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Tangled Web  by daw the minstrel 22 Review(s)
Ms. WhatsitReviewed Chapter: 9 on 6/20/2004
I love the way you put Invisible!Bilbo into the story. Poor Elves--they get so put-upon in this story, don't they? Obnoxious Dwarves crash their party and make a mess and refuse even to tell them where they're going (I'd lock the Dwarves up, too!), an invisible hobbit wreaks havoc in their castle, dwarves and hobbit escape making the elves look dumb...poor things.

Sinnarn, you want to be careful about showing up at Annael's door with his daughter in a disheveled condition. You really do.

Legolas is really too cute--"Hobbit is your son, is he not?" Does the Dwarf know Legolas thinks he's Bilbo's *mother*, I wonder? That would be funny. I wonder if Legolas ever finds out who Bilbo really is. I suppose he does at the Battle of the Five Armies, right? He'd feel so stupid.

And I liked the part with Celuwen. I love how she stands up to Thranduil. "Send her" to visit her parents, indeed! Celuwen will come and go as she wants. Given Thranduil's control-freak nature, I'd love to see the scene where Beliond tells him that Legolas is going with the Fellowship...and also the scene where Legolas tells him that he's going to run off to Ithilien with a chunk of Mirkwood's population. That would be quite amusing. Poor Thranduil--at least he has dutiful Ithilden to keep him sane!

Author Reply: The Elves in general are upset by the Dwarves, and Legolas and Sinnarn are going to be particularly annoyed! When you look at things from the Elves' POV, they really did have good reasons for their actions. Of course, so did the Dwarves from their POV.

Sinnarn is making progress with Emmelin, but he may have undone the progress he made with Annael.

Legolas doesn't know which of the purple-hooded dwarves is the mommy, so he's careful not to say because he realizes that might make him look silly (as opposed to just thinking that Hobbit is the dwarves' child--that doesn't make him look silly at all, oh no).

You have to wonder how Legolas got the nerve to go on the quest, really.

ManderlyReviewed Chapter: 9 on 6/20/2004
What a wonderful chapter - it's got a bit of everything. I couldn't quite control my giggles over Sinnarn's exploits. I guess he will think twice before playing with the leaves again. I would have loved to see/hear what was going through Annael's mind when the two finally showed up at the doorstep.

"Hobbit" is causing quite the disturbance, isn't he? Soon the elves will think they are losing their sanity as well as their eyesight. And poor Legolas is still beside himself with concerns over the "missing child".

And the dwarves are just plain funny, especially seen through Sinnarn's eyes. I laughed outloud at the part where Sinnarn said that the dwarf was more polite talking to himself than in addressing the elves.

Really anxious for more of this story. Even though this chapter was relatively light, I could still feel the tension building up - the calm before the storm so to speak.

Author Reply: You KNOW what was going through Annael's mind! It's a good thing that Sinnarn is guarding dwarves these days because riding on a patrol with Annael might be a little awkward.

It was fun trying to guess how "Hobbit" might be sensed in the palace. But poor Legolas. Imagine thinking there's a child out there in the woods. No wonder he thinks the Dwarves are cold hearted.

Whether what happens in the next chapter is good or bad depends on your point of view!

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