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Tangled Web  by daw the minstrel 35 Review(s)
JoeeReviewed Chapter: 16 on 7/7/2004
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! You actualy have me crying here! I knew there was going to be casulties, I mean, I didn't expect the elves to all survive the battle, but i was kind of hoping that the less important elves would die. I mean, Todith's and Galelas' death were sad, but Nithron was like part of their extended family. I don't think I've cried this much since Turgon's death (there's a reason I try to avoid death fics) and although I am really sad right now I must say, if you kill Sinnarn I don't know if I can ever forgive you. yeah okay, so that's a big lie, but I would definately cry again and probably boycott your stories for a while (another lie). I'm just thankful that Beliond appears in A Question of Duty or I would be worried about him too. Anyway, enough of my ramblings, please update soon =)

Author Reply: You pay me a great compliment with your emotional reaction, Joee. Sinnarn will survive. When I was planning this story, I considered killing him, but at the end of "The Hobbit," Thranduil simply doesn't act like someone whose beloved grandson has died. He's much too cheery. So all of Thranduil's family got a pass.

I thought it was unrealistic to have all the characters I usually write about survive though. So I had to choose some to die and I wanted some who would matter to Legolas and his brothers.

The next chapter will be happier.

sofiaReviewed Chapter: 16 on 7/7/2004
this chapter is so exciting, and so sad!
How can Galelas be dead? Especially Nithron? I liked him!I cant believe he's dead, and Todith. And i really did think that you killed off Beliond but im glad you didnt.

Author Reply: Tolkien says that many elves died in this battle and almost no one escaped unwounded. So it seemed unrealistic not to have any of my characters die. I felt the worst about Galelas. :-(

The next chapter should be happier.

TauvesaReviewed Chapter: 16 on 7/7/2004
OH MY GOD!!! You so rock! I don't know how you find the internal fortitude to write scenes like this but, God bless you. I was near to tears. THANK YOU!


Author Reply: Thank you, Tauvesa. This chapter was hard to write, and I was glad when I was done. I am not a believer in the glory of battle, even a necessary battle like this one. I made myself cry over Galelas. I am looking forward to writing some happier stuff in the next chapter.

JastaElfReviewed Chapter: 16 on 7/7/2004
I will leave a review when finds its brains again, but I just HAD to leave one here as well. Daw, this chapter is so incredibly exceptional, it is hard to find enough words of praise for it. Writing battle is dreadfully difficult, especially for those of us who in this life at least have never tasted of it. But good literature--and great literature--has given us access to it, and I see echoes of some of the best in here. Slaughterhouse Five, Red Badge of Courage, Les Miserables, All Quiet on the Western Front, even Tolkien--there are echoes of some of the greatest war writing ever done, here, and I applaud you.

I also applaud your courage in killing off some of your fine OCs--but Oh, I wept buckets over poor old Galelas! His family had damned well better esteem him in death as they failed to do in life... or I hope maybe Eilian will take charge and give him the honour he deserves. And Nithron, and Todith--oh gods, Todith!!--I just hope to heaven Beliond makes it, and Sinnarn and Ithilden....

I think the most powerful moments came when the instructions came separately to Legolas and Eilian that they were "wanted" in the King's tent. Not that Thranduil had sent for them, but that they were wanted.... what a frightening moment! And then to find a body.... but it wasn't Ada, but it WAS Nithron... oh god. Just--marvelous. So well done....

The bit at the end though, when Legolas breaks down and Eilian comforts (and gains comfort himself)--the image of the brothers sobbing in each other's arms, oh, that is just wonderful. You have outdone yourself in a piece of magnificent writing. I hope you are justly proud of your work! It is just superb!

Thank you SO much for this wonderful update!

Author Reply: Thank you so much, Jasta. I found this chapter depressing as hell to write. Everything was ugly and chaotic and cruel and awful. The good guys were defending the right, but they went into battle and slaughtered others, and I understand it, and they had to but it was awful anyway. And people like Galelas got killed. He had a crappy life and then he got killed in a battle with orcs. Sigh. Thranduil's family survives, but the scars will be from more than their wounds, I think.

KarriReviewed Chapter: 16 on 7/7/2004
Nicely written, daw. I feel badly for Galelas, but saw it coming. I feel badly for Nithron, too, but he was a keeper and died doing his duty to his king and charge. No doubt that will be of comfort to him Mandos, though I am certain it will be a hard fact for Sinnarn and Ithilden to bear. I am greatly relieved that you did not kill any of the brothers Thranduilion or Sinnarn or Annael or Maltanaur. (I will admit to scrolling down to the bottom to the bottom to see who was still alive before reading the chapter. ;-)) I hope you are not going to surprise and Beliond wounds turn out to mortal. That would be seriously harsh!

Author Reply: I feel *terrible* for Galelas. What a rotten life. :-(

I couldn't kill Annael or Beliond because they appear in "A Question of Duty" which is set later. I wanted to kill Sinnarn, just because the crowd at Thranduil's dinner table is getting too big, but at the end of "The Hobbit," Thranduil simply doesn't act like someone whose beloved grandson just died. So Sinnarn all the brothers Thranduilion got a pass.

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