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Paths Taken  by daw the minstrel 44 Review(s)
JebbReviewed Chapter: 8 on 5/19/2004
Triple aah! this was a lovely ending for almost everyone although Ithilden was being a little dense I thought, males!!
And sneaking out to go to his office not a good example to set for Legolas although duty is already firmly entrenched in all the sons of Thranduil
Ada allowing the sleep over with suitable provisos what an elf I become more and more enamoured of this monarch
Even Elilian got in there good advice I expect Ithilden wishes he had gotten it before the camping trip!
Hope to see a new story very soon as I am already getting withdrawal symptoms
thank you for shating your gifts with us

Author Reply: Ithilden was doing so well talking to Alfirin and then he just lost his head. Stupid male. Stubborn too. Off to office and happy that his warriors salute.

Thranduil tries to let Legolas go, but it's hard, I think. They live in a very dangerous world, as they all just learned all over again.

Thank you for your kind words, Jebb.

caz - bazReviewed Chapter: 8 on 5/19/2004
that's sweet!
i'm glad that i already know it's a happy ending for Ithilden and Alfirin. well i've got to go ride my horse now, i'm eagerly awaiting your next story. caz

Author Reply: Have fun, Caz. There'll be another story along one of these days. See you then.

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 8 on 5/19/2004
Props to Thranduil for recognizing that now is not the moment for a formal punishment. Taking care of Ithilden (and having the chance to be there when he wakes up) is plenty penance for someone who was nearly eaten by spiders. And also, props to Thranduil for letting Legolas have a sleepover with his friends, in the safety of the backyard of the responsible friend's responsible parents. Duh! It seemed kind of weird to have Thranduil and Siondel talking together about their kids, kind of like Thranduil doesn't get together with other parents very often. Probably he should. Especially other single parents. There's got to be more than just him in the Woodland Realm. On the other hand, Siondel is Eilian's age, right? Must be kind of weird to be talking parent to parent with one of your kid's friends.

As for Legolas, he seems to have learned (at least temporarily) all the lessons everyone intended for him to learn. And he didn't get his deer, but he got a spider! How cool is that? It certainly impressed his friends, which seems to be what he was after in the first place, so good for him.

Ithilden, on the other hand, has completely missed several important points. One of which is that you don't treat your kid brother like one of your warriors. Legolas will be a warrior and under Ithilden's command, but he is not there yet, and he needs to be treated as a kid brother now. And even after this adventure, old Ithilden is still talking about how well he follows orders. Penntalion gets it when he says "He is unbelievably self-disciplined for his age.” It's the "for his age" bit that shows it, but it zooms over Ithilden's hard Elvish head. Not good. Bad big brother. Must go back to Big Sibling Training under me and Boromir. And he's still a rigid control freak. Going with the flow would probably have made this camping trip go a lot easier, but no, Ithilden's just as uptight as ever. Alfirin will have her work cut out for her.

I found it interesting that, when Ithilden and Thranduil were discussing the spanking, they discussed it as if spanking was among the normal types of elfling discipline. I had always thought that spanking was a completely foreign idea for Elves, but I guess the Wood Elves occasionally take a swipe at the real naughty ones.

Author Reply: I figured Thranduil would have talked to Legolas and been happy if Legolas lived with some of the consequences of his actions. He takes care of Ithilden and he says he's sorry, and that's enough. He even WANTS to do those things. Ada should be pleased. As for spanking, in LACE, Tolkien says that Elven children needed little discipline, but I think that LACE primarily addresses the Noldor, possibly in ideal conditions, such as Valinor. The Elves in ME do not all marry early, for instance (although Siondel did because, you're right, he's Eilian's age). And I think the Wood-elves were less disciplined in general than other Elves--more dangerous and less wise, says Tolkien. So I would guess they occasionally swatted a kid.

Ithilden is learning, but it's slowly I'm afraid.

WantanelfReviewed Chapter: 8 on 5/19/2004
So if Legolas hadn't been such a little brat we never would have had this tender scene with Ithilden and Alfirin in the infirmary (wretching and all). So they really have Legolas to thank for helping them get together! I really love your stuff and hope you write more about Legolas and his family. I was bummed when I saw this one had ended. I don't know what I'll do without a daw story to read!

Author Reply: That's one way to look at it, Wantanelf! Ithilden should be grateful to the little brat! Poor Ithilden. He's so dense.

I'm glad you enjoyed this story. I'm thinking of another one. I'm also thinking about work I should do. Sigh.

websteransReviewed Chapter: 8 on 5/19/2004
Oh, yes. Just perfect. I adored this story.

Author Reply: Thank you, websterans. Legolas is happy to be on the flet lulled to sleep by Annael's nana, venturing out to independence but with safety close by.

Ms. WhatsitReviewed Chapter: 8 on 5/19/2004
This was an amazing chapter.
Things I especially liked:

-Ithilden thanking Legolas for saving his life and hearing that Legolas was self-disciplined from Penntalion. (Also, Ithilden being pleasant to Penntalion after snapping at him).

-Ithilden and Alfirin. I laughed out loud when I read the line about "Perhaps he should have vomited before her earlier." That's right, boys: when you find the girl you like, throw up, so you'll never have inhibitions around her again.

-Thranduil. *Love* him, as always--not favoring corporal punishment for Legolas (though being an older sister I can *certainly* relate to the urge to slap a wayward younger sib, especially if said sib is between the ages of 11 and 15), talking to Siondel and letting Legolas have his fun in the flet, listening to Ithilden giving him Lorellin's old advice...

