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Serious Trouble  by The Karenator 84 Review(s)
MetuSaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/17/2004
This has got to be one of the funniest things that I've read in a loooonnnngggg time! I laughed so hard with the whole spider incident, I almost couldn't finish the chapter! Being somewhat phobic of spiders myself, I can truly imagine the horror of that nasty prank! ;-)

Author Reply: Okay!! Welcome, sister of the spider fright! I can draw a great deal on personal experience when it comes to talking about eight-legged horrors! I was bitten by one once on the shoulder, and the ensuing slowly, creeping numbness across my back and chest was quite a treat. The emergency room bill was enough to finish me off. I'm so glad you enjoyed the prank played on Daeron. Legolas sure did.

I really appreciate you taking the time to review. :>) Karen

FirnsarnienReviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/16/2004
OMG! That was just GRAND! I loved it! Every last word! I'm only sorry that it had to end! Surely, you've plans for another story?

I loved the way you gave Legolas the beginnings of the same power Thranduil has. And I like how he and Daeron tried to figure out why he felt that way about Erelas.

Oh, the way they were scared that the men were being held in the palace, even if it was in the caverns! Though their fear may have been somewhat irrational to the adults, I'm glad you had Thranduil trying to ease the fears of his nephew and son. That was very sweet and touching! And wow...he even had two of his fifteen guarding them. I loved that. It shows how much he values them above all else! LOL

Daeron's fear that night was too cute! I loved how he rushed out into the corridor when the log fell and then tried to calmy explain his reason for doing so to his guard! I love how he and Legolas are trying so hard to be grown up while they are yet Elfings! It's adorable!

*sigh* And've got me crushing on him...seriously! Aldamir too! And Erelas! Whew, I'm glad Erelas is getting better! LOL I got wonderful little heart pangs and toe curls when Seregon picked Daeron up in the corridor then put him to bed. I love how he got Ion for his little brother without comment and stayed with Daeron till he fell asleep. *sigh* So beautiful!

It would be interesting you know, to get a story from Seregon's point of view too! That way, you'd still stay true to the whole concept of telling these stories from the cousin's points of view. Think about it, I think it would be great! ;) And if it'll help, I'll even get on my knees and beg! :)

"Oh no!" I moaned softly. "We are in serious trouble." I loved this line! Absolutely perfect! I've always thought it interesting to see where, in a movie, the title of the movie would be uttered by an actor and by which actor it would be stated. And I've got to say, in this story, the title couldn't have been uttered by a more perfect Elfling! Wonderful way to wrap this up! And get us all laughing! LOL :)

I sure hope you write more of these stories! I've grown to really love Daeron and his relationship with his brother, and of course with Legolas and his brothers! You've created wonderful OC and not many can do that well! So take a bow, after this story, you sure deserve it! :)

Here's to more stories from you, hopefully! :) *fingers crossed*

Author Reply: What a great review! I'm so happy you liked this last installment.

It seemed to me as I read the books and especially as I watched the movies, that Legolas had a sixth sense about the movement of the orcs and the shadow in general. I'm not sure if all Elves were so attuned to the creeping evil, but it makes sense to me that Thranduil would be particularly aware of the realm and that his sons would share his ability to sense the well-being of the forest. Legolas is just beginning to recognize this ability and doesn't quite know what to make of it yet. I'm not sure if he truly sensed that something was going to happen to Erelas, or if he merely felt the first stirring of his connection to the woods and thought of Erelas, and his brother's wounds were just coincidence. At any rate, he was quite puzzled by the whole thing.

Thranduil does value the little guys, and I think he chose the warriors he did, because he knows he can trust them without question. Even though the little guys think they've really grown up, I think they were glad to have the guards. And the scene in the corridor with Ohtar was one of my favorite scenes to write. I'm so glad you liked it.

Well, I could probably seriously crush on 'Serious' Seregon, too. He's been battling his own demons for so long, he'd lost touch with Daeron. Now that they have grown closer, I think he really enjoys the little mite and wants to ease his fears. And if you can't cuddle with Seregon, at least one can always turn to a ragged, stuffed horse for comfort. I think we both know which one I would chose. :>)And I really like the idea of writing from Seregon's perspective. I'll file that away for future reference.

I'm beginning to putter around with a new tale. What little I've written, I've done in third person, but I don't think Daeron's going to allow that. He's been raising a ruckus! It looks like I'm going to have to start over. But, I'll do my best to not take too long.

Thank you so much for all your fun and thoughtful reviews. You have really made this journey worthwhile for me. Karen

Kitt of LindonReviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/16/2004
It shocked me a bit that they had captured some of the men and they were actually in their home. I do not blame Daeron and Legolas for being frightened. (Personally, I would not have slept a wink.)
Oh, and Erelas recovering gladens me!
I am a bit sad this had to end. Ah, but it was such a good ending. (How serious of trouble, I wonder?)

