol - Thranduil has his underground palace by a river, Elrond has his daughter problem, and Celeborn has a similar relationship with his wife :) What this means, I don't know :)

But anyway, I'm sure you didn't expect a lecture in return! Many thanks again,

Marnie :-)

LayangabiReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/21/2004
Hooray,hooray, a new chapter of Seeds. :-D What a delightful surprise Marnie. :)

Even with, of course, the nasty shocks. >.< Good *Lord.* I never expected the Higher Powers to be so uppity about the union between an elf and a Maia. What's the matter with them? Good on Aule and Yavanna for cheering T&M on, in their own way, but what's up with the others?

And Elmo...*shudders*. Perhaps we should have guessed when we were told he'd been "taken," but it's a *nasty* shock. (please tell me there are at least some people who just aren't going to let this slide. Celeborn among them.)

You have succeeded, not only in making me feel sorry for, but *horrible* for Melian. Ouch. What would it have been like for her to welcome reembodied kinsmen one after the other, only for them to turn on her.

I find it funny that Celeborn mentions Oropher more than once, and always for his famous temper, lack of tact, and their mutual antipathy. ;), Oropher couldn't be tactful to save his life (why do I have a feeling Celeborn has a bit of nostalgia for this?).

And on a sidenote, I *really* wanna know how, and *why,* in the name of Ea, the Sindar got ahold of that diamond-woven pink tunic. o.O ... (do they go cabaret occasionally?)

Author Reply: Thanks for the review, Layangabi! To be frank, I don't think the Valar seem to be able to agree on anything, so there being some voices who didn't want to take the risk of allowing Elu and Melian to set such a precident, seems inevitable. Suppose it started happening all over the place. What chaos!

No, Celeborn is not just going to let it slip about Elmo, though whether he succeeds in doing anything may be up to the Valar. Melian got off lightly, IMO. I would have been much nastier to her than he was :)

I think you're right about Oropher - Celeborn's actually rather fond of him, though it's hard to tell under their mutual attitude problems. And the tunic... it was a gift. I'm sure it was a gift. Probably from Aegnor or Angrod, at some point when it was the height of fashion.

Hm, but I could see elves really enjoying the cabaret...

Thanks again!

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