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Elflings   by Bodkin 110 Review(s)
elliskaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 12/12/2004
Oh those children are monsters! What did they put in the food and drink?! I have to admit, I played that very joke once. And I got exactly the same punishment. I bet Elrin loved steering the ship though. And what a wonderful idea to use Eärendil. I like to see them with him. I always felt sorry for Elrond and Eärendil and Elwing--they alway seemed so alone. Great job!

Author Reply: They think they're funny. They're only about 7 in human terms (17) and they think that they are hilarious - but I think they are approaching the age when they will learn that they can't expect to do what they want all the time. (I think they put Elven-Tabasco sauce in the wine, and vinegar maybe - and everything they could find in the sandwiches.

Elrin loved the whole experience - well, except dealing with his cousins. I don't think Earendil would mind taking him again - but he will definitely refuse to take the twins.

I've always felt for Elrond, but the story of Earendil and Elwing is one of those that sounds quite romantic until you think about it. They've chosen to be elves, right, and be immortal - and Elwing dwells in a white tower waiting for Earendil to return from his everyday job as a star. Alone, are they? Just the two of them for ever? No breaks, because of course Gil-Estel has to be in the sky every night. Separated from the elves of Aman? Who delivers food? Clothing? Do they get no company? I don't think looking down over Elrond in Imladris would be much of a consolation.

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 4 on 12/12/2004
This is great, Bodkin! And so creative to use one of their forebears with a more, um, unusual career... The kids have got such strong personalities; Eärendil was fortunate to have invited the older cousin, too... otherwise, he might have ended up crashing in Middle-earth! Silly adults, thinking that they have everything under control...

- Barbara

Author Reply: Thank you! I've actually started wondering about working conditions for poor Earendil. Does he get vacation time? Who takes over piloting Vingilot when he takes Elwing off for the weekend?

I suspect Elrohir would have been very doubtful about the outing had Elrin not been going - he is (in human years) about seven years older than them - old enough to be able to impress them a bit. And he knows them very very well. (I have them all living in a kind of elven stately home with their own apartments, so they are pretty much as close as siblings.)

The twins would have run Earendil ragged - just for the fun of it. He was rather over-confident - but he has learned!

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 4 on 12/12/2004
Poor Earendil - he really should have taken his own son and grandsons, perhaps, and Elrin - that would have been a nice group he could handle! Clearly the ellyth were too young to appreciate the opportunity and what they were getting to do. I think they must have inherited this from their mother....surely Elrohir was never this bad?

Author Reply: They would have had a good boys' night out, wouldn't they? With lots of conversation and wine and reminiscence. Well - a precedent has been set now, so maybe he will be able to invite them along another time for a bit of male bonding. Shame there won't be much point taking the fishing gear.

The ellyth are just brats at the moment - but they are at the cusp, I think. They either have to improve or become unbearable. Sirithiel is a very sweet and amiable ellyth, I'm afraid - of a line of quiet and co-operative people and she finds her daughters quite disconcerting. I think the twins have inherited their . . . force of character and determination from their great-grandmother. I can imagine Galadriel might have been an interesting child to raise.

SharonBReviewed Chapter: 4 on 12/12/2004
LOL, such miscreants those charming children are turning out to be! They creatively made those sandwiches on purpose that way? Poor Earendil, he's lucky the ship didn't crash into Middle Earth with them aboard. ;-) The little ones certainly do take ofter ther adas do they not? This was very cute.

Author Reply: The twins are rather brattish at the moment. (I think Elrohir and Sirithiel are going to have to try something different in an attempt to civilise them.) And they are far too aware of how they can charm their way out of trouble.

Poor Earendil didn't know quite what he was taking on here and he was a bit too over confident - or he would have taken advice. And handcuffs.

sqrt(-1)Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 12/12/2004
This is such a lovely idea! And poor Earendil! To have so little experience with children, and then suddenly be stuck with three of them, by yourself, all night! I don't think Celeborn should be annoyed with the whole thing - Earendil is, in a way, getting punished for having left his children here. I wonder what Elrond thinks of his grandchildren going to work with his father?

I like seeing the elflings first-hand instead of just through their adars' conversations - will you write more of these, do you think?

Author Reply: There are two partially written - they are a bit younger in those (which is why this is number 4). And I am sure there will be more. I have some chapter titles in mind, anyway!

Earendil was a bit over-confident here - I think Galadriel should have pointed out to Celeborn that Earendil would be only too grateful to give them back. I imagine that Elrond - and maybe his sons - would have the kind of response of the offspring of many long-disappeared fathers who feel they can suddenly pop back in your life and pick up the role they abandoned. (Not that he had any choice. But he is not Ada or Daerada in the way that Elrond and Celeborn have been - and you can't pick the role up overnight.)

Glad you liked it.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 4 on 12/12/2004
Poor Earendil! The twins really are rather bratty. Elrin is a sweet kid though.

Author Reply: Yes, I'm afraid the twins are rather obnoxious at the moment. Inconsiderate. I think it's about time they began to outgrow it though. Elrin is a good kid - and copes with them quite well.

I think Earendil bit off more than he could chew. They LOOK sweet, but they are devious little madams. I think they might need a bit of time with the distaff side.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/12/2004
I know I've read at least parts of this before, Bodkin, but I enjoyed it nonethless. For one thing, I think I have the wives sorted out better now. That took me a while. Lots of adventures ahead for these families!

Author Reply: This bit is unchanged - it's just been hanging around for a long time waiting for me to stop playing with other things and finish other episodes. Two and three are dangling - but four just insisted. I think it started silly enough to keep me going on it.

It took me long enough to remember the wives' names - especially Sirithiel, for some reason. I think she's just quieter. And as for the elflings! I've now decided that I really shouldn't have called Nimloth, Nimloth - but it's too much of a palaver to sneak back and change it - and anyway, it's her name now.

I think there is a fair amount of potential for adventure!

JuleReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/7/2004
Another adorable chapter. I loved the adults reactions to the new elflings contrasted with Elrin's. I'm sure he'll like them better as soon as they are big enough to find trouble with him.

I loved the he was only gone 10 minutes line. No matter what sex or race 10 minutes is plenty of time for adventure and mischief.

The funniest line was when Miriwen said Legolas had warned Ellerina's naneth in front of witnesses so they were not responsible for the trouble the elflings would cause. Elrohir might call it pessimistic but I'm sure the rest of them would call it realistic.

I can't wait for the next part.

Thanks for writing,

Author Reply: Thank you.

Little children are nearly always disappointed with babies - they can't do much except yell and make smells! Ten minutes is plenty of time for kids to create havoc - and the kind of ten minutes when women are admiring little babies can be very elastic!

I think ensuring that Elerrina's naneth knew she had been warned was probably a very good idea. It's easy to forget just how much trouble three little ones can be.

Glad you enjoyed it.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/3/2004
It's good to have this opportunity to meet the elflings themselves again, especially the latest arrivals. The comments on how the parents tell their twins apart are interesting - I plan for Elrond and Celebrian to have a few problems there!


Author Reply: Parents seem to sort twins out quite quickly - and, actually, so do kids - perhaps they look at more than faces. It's other adults who seem to find it hardest. . . . Celeborn and Galadriel - that could be fun!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/3/2004
All I can say is that when these three visit one another, it will be as busy as a beehive. I think I might have to decline to go to their family gatherings for a while.

Author Reply: Yes, good plan. Unless the kids are palmed off on willing grandparents or some of the many staff who must litter their houses!

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