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Serious Trouble  by The Karenator 84 Review(s)
daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/9/2004
Oh what a bad day these two had! I suppose it's their own fault but still, they were so miserable.

You do a nice job with the first person POV here, Karen. You give us Daeron's personality by showing us his thought and words. He certainly is a handful! I'm not sure I would want him loose with weapons either.

The families are nicely done. We can see the older brothers and Daeron's naneth emerging nicely. Thranduil is his intimidating self. Daeron and Legolas have courage if they cross him regularly.

Author Reply: Hi daw,

It's true. These two little elflings had a big, bad, terrible day. And yes, it was their own fault. Aren't life's lessons a bummer to learn? They obviously missed the part of the book where Tolkien stated that elflings needed little guidance.

Thank you for the compliment on the POV. First-person is always risky. It's often the kiss of death for a story, and some people hate it with a vengence. As I've told you before, I like a good first person pov. But, I think, this story's pov was chosen by Daeron instead of me. This will certainly serve as a good excuse if it falls flat on its face. It was his fault!

You're not the only one to want to get the weapons out of Daeron's hands. The Ranger was terribly nervous for a while, too.

Thanks again, daw. I really appreciate you reading and reviewing. Karen

JastaElfReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/9/2004
Very cute--the poor kids! Can't any of the adults see that the little creepy girls are being the ones to be mean? (Jeez, I'm becoming incoherent....) I want to see Thranduil or Seregon or someone catch the girls at their bad behaviour. Can you arrange it that they pull something VERY naughty and obviously BAD where their indulgent mothers AND the whole court can see??

Can you tell I want vindication for Legolas and Daeron?? :-)

I look forward to more....

Author Reply: Hey JastaElf,

What a terrific surprise to find you here. Thanks for reading and a big thank you for reviewing.

It's true, those little girls are thorns in our boys' sides. They'll be back, and Daeron gets his moment to get even. (Though I fear he may regret it someday.) Fluffy, I think, is the one to watch. She's the mastermind of evil. Daeron wishes us to watch her anyway. That way none of us will be paying attention while he's got his eye on Isilya. I wonder what he's thinking? The girls may even live to regret all those barbs they slung at the boys...but not in this story. :>(

Thanks again. I really appreciate you taking the time to review. I've had a good time allowing Daeron to tell his story to me. I hope you'll enjoy it. It's just for the fun of it! Karen

Maeglin the TraitorReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 3/9/2004
YES!!! I have been waiting forever for this story to be released!

Here we go,Queenie! Daeron rules!

Maeglin the Traitor

Author Reply: Oh my sweet elfling,

Take my hand and together we shall face the spiders! (You realize, of course, that I want you to walk in front. Do you have your can of Raid?) Good. Then, we are ready. Let us go, my brave elfling. Kaladriel

LindorienReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/9/2004
Well - I've gone and done it! I've read my first little Legolas Story. I almost never read little ANYBODY fanfics. This was sweet. Seregon made me a bit nervous, so I was pleased with the last line. It will be interesting to see where you go with this. Are the elleths going to get back the boys?

Author Reply: What is this? The mortal can speak? How glad I am to see you away from that disreputable 'Drunken Elleth'. Elessar will be pleased to hear his scribe is recovering from unfortunate experience.

Wow, Lindorien. I'm so pleased you read my 'little' somebody story. Thanks. I really mean that. And I really appreciate you taking the time to review the 'little somebodies'. (You really are cute with little bits of spider web hanging from your hair and earlobes.)

Oh, Seregon. He's not really a bad guy, just a tad overly serious. Considering the delight Daeron takes in torturing his older brother, you might should save a little sympathy for the big guy.

Those elleths have been picking on the guys for years. They show back up. Daeron is allowed to show his wit...or should I say how witless he is, considering that in the furure one of the elleths does torture him...but it's a sweet torture. :>)

Thanks again, O'Scribe of Gondor. Karen

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