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Sapphire Aurae  by Bejai 19 Review(s)
NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/20/2003
What the Ring showed Elrond was truly hideous. It offered him false hope to do good and Elrond saw the lies. So it told him his fate when he was under Sauron's control and it was hideous. To think he could become the Dark Star and be an unwilling slave, as perhaps some of the Nazgul are, is as awful a fate as one can imagine, when one longs for death but cannot have it.

Again, truly wonderful. I have never read a tale that more perfectly captures the power of the rings. And I like how you have shown the sea longing awakened in his heart. He holds off against its call until the end, though.

One thing one must say about Elrond and Galadriel, perhaps Cirdan and Gandalf too - they stayed until the end, not knowing if they would be enslaved, but the responsiblity they carried kept them bound to ME for so long I am amazed at the hope they maintained. And all of them declined the Ring. Thanks for showing us Elrond's temptation - it was a missing piece of Tolkien's work.

SphinxReviewed Chapter: 7 on 11/6/2003
The story deserves reviews wherever it is archived. ;)

The chapter that everyone hates to read, but cannot get enough of. Brilliant portrayal of a difficult time, and skillful interplay with the ring and the evil chap in the beginning.

Very nice.

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 7 on 11/6/2003
This was absolutely brilliant, again! It seems so believable that Shadow would seek to have someone like Celebrian, not a Ringbearer but one protected by several.

Elrond's fears are so true - and I have long thought that each must have such a plan - for someone to ensure they died rather than fell under the control of Sauron. Unable to leave, unable to see the end, I wonder from where they found hope.

I love your portrayal of Celebrian here. Even so badly injured and abused, she is still strong enough to ensure that Vilya did not touch her. Her clarity of mind is still with her. She still loves her husband, but she must sail. I just feel so bad that she had to go alone. That too requires bravery.

The interplay between Galadriel and Celeborn is almost terrifying. She somehow still sees the longterm and will sacrifice all for it. Yet she was there with Elrond and Celebrian too! And Celeborn - nothing would stop him from retrieving his daughter - his grandsons obviously are like him.

Author Reply: Thanks, Nilmandra. The "plan" struck me in the middle of writing this chapter. I think that Elrond had been trying to ignore such possibilities, but he is at such a low ebb here that he had to face it at last.

I think it must have been excruciating for Galadriel and Celeborn to lose their daughter like this. And yes, I think his grandsons are like Celeborn. Probably from all those stories he told them when they were elflings :)

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 7 on 11/6/2003
Wow. I intended to read for just 5 minutes before I had to get ready to go to work and I read the whole thing. I am just blown away. The agony of everyone involved is described so well through the detail and the dialogue. You make us feel it for ourselves. I am particularly struck by how Celebrian comes across as a strong person, despite what's been done to her. And her love for Elrond comes through so clearly too. Just an all around great job.

Author Reply: Thanks, daw. Celebrian has been surprising me. I didn't expect her to be quite the rock that she is, especially in this chapter. Thanks for noticing, and for the review.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 6 on 9/15/2003
This story has the same feel as a Greek tragedy. The people of Athens knew the stories before they went to the theater. They knew what was going to happen to Oedipus but they watched it unfold in pity and fear. That's what I feel for poor Celebrian.

Author Reply: Thank you so much for the review-a-thon! Glad you're enjoying the story, and I appreciate that you would take the time to review. The honor is even greater coming from a writer of your skill.

I'm not sure I'm looking forward to writing the next chapter; it will involve walking around in the darkness for a while. But stay tuned!

kind regards


daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/15/2003
This was terrifying. How awful for Elrond to think that it was his stewardship of Vilya that exposed Celebrian to the forces of evil.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/15/2003
This was a beautiful description of Elven bonding. I loved both the fleeting details of bodily union and the little glimpses of mental sharing. How wonderful.

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 6 on 9/11/2003
I am almost at a loss of words to say anything about this story. It is breathtakingly wonderful.

So Celebrian heeded the words of her father and has accepted she hold's the heart of the Ringbearer. How clear that is here, that together they are powerful. How strong their bond; how much they see through the other.

The twins and Glorfindel were wonderful, as was Mithrandir. I enjoyed the slight chastisement against Elrond for becoming overdependent on Vilya, but also the grace with which he accepted it.

This is beautiful beyond words. I fear yet for what we learned one chapter ago - for what Galadriel say regarding Celebrian's presence and how she would be recognized more easily. What a foreboding of times to come.

CorielReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 9/10/2003
Well, it was going along wonderfully until we got toward the end. Gracious, but I thought Galadriel had more maturity than that.

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