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The Touch of Sight  by LAXgirl 16 Review(s)
tinaniaReviewed Chapter: 17 on 8/8/2004
omg(oh my god) this story is absoloutly fantastic i dont actually think ive ever said anything bad about anyones stories and i admire people that have the gift of writing because it gives the people with the gift to read enjoy themselves also. please continue to write. this story was incredible and all of the loose ends tied up and you had an explanation for everything and you have created something in that time period that you thought couldnt exsist then and only now (if that makes sense)but it could and in your story it did.

The emotions run freely in this sorty and vary one minute legolas doesnt want to admit weakness and you really want him to (do you know what i mean?)and the next minute he has no choice but to admit weakness which is the key feeling.You make legolas' character strong.

karryReviewed Chapter: 17 on 7/27/2004
I found your story on this site too. And I will say it again, you have to write another chapter and tell me what Legolas saw. Please? *looks really sad and beggs LAXgirl to write more* I love this story, it is the best fanfic I ever read.


longlivethekingReviewed Chapter: 17 on 7/25/2004
Wait a *are* going to do a sequel, right? *RIGHT?!* Oooo, you are evil, just plain evil to leave us hanging like this and say that it's the end! Well it's not! It can't be! I'm not giving you any peace till you consider adding a sequel. NO PEACE, YOU HEAR ME?!
Moving on...I looooooved it! Awesome writing!..............But you MUST add a sequel, or I'll reveiw this thing a million times to get you to at least tell me you're considering it. That's all I ask, Tormenter. That's all...

CreashunsReviewed Chapter: 17 on 7/23/2004
Thank you for this wonderful story!! I loved it!!

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 17 on 7/22/2004
I was so glad to see this have no idea! Been lookin' out for it every chance I got! :-) I'm just sorry this is the last chapter, and now you have resorted to ending with a cliffie!!! That is soooo bad...but I will forgive you only because you did not kill Legolas in that fire! ;-) And he has recovered his strength, too! It was a good ending...I love your Gimli...such a grump, but so lovable in his crankiness. Everything seems to be winding up nicely for Legolas...the final scene with the new baby and Theomir was so touching. I'll just hope his new "sight" is brought on by intense feelings of love and contentment....(you really are so mean *g*!!!) Great story...I'll miss looking for and reading it, but plan to try and find some of the others you mentioned.


Author Reply: Aww... thank you so much. I'm glad you enjoyed the story. It as kind of sad for me to finally end it, but you know what they say: "All good things must ome to an end..." I'm just kind of glad about finally being able to get back to my two other ones. I've been starting to get death threats about me hurrying with updates for those... So... Yeah. Im sad ToS is done, but I'm glad I can get back to them. Thanks so much for reading and reviewing. I've always looked forward to your reviews. Hope to maybe see you soon at one of my other stories!

Signing out

sofiaReviewed Chapter: 17 on 7/22/2004
Awesome story. Really awesome. I can't believe you stopped it there! what did he see!?!? You must tell. Please? I'm gonna be thinking about what he might of seen for days now... I must say good story.

Author Reply: Thanks for the review. I really can't say what Legolas saw since I wanted to leave some what of an open end to the story. You know, something to leave the readers still wanting more... I guess I did good seeing as how almost everyone is asking about follow up chapters, sequals, or epilogues... Eh... I can't honestly tell you what Legolas might have seen because I honestly didn't really think of anything in particular. I guess I have left that up for the reader's own imagination.

Anyway, thank you for all your reviews for past chapters. You've been one of the few readers I could count on to review every chapter. Thanks so much. I hoped you liked the whole thing. If your interested, I have two other LOTR fics on under my same pen name here, LAXgirl. Maybe you'll go check them out too since you liked ToS. (Shameless plug, I know, but sometimes just can't help myself... :P) Thanks again!

signing out

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