And the letter from Eilian, of course. He's probably my favorite OC in LotR fanfic. Would you consider writing a sort of sequel to "Spring Awakenings" at some point about Legolas at the southern patrol and Eilian and Celuwen at home, at some point? Or, you know, anything with Eilian in it. (Though I keep getting scared you'll kill him, but you seem to like him too much, too!)

And Turgon's impressed by the spider-killing. Of course he is. *sigh* He makes me sad.

Author Reply: Thank you, Ms. Whatsit. I'm particularly thinking that Ithilden's son, Sinnarn, should be grateful that Legolas broke Ithilden in a little. Otherwise, he'd have been a pretty difficult adar, I think.

And I very much hope to write a sequel to "Spring Awakenings" about that year that Eilian stayed home, and he and Tinar working in Ithilden's office, and Legolas was in the south. There could be some fun stuff there. I don't think I'll do it next though. I'm still thinking about the Battle of the Five Armies next.

sol IIIReviewed Chapter: 8 on 5/18/2004
Another wonderful story, Daw. I hate to see it end for two entirely
separate reasons, but both selfish in origin. I hate to see this tale
finished, because I want to linger with that family just a little longer.
The second is that I'm always afraid this is the last tale of this series,
and we'll not see more from you. Selfish in the extreme, but truth all
the same.

You've created a wonderful family here, with honest reactions, much love and realistic disagreements. You've especially captured Legolas at "that age" so well. They're such contradictions at that age -- half daredevil yet still about half very little boy, moody, insolant, and still in need of protection from the big bad world and scary things even while chanting the "I'm not a kid" mantra

My sisters, much older than I and born 1 year apart, have produced 7 boys between them, so I've seen this age, though not as intensely as a parent.
I witnessed a conversation between them that still makes me laugh.

Sister 1: What's wrong with you? You look gloomy.
Sister 2: You remember that morning when you woke up and realized you
didn't like your kid any more?

Sister 1: Vividly.
Sister 2: Well, it happened again.

Sister 1: Randy?
Sister 2: Yeah. I love him dearly, but I really don't like him much
right now.

Sister 1: Of course you don't. He's almost 12! In fact, he's late. He
should have been evil 6 months ago. Consider
yourself fortunate.

It would seem that Ithilden entered into the 'don't like 'em anymore' zone there for a while. I'm glad they managed to come out of it intact and still speaking to each other. Everyone seems to have learned a great deal. Let's hope the lessons stay with them, and that there's enough love and support in the family to get through That Stage with an elfling in the family.

I do love this series, and I do hope there is more to be shared. As always I will be doing the happy dance whenever anything bearing your name should show up in the mailbox :)

Thanks again for sharing.

p.s. I'm with Legolas -- I can't stand watching anybody sick up either!

Author Reply: Your sisters have my sympathy. Not only was there a day when I realized I didn't like my son a lot, but there was also a day when I realized he didn't like me! Legolas does better than that most of the time. He's really a good kid, despite how much he drove Ithilden up the wall.

I am planning to write more. I have a long list of story ideas. But I was just sitting here this morning looking at something I should write for work too. Sigh. If I do that, it will suck up my creative energy for a while. I'm not sure I can stand being away from Thranduil and his sons for that long.

Reviewed Chapter: 8 on 5/18/2004
Another great story, Daw. What do you teach, by the way? Also, I read in one of the reviews you are thinking about doing the Battle of the Five Armies next--you have my vote for that. I'm dying to see your thoughts on it. I love your backstory for these characters.

Author Reply: I am a professor of rhetoric and professional communication -- whatever that is. :-) Actually, I teach report writing, editing, research methods, stuff like that, having to do with writing in the workplace. In particular,I work with engineers.

The fun thing about the Battle of the Five Armies is that you have the dwarves and Bilbo, and you have the White Council meeting and deciding to throw Sauron out of Dol Guldur and then doing it, and you have the battle, all within a three to four month span. So there's lots happening and I can send the Brothers Thranduilion everywhere.

LOTRFaithReviewed Chapter: 8 on 5/18/2004
(sigh) I am happy that all ended well;-) I was slightly startled by the kiss but grinned as soon as I realized that Ithilden was dreaming... :-) I am glad to know that Alfrin does marry Ithilden, but the conflict right now is driving me crazy...

I am glad to read that Thranduil let Legolas sleep with Turgon and Annael.. With a guard of course.... lol... I thought that was cute. I laughed when Legolas told Turgon no flat out... Too bad he didn't get more answers like that otherwise he might still be alive:-S But anyway... Excellent story and I look foward to more!~

Author Reply: Thank you, Faith. Nilmandra says Ithilden is a dork, and he kind of is. He was doing so well, talking like a charming guy, and then he just fell apart.

Thranduil has just had a big enough scare over his sons that he has no intention of taking a chance with the little one. So a guard gets to sleep out when the elflings do! I want Annael's nana to sing me to sleep.

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 8 on 5/18/2004
Oh, Ithilden is such a dork - a gorgeous and comely dork, but he needs to pursue the maiden if he hopes to win her!

I like that Ithilden received a good lesson in parenting and Legolas a good lesson in discipline. Both were hard earned and will not likely be forgotten. A good story.

And why is that I know you will finish two more before I finish mine?

Author Reply: Ithilden has been struck down. He's been poleaxed and he can't be expected to act sensibly.

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