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Magnificent  by Pervinca 40 Review(s)
Hai TookReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/25/2004
Poor, Diamond, it is terrible that she can't enjoy Bag End under new management! I hope that she is able to get it all in the open then there won't be any hard feelings. I like how you wrote Pippin playing with Ellie and holding Frodo! It does seem like he would be one to play with the kids, I liked this "Merry laughed. “Gracious, Sam, don’t say such things. I would never submit my children to such horror.”' Looking forward to more!

Author Reply: She'll have to go the Bag-End eventually, and I do have something planned for that :D And, yes, good old Uncle Pippin is certainly the King of the Kids! I could always imagine him being that way, and making a great Dad :)

Thanks for reading, I'm glad you're enjoying it.

- Pervinca

Arwens pet hamsterReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/25/2004
Yay, it's really good!
I'm enjoying this story just as much as your others! You just have a way of writing, that brings the story to life and makes it as real as Tolkiens original.
I can't wait to read some more.
Keep it up!

Author Reply: I'm trying to write this fairly quickly so that I can get to the parts that I think will be good :P Shouldn't be too long now.

I'm glad you're enjoying this one. I know it doesn't quite have a clear direction at the moment, but I will get there eventually!

- Pervinca

Arwens pet hamsterReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/13/2004
Yay, I'm glad your over your writer's block.
I love the way the story is developing! It's really good that they are begining to understand more about each other's past. It's also good in a way that Diamond knows and understands the full horror of what Pippin (and Merry) went through. Keep writing, I'm loving every minute of your story!

Author Reply: Hello - so you managed to find me here :) I find this instant reply thing to be one of the best things about SOA.

Thanks so much for your review. I'm trying to get through this story, but I get the feeling it's going to be a long one! Next chapter should be out very soon, though. Just needs to be types and beta'ed :)

- Pervinca

HaiReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/4/2004
I like that Pippin and Diamond have already told each other everything! There are some stories out there where they know nothing about the other's past, or at least no one knows what happened during the war. I appreciate those because they want their spouses and family to remain pure, if you will. But I love when they share all and there are no secrets! Funny, you would think that Merry would be the one to remember to write everyone and Pippin would forget! I like that Eomer didn't know they were coming and Aragorn did! Looking forward to more! thank you!

Author Reply: I was just saying in another reply, that Merry is often the writer, which is why I chose to use Pippin instead. It could happen :P Also glad you like the development of Pippin and Diamond's relationship. I've read a lot of stories like that too, and though I enjoy them, this is my version, lol!

Roger GamgeeReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/4/2004
I thoroughly enjoyed this fic...I am rather fond of post-Quest fics that deal with the hobbits after the War of the Ring.

I especially liked the touch with the beds...making note of Merry and Pippin's new height was a great addition to this story.

I look forward to seeing how this tale turns out.

Author Reply: Thanks for the review! I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out too! I have no idea where it will end up! :) I'm just going where it takes me. Hobbit post-quest fics are always fun to write, but the only problem is, you can use all of the characters! Frodo, Gandalf and Bilbo are gone! I will, however, try to have cameos by the other fellowship members and other friends like that. Again, thanks for reading!

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/4/2004
Glad you're over your writer's block!

I really liked the image of Pippin and Diamond sharing elevenses and reminiscenses (I don't know how to spell that!) and coming to know each other better, the slow, gradual falling-in-love process you describe sounds so much more real than that "across a crowded room" stuff.

Merry not writing letters! How funny! Yet in so much fanon he is the writer and Pip is practically illiterate. A nice turnaround, also, to see the older cousin learn something from the younger.

Author Reply: Thanks for your review! :D I always like to think that people need to be friends before they're lovers. I can't seem to see Pippin as being a "love-at-first-sight" sort. Diamond neither (well, at least, the Diamond character I've created).

I noticed, too, that Merry is commonly the letter-writer, so I thought I'd try for a change. I'm glad you enjoyed it :) I'm sure Merry learnt a few things of Pippin over the years :P

Hopefully, I should be able to get the next chapter out fairly soon. I'm trying to get through a couple of filler-type chapters until the more exciting stuff starts :D

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/4/2004
What an interesting Pippin you write. Sweet one moment, blunt the next. I can see why Diamond is intrigued.

Funny, that both seem clueless of the whispers going on.

Good story!

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/4/2004
How could *I* be outraged??? :-P


Author Reply: Hehehehehe, well yes. And considering the Pippin/Celandine scene from JTBWY, I suppose that comment came a little late :P I actually added it, because I left an review for a story in which Merry and Estella were living together before they married, and said their families wouldn't stand for it or something like that!

And as for Pippa slipping between the chapters - I forgot all about her when I wrote the last few chapters for JTBWY! I was supposed to mention something about Pervinca being pregnant, but it slipped my mind. Oh, well. :P

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: Prologue on 5/4/2004
Pervinca Took and Everard Took, with daughter Pippa (not featured in “Just to be With You”. She was born between the two stories). - Pervinca

Hehehe...sort of slipped between the leaves, did she? Very cute name!


HaiReviewed Chapter: 2 on 4/30/2004
I guess it works out if all the hobbits staying under one roof have some problem or another they are trying to over come! I did like how you had Merry wake up first thinking it was Pippin who was crying out. I'm glad that you have Estella and Diamond being good friends. Looking forward to finding out how these four settle in together!

Author Reply: Thank you for the review! I can't imagine that having those four living together would ever equal a peaceful arrangement. Whether it's nightmares or pranks, there's always going to be something noisy happening!

I think that since Merry and Pippin are so close, their wives would also have to be close - not necessarily before P&D's wedding, like I have, but certainly after! I'm really glad you're enjoying the story! :) I should have a new chapter out soon *fingers crossed* :P

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