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With Hope  by AfterEver 27 Review(s)
daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/9/2005
This display of 'go not to the elves' talk would drive me crazy. I don't know how Gilraen stood it for so many years.

Author Reply: What can I say. Elves. ;-P

AngelReviewed Chapter: 5 on 5/2/2005
Wow I thought to beg for a follow-up to Last Hope and found this.

Unfortunately for me, it is two-fold better than the last and have had to dab at the eyes a few times, sniff! Most especially involving Elladan.

Ahh always my favourite twin my heart cannot help but break with his sorrow and losses and the act he puts up. Elrohir is so much fun :) though he surely ripples inside too.

Asfaloth? How exciting! Am sooo happy for Glor, Elrond, everyone and especially Estel and Dan. Two years!!! I had thought it'd take longer but what a complete picture of the elves' grief! They were certain he would return and so soon! Yet mourned unrestrainedly like no tomorrow. How much more do they mourn their friends! sniff...oh Bugger...big KISS for Elladan lol

I believe Gilraen and Elrond's relationship is hard to write, especially in these alone times when there's nothing to do and no one to occupy one's time with, but you've done it exceptionally well.

Am liking Gilraen more and more, sniff! Dang it! :P

Fingers crossed the boys bond on their excursion!!! and you update soon! :)

Author Reply: Angel,

Thanks so much for your reviews. I'm glad you've enjoyed the story (as with the last one), and I hope you keep having fun until the end. =)

grumpyReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/29/2004
what a lovely chapter, with Elrond and Gilrean worrying over Estel's first overnight trip. Very nice of the twins to take him out. Loved the part about the measureing of Estel's whole body, so he does not figure out that is was a bow that he was getting.
looking forward to more

Author Reply: I'm looking forward to more too, as that will mean a final end to this years-long work in progress. ;-D Thanks!

FirnsarnienReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/27/2004
Woo hoo! An update! Although for the life of me, I don't know why I didn't review the last chappy. I've read it! Ah well, I loved this chappy too, just as I did the last. There were so many wonderful moments.

It seems at last, that Elladan has fallen for the charms of Aragorn, his heart's been captured. I can understand his reluctance to do so, but it was inevitable.

And I laughed at this little line, "...never forget them there, though, or no one will thank you for the smell!" That was great! It's true too you know. When my son was little, he often left things on top of our wood heater. The one thing that stands out most in my mind, was his little yellow plastic school bus. By the time I figured out what that horrid smell was, the wheels had melted down to a puddle of goo and I could never scrape all that plastic off the heater either once it cooled! LOL Good thing Elladan didn't forget the gloves since Aragorn obviously did! LOL

What a delight to watch Estel with his bow. I can only imagine the light in his eyes when Elladan and Elrohir present him with his quiver. I only wish we could see it. *sigh*

Gilraen seems so sad all the time. I guess she grieves still for her husband, no? I don't think her heart will ever truly heal despite all Elrond may try to do for her. I'm glad they can offer each other comfort though. She is sad to see Arathorn slipping from Aragorn's memories and Elrond is sad to see his son's pain and anger over their mother's torment. Perhaps they understand each other more than they realize for it seems caring for Aragorn is giving them both cause for going on and perhaps in the long run, he will bring the light back into their lives. It seems he is already starting to do that with Elladan and Elrohir. I loved watching the relationship between those three grow and flourish.

Can't wait for anther chappy! :)

Author Reply: Firnsarnien, I've been inactive in the fandom and mostly off-line for the better part of this last year, but just wanted to thank you for your input, and say how happy it makes me to hear that others enjoy my work.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/25/2004
Estel is very lucky to be going with Elladan and Elrohir. It's a wonderful birthday present. And what he thinks of as fun is good training for his future life. I was interested in the little discussion at the end about when a boy, especially a future chieftain, would begin weapons training. Elrond is undoubtedly right that Estel's childhood is easier among Elves.

I like the emotional connections you show among your various characters too.

Author Reply: Thanks Daw, always glad to hear it from you!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/27/2004
Reincarnation of the animals - well, why not!

Lovely to read from Gilraen's point of view. Just went and read about baby Aragorn arriving at Rivendell - most enjoyable.

Author Reply: Hi, Bodkin ~
Thanks for reading, glad you've enjoyed. :-)

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/26/2004
Well, that I never expected. Asfaloth really DOES get reborn? I want my dog back. I really miss her.

Author Reply: I think you speak for the vast majority, Daw; anyone who has owned, loved, and lost pets. :-/

D6Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/26/2004
I'm an addict. I want more, give me more *stares in a junkie kind of way*

Author Reply: lol! Not too close to the monitor now, you know what they say about damaging your eyesight. ;-D

FirnsarnienReviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/25/2004
Wow! This is such a great story. Hardly any surprise after the last one. My heart is breaking for Elladan though. I can see his point about loving mortals. It's heart breaking to do and he doesn't think he has it in him to do it anymore. In a way, I can compare it with people having dogs.

All my life I've had dogs as pets and their lives are so short compared to ours. Over the years, I've lost so many pets. I don't think my heart can take any more heartache. I think after I lose my Sugar, that's it for me, no more dogs. I just can't do it anymore.

I see this as a comparison as to what Elladan is going through. He's keeping himself distanced for he fears that he will come to love Aragorn. Thus setting himself up for more heartbreak. I'm not sure if Gilraen truly understands that. But, I also think Elladan is going to fail completley in his quest to keep Aragorn at bay. That child just worked his way into his arms and soon, his heart will be next. It's interesting to see the struggle he's going through though. Great chappy! I look forward to the next one. :)

Author Reply: Firnsarnien~
Hello! Thanks for checking in on the sequel -- and I'm glad to hear that you liked 'Last Hope' too. I know what you mean about dogs. I've lost two myself, both unfortunately due to causes other-than-natural. Though, as the elderly sisters at my feet can attest, I wind up with more. Guess I'm more like Elrond in that fashion. ;-)
Thanks again!

BejaiReviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/24/2004
Oh, I love your work! Have I mentioned that lately? Because I really do. What a heartwrenching parallel between the horse, the pain of mortal death, and what Elladan was talking about before.

This line right here -- brilliant: "I am mortal." Shifting Estel to her other hip, she shook out her cramping arm, and walked on. "We live in the footprints of death." Gives me the shivers, it does.

Wonderful chapter -- it really helped cheer me up today to see that you'd updated. I managed to break my foot this week, and have been hobbling around feeling sorry for myself. Good fic to read helps ;)

Author Reply: Bejai ~
My condolences for your poor foot! Though it's wonderful to hear that I helped, even a little. Still so glad that you're enjoying the story -- I hope you feel better soon!

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