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Caretakers  by Grey Wonderer 112 Review(s)
DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 20 on 6/1/2004
Wow! I miss a few days, and here it is all finished! I loved this story; your explanation of what happened with the ale had me rolling! Poor Legolas--he was just trying to help.

The best part of the story as a whole was in showing the care and love of the Fellowship for one another, and in showing in particular the love the hobbits had for each other. I enjoyed your characterizations of all the hobbits, especially Frodo, who is shown as still able to look after his cousins, and not all pathetic.

So, Gimli thought Glynnith had lovely eyes? Do I smell sequel here?

Author Reply: Turn your back on me for a second and I just post away, don't I? LOL I suspect that poor Legolas often gets caught in the middle of things even when he has the best of intentions simply because he doesn't quite understand these mortals.
I am glad that the hobbits love for one another came through in this. I love the relationship that Tolkien created between those wonderful little folks. I am also pleased that you like my Frodo because I can't write him any other way. I think of him as a strong character, even after the quest. I am no good at the pathetic Frodo. It is part of why I don't write post-quest very often.
I wish I had the nerve to do a Gimli/Glynnith romance just because I think the dwarf deserves his own story, but I don't know if I could pull that off. Sadly, I will miss Glynnith, but I don't know if I'll miss her enough to attempt that one! LOL Thank you, again for all of your help.

Hai TookReviewed Chapter: 20 on 6/1/2004
That was perfect! You managed to include all the Fellowship in a wonderful story! Glynnith and Gimli having a bit of a face off over where Pippin was was great! I also liked the way Gimli found it was Sam Pip had gone off with because he thought Merry had the face of a sneak-thief! I want to know what the picture is on the puzzle box! Merry and Pippin should get something to put in it as they did with Merry's! Merry being accused of putting something in the ale and Legolas having to admit to it! I certainly hope Legolas and Aragorn can run faster then wizards! Thank you for such a delightful story!

Author Reply: Thank you for sticking with me to the end on this one and for the reviews! Much appreciated. Glad you liked Gimli and Glynnith together. Maybe I will use this puzzle box in another story later and then we will all find out what the picture is this time. I seem to write about boxes, don't I? LOL

FantasyFanReviewed Chapter: 20 on 6/1/2004
A lovely story and a wonderful ending. As usual, the feeling of deep friendship and caring came through in all the interactions of the Fellowship. But, I don't think I'd like to be Legolas when he has to confess to Gandalf - let's hope he doesn't turn him into anything too unnatural. I loved Pippin's reaction to finding out there was ale, and he hadn't gotten any of it. Thanks for posting this story.

Author Reply: Thank you for your reviews and for taking the time to read this one. I figured Pippin would feel a bit left out as far as the ale went, but I am sure now that almost everyone except him is in trouble, he might just sit back and enjoy the show. LOL So gald that the friendship came through because that's my favorite thing about these characters. Thank you.

PervincaReviewed Chapter: 20 on 6/1/2004
This was too wonderful! Yes, you have written Legolas amazingly well! I've always believed those elves to be the mischievous type. Personal experiment - lol! I wish I could see the look on Gandalf's face when he realises what colour his beard has become.

This was such an entertaining story - like all of your stories are :) Thanks for writing it.

- Pervinca

Author Reply: Thank you for reading it and for reviewing. So pleased that you liked my Legolas because it was a first for me. I never have the nerve to do elves. I almost went a chapter or two more just to do the scene with Gandlaf, but I decided that everyone could probably imagine that far better than I could ever write it! Didn't want to press my luck! Thanks again!

melilot hillReviewed Chapter: 20 on 6/1/2004
Oh no, the last chapter :(

This was a great story and I really enjoyed reading it. I like the way you end your story on a funny note.

I didn't spot any mistakes in this chapter.

If you need an "unoffical beta" again, just ask me. I'm not the best beta out there, but I can spot typing errors. I enjoyed doing it.

Good luck with the next story!


Author Reply: So glad you enjoyed reading this one. You are a terrific Beta and I thank you for taking the time to do this for me. Glad you liked the ending to this one. I hope I managed to wrap everything up. Take care!

melilot hillReviewed Chapter: 19 on 5/31/2004
"I am afraid we can do little to heal what troubles are dear Frodo." Don't you mean our ?

After they had moved away and Merry, at least, of out of the range of hearing, Aragorn spoke to Frodo. I think that first of should be removed.

Author Reply: You are very fast tonight. I have gone in and fixed those two. We are almost done! Thank you, again. You have done a wonderful job!

Hai TookReviewed Chapter: 18 on 5/31/2004
Pippin practising feeling sorry for himself was wonderful! Glynnith telling him he was getting good at it was good as well! I loved Gimli and Merry with the whole ale incident! Gimli threatening Merry was great! Did Merry really put something in the ale or not? All the lads wanting to see Pippin and talking to him was sweet! Poor Sam being nervous about it! Well I'm looking forward to Merry and Pippin getting to see each other again!

Author Reply: Thanks for the lovely review. I am glad that you enjoyed the chapter. More is coming. I'm about to finish this one up.

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 18 on 5/31/2004
AW! That Glynith is a good one, and no doubt! So sweet, Pip getting to show the lads his injuries, brag a bit and feel more his old self. Love it!

Author Reply: Thank you. Glynnith will be hard to leave behind when I finish this story, but I have no clue how I'd use her again. It's always good to see Pippin return to his old self. Thanks so much for reviewing.

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 18 on 5/31/2004
Very creative! I liked all the names you picked for Pippin's young Gondorian friends. Now my curiosity is piqued as to *where* this story is heading...

I thought you should know that you had me in stitches with your replies! Merry rising to the occasion of buckets...(snickering)...and your jest about the pub! I always love reading your stories and your replies--I'm usually rolling with laughter. That is definitely a gift. Take care!


Author Reply: The names were very hard to come up with so I am glad you liked them. Your replys always make me laugh too. When I was in school they didn't think my replies were a gift, they just thought I was a smart-a**. LOL Stick around and you'll see where we are heading because there isn't much more. Thanks!

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 17 on 5/31/2004
Another wonderful chapter! I loved Pippin's childlike excitement at receiving a gift. Seems he's a much more subdued tween-aged hobbit. Give me just five minutes with the laddie, and he'll be spoiled rotten all over again!! :-)


Author Reply: I think Pippin brings out the urge to spoil in all of us. Oh, and a few minutes? Why take all the time you need.

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