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When the King Comes Back (the Great Smials)  by Dreamflower 14 Review(s)
PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/21/2004
Goodness this was a lonnngg tale! Worth *every* minute, too! I was completely absorbed as the reader. If this is your first fic, then I would love to see any more Pippin stories you have in your great imagination. With all the details, and running over the entire Journey, I'd have to say this would be a wonderful Cliff Note for students! ;-) Most excellent story, and just as excellently written. Take care.


NightskyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/21/2004
Really enjoyed this story; it was a good read. A bit disconcerting to find movie-Denethor in a story so firmly book based, but then, I have a lot of trouble with Movie Denethor so I find him jarring whenever he turns up. Still an excellent story, and I look forward to reading more.

Author Reply: Actually, that is my version of book-Denethor. I really never liked him from the first time I read the story 36 years ago. I thought he had a mean streak in him then; I blame him as much as the Ring for Boromir's death.
The only really movie moment is Boromir's death. It really gets me every time I see it.

PervincaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/21/2004
That was absolutely incredible! To be honest, I almost don't believe that it was your first fanfic! You almost made me cry! I loved the relationship you set up between Pippin and Paladin. When I first started reading, I suspected that it was a story with a bad relationship between Pippin and his father (not that I have anything against those, but it's just not the way I think it is), but what you created was definitely not that, just a stubborn Took unintentionally hurting one that he loves. I hope that you will continue this, AND try your hand at some more stories. That's a real talent you have there!

(P.S. Just so you know, you've somehow managed to post the entire chapter twice. It took me a moment, but I suddenly realises "Hey, this is very familiar!")

Author Reply: The entire *story* got posted twice, and listed as "In Progress", so I guess that proves what a novice I am. It took me three hours to get that story on, and I was trying to do it in separate chapters. I have a definite love/hate relationship with this computer.
I do have two more stories in the pipeline; one covers the exact same time and events from Merry's POV. I'm afraid to try and post it yet until I figure out better what I'm doing.

pipfanReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/21/2004
Oh, wow! Holy smokes, I am still caught up in the moment! That was your first fanfic? Wow! Please write more, please! I can't wait to see what you have next, that was absolutely amazing! Wow!

Author Reply: Thank you very much. It really is my first fanfic, and it is entirely due to Lulleny's story "The Prodigal Took". I read it one evening, and then that night woke up about 2AM with the first half of the story absolutely complete in my head. I had so much fun with it, I have two more stories going now, but until I figure out what I did wrong posting last night, they will have to wait.

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