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Paths Taken  by daw the minstrel 29 Review(s)
Rose SaredReviewed Chapter: 6 on 5/14/2004
So exciting, what a great chapter. I love to see Leggy reverting to acting rather younger than he is under stress, rather than pushing the 'grown up'side that he so wants to project. He is adorable and beautifully in character. I bet old Thrandy wished he had just let him sleep in the damned flet instead of going camping with such a result. Time for a guilt fest I think from all the protagonists. ha.
Great story

Author Reply: Yes! I thought that stress might get to the kid. Hence the "Ada."

Legolas in still a "gallant baby" but you can see Legolas of the Fellowship in him, I think. His father has his hands full at the moment, and Eilian isn't even home!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 6 on 5/14/2004
It strikes me that, as parents go, Thranduil and Lorellin made an excellent combination. Thranduil provided the authority and defended the boundaries with resolution and Lorellin provided understanding and explanation. Poor little Legolas has missed out on that side of parenting - Thranduil does his best, but he just doesn't think in terms of sugaring his edicts in ways elflings understand. However, he is great to have around in a crisis. You could see the relief oozing out of Legolas when Adar turned up - nothing bad could possibly happen now his father was on the case.

I was thinking about Turgon - (the things that I do when I'm driving!) - I get the feeling that Legolas felt sorry for him as much as he envied him. Turgon could do more or less what he wanted not because his parents trusted him, but because they failed to take any responsibility for his upbringing. Legolas gets a bit tired of his father's discipline, but deep down he understands and appreciates the values his father is trying to instil in him. Had Turgon not been killed, Legolas would always have remained fond of him, but he would have learned to see him for what he was - the duty-bound and disciplined adult Legolas would have been exasperated by Turgon's inability to live up to the ideals of the Mirkwood warrior.

PS: It would be nice to see more of the adult Annael. And the younger Gelmir.

Author Reply: The description you give of Thranduil and Lorellin together pretty much matches my idea of them too, as does your sense of what Legolas misses. He's lucky to have his older brothers and Annael's nana. :-)

To me, Turgon always looks a bit lost. He's floundering, with no firm anchors, and I think the other kids see it too, although they can't articulate it. In a way, Legolas and Annael are taking care of Turgon, poor thing.

Adult Annael and younger Gelmir. Check. I'll put them on my list!

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 6 on 5/13/2004
It strikes me that an antivenom that makes you throw up is not an especially effective medicine, because you throw up the medicine and then it can't work any more. I know that ipecac is supposed to make you throw up, but that's for swallowed poisons, and anyway, I heard that you're not supposed to use ipecac any more. I always heard that if you get snakebit, you're supposed to suck out the poison (which led to a great bit of comedy in Woody Allen' "Bananas"), but maybe that's not such a good idea if you're spiderbit.

Just how far along the deer trail did Legolas get before the spiders attacked? If they were fairly close, it would seem that he and Ithilden were in danger no matter if he wandered off or not. And I think that in any event, the deer is history. The spiders must be especially hungry, if they're still going after more meat than just the deer.

And now Ada has arrived, and everything will be Okay.

This reminds me of a story I once heard about two Eskimos who were out hunting on snowmobiles. They went out onto a lake that they thought was completely frozen, but the ice cracked underneath them and dumped them both into freezing water. One Eskimo managed to get to shore, but the other was left out in the middle of the lake clinging to a bit of snowmobile. The Eskimo who made it to shore walked seven miles in the freezing cold, wet, to get help for his friend, while the Eskimo in the water stayed alive by literally convincing himself that the freezing water he was in was warm. Most people die after thirty minutes in the water, but thi Eskimo stayed alive for three hours till help came. If Ithilden could try a trick like that, say, convincing himself that the venom is harmless, that would be a very good thing for him.

Author Reply: Well, Nilmandra says that an oral anitvenom is not going to work anyway, but we decided to just pretend. I loved that bit in Woody Allen!

I wonder if the deer is strung up on a branch somewhere to dry like the dwarves were in "The Hobbit"? I thought about the vomiting because Tolkien says the dwarves felt "sick" afterwards, and by that words, he probably meant nauseated. Otherwise he would have said "ill." And besides, it was fun.

Ada will indeed take care of everyone. In all truth, I would rather have Thranduil than have to imagine myself not in freezing water. For many reasons!

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 6 on 5/13/2004
Thank you, Daw! You could have ended the chapter with Ithilden lying there unconscious, and Legolas running for help, and no one knowing if either would survive. I'm so glad you're not that cruel. (Although, I'm sure Ithilden is still in for a bit of discomfort...)

I just love how each of them is getting a bit more realistic view of the other... especially Ithilden finally realizing that Legolas is just a child! Imagine that!

- Barbara

Author Reply: It was time for Thranduil to show up! Everybody needed him, including me. :-)

And I think you're right. They'll all see one another a little differently. At least, I hope they will! I haven't written that part yet.

nessieReviewed Chapter: 6 on 5/13/2004
At first I thought that Thranduil was riding to their campsite after having a heart attack from when Ithilden got hurt, but it turned out he was just going on his evening ride on a different path. Lucky too! Loved this chapter! Update asap! No matter how fast an author updates, I always put that there.


Author Reply: Thranduil was just going for his ride but he was worried for reasons he couldn't identify and he took what turned out to be the right path. Coincidence? I think not!

vicReviewed Chapter: 6 on 5/13/2004

You really are intent on bringing me to tears every time I read one of your chapters! This was just magnificent. I had an idea that our favourite father will not be too far away, but you really outdid yourself. Poor little mite running for help was so touching. I could hear the deep, steading voice of his instructors, the comforting presence of his Ada... *sob* I loved that Thranduil showed up and took care of his sons. He must have been just beside himself to see his elfling at the breaking point. What I really loved though, was this "Thranduil hesitated for only a second and then smiled at his gallant baby." That was it for me. Had to get up and run for tissues!

Thank you very much for posting so quickly and not torturing your faithful readers for too long!


Author Reply: At this age, Legolas is a pain to his elders until the chips are down, and then he comes through. Good!Ada!Thranduil was really needed by both sons here, and he came through wonderfully. I love the guy.

KarriReviewed Chapter: 6 on 5/13/2004
Terrific chapter, Daw.

Author Reply: Thank you, Karri. The practical joke went very wrong indeed!

ManderlyReviewed Chapter: 6 on 5/13/2004
So glad you updated so soon, but my heart was left pounding again. Legolas was very brave, touchingly so, but I am sure both his brother and father will not soon forget his frightened face.

Thranduil to the rescue! That's even better than an entire army of Mirkwood warriors. At least that's what I think went through Legolas' mind when he saw his adar. The indestructible big brother is down and out so who better to take over than the even more indestructible Ada?

A very exciting and moving chapter!

Author Reply: Legolas will be having nightmares! Can you imagine being stuck in a giant spider's web and then having to run off by yourself like this? Ick! But Ada will make it all right, just as he always does.

LOTRFaithReviewed Chapter: 6 on 5/13/2004
Well I think I can live with Thranduil coming to the rescue rather than Eilian:-D I am very heartened to read that the two Thranduilions are safe... Hopefully Ithilden will recover soon:-) Poor Legolas... The sheer terror he must feel, not to mention some guilt most likely... And hopefully a lesson learned;-) Even if it is the hard way...

Author Reply: I love Thranduil. From Legolas's point of view, there could have been no one better to appear on the path. Now that their "vacation" is done, there will indeed be recovery time.

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