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A New Reckoning  by Dreamflower 20 Review(s)
Hai TookReviewed Chapter: 72 on 9/14/2004
Oh! That was such a great story! I am a bit disappointed that it is over though! I want to see more!

Poor Freddy! Leaving behind his family was hard I'm sure and then crossing the bridge. He did an admirable job! He is going to be a good leader for these traveling hobbits! I like the way he spoke with Berilac, very well done!

the bit between Frodo and Legolas was very sad! Poor Frodo, not wanting to admit that the Shire may not be his home anymore must be hard, especially after all he went through, so unfair!

Bergil saying farewell to Pippin was sweet! They certainly had a good time together! Maybe they will meet again some day?

Wonderful story! Thank you for all the time and such you have put into it! It has been great!

Author Reply: Well, I will have a sequel, but it is not going to be too soon. I want to get a few shorter stories out of the way first.

Freddy and Berilac have a lot of work cut out for them. But I am confident they are up to it.

I think of all the Fellowship, Legolas really understands about Frodo. My take is that Arwen's jewel helps to ease his sorrows by reminding him that he has a place across the sea--which gives him something like the sea-longing. Legolas recognizes this.

I've no doubt they will, though not how soon. They will miss one another.

I have enjoyed all your reviews; they are always so detailed and enthusiatic, that it just makes me feel good! I'm glad that you enjoyed the story, and thank you for sticking with it through all those chapters!

pipspebbleReviewed Chapter: 72 on 9/9/2004
*great big satisfied sigh* Well! I feel like I'm back at the Green Dragon after a hard day's, that's not my line - and I DO do a hard day's work every day of my life, and it's fics like this that make it a lot easier to get through the day. It was quite a treat to get updates every other day or so. NOW what are we going to do without it??? :-( Beautifully done, in case I haven't said so before. But, then, it's YOU! Of course, it was beautifully done! Thank you for this wonderfully satisfying look at what came after.

Author Reply: Thank you for taking the time to let me know how you enjoyed the story. Reviews like yours are what made it possible to keep going, even with interruptions, and even when it was clear that the story was going to be more than three times longer than I intended.

FantasyFanReviewed Chapter: 72 on 9/9/2004
A very satisfying conclusion to a good long tale. Of course, it begs for a sequel: the adventures of Freddy and his hobbit band on the way to Gondor would be a story in itself, and there's another in their dealings with the king when they get to Minas Tirith. I'd be happy to see either of them from your pen.

Author Reply: The journey to Edoras is in the planning stages, but it is not nearly ready to begin posting. I've a few smaller plot bunnies clamoring for attention first. I'm so glad that you have enjoyed "Reckoning", thank you for all your kind reviews.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 72 on 9/9/2004
*sniff* The last chapter! And I must admit, after all the good-byes I'm sitting here in tears. Especially the scene between Frodo and Legolas ... I found it always so sad they haven't meet again. Probably Frodo is not longer alive when Legolas arrives in Valinor. Somehow I would prefer the Hobbits and Gimli in Valinor immortal ...

Anyway, I am glad Freddy is with the group - it will distract him from his sorrow, and I am sure, the new experiences are good and interesting for him, maybe for him most of all, because he is so intelligent and open-minded. The bridge was a good beginning. Rosamunda will not recognize her son after a year in Gondor. And Poppy will probably learn much from Aragorn and maybe on the way a bit from Elrond if they stop in Imladris.

Thank you for this story - I look forward to more from you! Not only the sequel ;-)

Ah, I'm recently re-reading the whole story and have found a little discrepancy. In chapter 8 Merry is told his new Pony Pybba is sired by his Stybba; in chapter 24 Pybba is the brother of Stybba. Of course it is not important, but I am quite fond of horses and have a Iceland Pony myself, so I was probably a bit more interested in the ponys and noticed it.

Author Reply: I know, it is sad, isn't it? But JRRT told us that Valinor is part of Arda, and not heaven; mortals can't live forever. I like to think that Bilbo, Frodo and Sam lasted a good long while though.

Freddy's intelligence and open-mindedness are part of what made the three worthies choose him as leader of the delegation. And Poppy is going to learn a great deal--but perhaps some of those great healers will also learn a few things from her, as well.

My goodness! I am so flattered that you are re-reading this monster! I went right away and have fixed that little problem, so it is there no longer! Thank you for noticing it and bringing it to my attention!

And thank you for your lovely reviews!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 72 on 9/8/2004
Lovely story. Shame it's finished - but - now it's time for New Reckoning II: The Gondor Years. (I hope.)

