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GamgeeFest's Keepsakes  by GamgeeFest 453 Review(s)
LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 58 on 12/26/2011
What a lovely lullaby! I loved this little scene between Rosie and Frodo, how the love each one has for Sam shines through and binds them together in something of a mini-conspiracy. Rose to ask Sam to marry her! What fun!

Author Reply: Thank you, Lindelea! It was a nice scene to write. Frodo and Rosie don't often get a lot of interaction in stories. They do care for Sam, and through that come to care for each other just as deeply. And we of course know how their conspiracy turns out! ;)

Thanks for reading!

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 57 on 12/26/2011
I remember reading something about pepper and wounds, but I never realized it wouldn't sting! Nice bit of knowledge, and something I'd expect Frodo to have picked up from reading.

Thanks for a bit of bedtime comfort!

Author Reply: It is a good thing to know, though I hope I never had to use it. :) Frodo would probably make a good healer, if he were so inclined. ;)

Thank you for reading!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 58 on 12/24/2011
Oh, I love the lullaby as well as her final determination to not worry him by asking what had endangered her Sam!

Author Reply: I think Sam would be touched enough by the lullaby to have memorized it and shared it with others. He would know to remind Rose about it, just in case. As for the dream, it was just as likely something that never happened at all and best forgotten. I think Rose will be having another chat with Sam though. ;)

Thanks for reading!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 57 on 12/24/2011
The mark of a born leader, the ability to appear calm and in control and instill confidence on others when in reality upset is trying to tear the person apart! Love it!

Author Reply: Frodo certainly displays all those qualities time and again. Thank you, Larner!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 56 on 12/24/2011
Oh, I rejoice that this comfort was shared with Frodo! Thanks so for posting this one!

Author Reply: You're most welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 55 on 12/10/2011
Ooh--now that was quite the prank to pull on Aragorn! Heh! A lovely evening for unexpected but deserving ladies! I love this gapfiller for your other tale. And I bet Sam thought a good deal of his Rosie that evening!

Author Reply: Aragorn asked for it, trying to keep the hobbits out of the loop like that. And the ladies certainly did have fun. They will remember this night the rest of their lives. Sam certainly did think of his Rosie, not least what she would think of him dancing with another lass, and one of the Big Folk at that! ;)

I'm glad you enjoyed this!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 55 on 12/3/2011
Oh how delightful, GF! What fun to see all this from the POV of Laine, Mardi, Esti and Isolda!

Thank you for this! I've always wondered what they felt and thought during that night at the Ball!

Author Reply: I'm so happy you enjoyed this! It took me awhile to get into their heads, but it was worth it just to hear Pippin babbling about Gandalf's brothers. ;)

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 54 on 12/3/2011
I found this one after reading the other and couldn't resist. Adorable!

Author Reply: Thanks! Pippin is such a darling, if easily confused. ;)

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 55 on 12/3/2011
That was such fun! I remember the original and this one fits with it just perfectly. Very entertaining!

Author Reply: Thank you, GW! It was fun to write and get the chance to fill in some of those blanks. :D Glad you enjoyed it!

HolbytlaReviewed Chapter: 41 on 11/13/2011
Hi GamgeeFest. I've been reading a few of your short stories. You have a really great feel for all the characters, and I like the mix of lighter and more humorous bits, as well as the more emotional and sometimes dark ones. This one is a little scary, but also the right tone for that point in the book, and shows Frodo's deterioration and his commitment. That final line had sort of this stealth effect, where it took a second to set in and then I was like, wow, that's so perfect. I feel like that's the sort of trick Tolkein might have played, what with the whole "no man can defeat me" thing. Also, it reminds me of the scene in the Odyssey where Odysseus tells the Cyclops his name is "Nobody" and then when Odysseus stabs him in the eye, the cyclops tries to tell the other cyclopes that "nobody" has hurt him. I also like the double meaning of the title and the appropriateness of the opening quote.

Author Reply: Hi Holbytla! Thank you so much for your kind words.

I creeped myself out writing this one. It's definitely creepier than anything else I've written, at least I think so. It all started with that quote, and everything just seemed to gel together from there. It was one of those fics that pretty much wrote itself. As to the last line, I was nearly asleep when that popped into my head, and I had to get up to write it down before I forgot it. I think it really clinches the whole thing.

Thank you for reading!

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