I hate goodbyes - it's all very well when they go home or off to visit, but it's like Frodo knowing he will never see Legolas again - sad. Bergil will be grown up, Merry married - everything changes. All the 'you can't pass over the same river twice' stuff.

Look forward to more stories.

Author Reply: Well, they have to *get* to Gondor first--and deliver three of those prisoners to Eomer! So guess where the sequel will start.

You are right, things are going to be different, just as the Travellers returned to a Shire that had changed. But if all stayed the same, there would be no stories ever.

Thank you for your faithful and thoughtful reviews, they have meant a lot to me.

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 72 on 9/8/2004
*sniff, sniff* One of my favorite sotries has ended! Now, what am I going to read? I loved this one and will miss getting chapter up-dates for it. It was an amazing story and I could have continued on with Freddy and the others on their adventure or watched more of Opal's transformation into healer or read more about Pippin and Merry and their adjustments to life after the quest, or more of Sam and Rose's new life together. I hope there are more stories coming soon. You captured them all so well in this. Your scene between Frodo and Legolas was lovely fore-shadowing and very sad. I thank you for a terrific read! Keep them coming!

Author Reply: Oh goodness, don't cry! There's still a *lot* to read!
Many of the things you mentioned will be stories in time, or parts of one. But there will be some shorter ones to come before I start on the sequel.
I am glad the Frodo and Legolas scene came over well. I think that they would have recognized the sea-longing in one another, and it is sad, as is anything to do with Frodo's leaving.
Thank you for all your lovely and encouraging reviews, they are part of what enabled me to keep going when I thought I was stuck, any number of times!

eilujReviewed Chapter: 72 on 9/8/2004
Wow! What a story! Very sad to see it end, but looking forward to the next one.

If you'll forgive me for presuming, I assume you're *not* continuing Freddy and company's journey to Gondor -- too long, too far, too many OC's. Well, if you *are* continuing it, doubtless you'll do your usual excellent job, and I and everyone else will love it despite those OC's.

But if you're *not* continuing Freddy's story, maybe you'd consider writing a few scenes as short fics: the Shire-hobbits in Bree; Rohan; arriving in Minas Tirith; negotiations with the King; the conspirators' judgement; talking to Aragorn about Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin; returning to the Shire....

Thanks again.

Author Reply: I will be continuing the story in a sequel. I have been persuaded that there are those who are interested in my OCs and minor canon characters, and I know that I've let a couple of loose ends dangling, so there you go!

And there probably *will* be a few short fics as well. "Reckoning" left me with several ideas, and some like "The Dare" will mutate into their own story in time.

RogerGamgeeReviewed Chapter: 72 on 9/8/2004
What a fantastic conclusion to an extraordinary tale...words can't describe how reading this has broadened my understanding of Tolkien's world. I've read some of your other work, and this is by far your crowning achievement. I know you had plans for a sequel, so I assume that it has to do with the arrival of the delegation in Gondor? Or do you have something else in mind?

Whatever it turns out to be, I have no doubt that it will be a fine truly do have a gift for writing. Keep up the excellent work, and I look forward to your next project!

Author Reply: Thank you so much! Your thoughtful reviews have been very helpful to me. I use these stories to explore Middle-earth myself, so it helps my own understanding. I can tell you that the sequel so far is planning on covering the trip to Edoras. Where it goes from there, I am not yet certain.

I am going to put it on the back burner for just a little while, to simmer, while I use up a few shorter plot bunnies that have recently multiplied around here.

I'm so glad you enjoyed "A New Reckoning"!

sqrt(-1)Reviewed Chapter: 72 on 9/8/2004
I'm sorry to see this story end - I've enjoyed it very much. I hope to see more writings from you in the future. I think you do an unusually good job of staying true to the correct "feel" of things, as well as relatively close in events to canon.

Author Reply: Thank you very much! I do try to stay very close to canon; it's important to me, although I'm still a bit embarassed about messing up Reggie's age. But more important than events being canon, is keeping the characterizations that way. Thank you for such a great compliment!

GamgeeFestReviewed Chapter: 72 on 9/8/2004
*cries despondently and shamelessly* NO! I don't want it to be over! Waaaaahhh!

Oh well, at least there's a sequel to look forward to. :)

I'm glad Freddy was able to get over the river ok. It'll get easier with time, but he'll probably never get over that fear completely. At least he won't have to travel for days down the river Anduin like poor Sam did.

Author Reply: Yes, there IS going to be a sequel--at least one, maybe two! But give me a bit of time.

Yes, crossing the River was pretty momentous for Freddy. And you are right, it's better than having to go down it in a boat, like Sam. Or think of poor Merry, and all those high places, and having to pretend they didn't bother him.

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