Author Reply: I think I would have been a little unnerved by the men being held in the same place I was, too. If, and that's an 'if', Thranduil had dungeons, then they must have been in the lower levels of the Stronghold. In The Hobbit, Bilbo and company were held below and escaped with the wine barrels. Without creating a whole new place as a prison--which I don't think the Elves would have had as a rule--then the logical place to imprison the men was down below. I imagine that the men were secured quite far away from the living quarters. But like you, I would not have slept a wink either.

Erelas is going to be fine. It's a dangerous job out in the forest. It's probably not his first wound and most likely not his last. But, he's a trooper!

Thank you for all your reviews. I'm so glad you enjoyed the story. It was fun for me to write and to post. Such wonderful reviews, such as yourself, make it all worthwhile. Thanks again, Karen

Hisie LomeReviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/16/2004
Milady Karen,
Truly you have a gilded touch with this tale. The innocence of children is quite well illustrated in their hopes for the frog's further comforts and the "healthy respect" for the guards. I loved how all strived to help the elflings feel more at ease. Ion was such a lovely touch. If only the King could understand the sweetness of the lordlings attempts at fellowship with members of the forest….Mayhap, his ire would not be so deep.
This has been such as lovely tale. Tis a pity that it has ended. As always, I look forward to more.

I most humbly apologize for my most recent error in judgment. I was only concerned for your health and well being. When one dwells too much on the problems of the realm, it is only to be expected! Forgive me my familiarity, one must keep up her strength and resolve, Milady. Yet, the fair countenance of the elder Thranduilion leads me to distraction. The stars, you say… Ah, to cast yon gaze skyward. Thank the Valar! You are most assuredly correct that the realm will stay safe because of such warriors. Karen your fine gifts will forever be treasured. If only I had been so forthright and took such an opportunity as you yourself . Again, I look to you in wisdom.

Minna Sedh, Hisie Lome

Author Reply: Hail, Fair Hisie,

I think the little guys are still quite innocent despite their recent run-in with the men. But they are at that odd juncture of moving to the next step toward adulthood...the terrible teens or thirties for an elf, I suppose. Still, they're young enough to really get into whether a frog is warm or not. I'm not sure the good king stopped to consider how 'in touch with the woodlands' the little scamps were when Kermit took a stroll across the banquet table. As the Ranger Meckinock said, "It was the return of The Throbbing Vein'. Thranduil probably had a throbbing headache, too. Maybe Lalaith will know what to do to ease the king's discomfort. ;>)

Oh, dear child. There is no need for apologies. How could you have known I was slyly watching the fair elder Thranduilion through the lens of my Pentax? I trust you enjoyed the snapshot I sent? Just remember when opening any of daw's's always a Kodak moment. :>) (Just in case daw reads this, let me say that it 'is' an inside joke and one that is very complimentary to your Ithilden!) *Tugs at collar. Is the air conditioner on in this place?*

Thanks you Hisie Lome for all your fine reviews. I have truly enjoyed hearing from you and reading your notes. It's been such fun for me. I'm so glad you enjoyed the tale. Keep in touch!


fliewatuetReviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/16/2004
I know that it is a bit late for delurking now that the story is finished, but I'd like to let you know just how much I enjoyed it. First of all, I loved the combination of humour and drama, very well done. Then I loved the tone of it. You did a marvellous job at telling it from the perspective of a child both in tone and in Daeron's unique perception of the adult world around him. Not to mention Daeron's still very child-like fears -- I had a hard time keeping a straight face when reading the deamon-beneath-the-bed bit and the resulting encounter with Ohtar outside his chambers -- though, of course, Daeron sees himself as quite grown up.


Author Reply: Goodness, no! It's never too late for such a nice review. I'm so pleased you enjoyed it. I have a lot of experience with little male units, but I never know if I have captured the 'kid' without losing the 'elf'. I really appreciate your words of encouragement. My favorite scene to write was the one with Ohtar and Daeron. I have to admit, I would probably be just as nervous as Daeron if I knew the 'bad guys' were being held right under my feet. I so glad you enjoyed it.

Thanks again, fliewatuet. Delurk anytime. :>)


NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/16/2004
You are reminding me of the time I brought a salamander inside the house. I don't recall my mother enjoyed it crawling its way around the kitchen either. I don't recall bringing a frog in the house, alhtough I did find other uses for them. There are great ways to torment brothers - although, I suppose Ereleas, Sergeon and Aldamir would not be the least put off.

It was fun to see the elflings being guarded - having the 'prison' located in your home did have to be a scary thing. On residencey, we stayed in what amounted to dormitories on the top wing of a mental hospital. The locked ward for dangerous patients was not far away, and having been tossed against the wall by a male patient one day, I wasn't too thrilled knowing he was in the building I was sleeping in!

Those men likely went home more scared of elves than they started! Good thing, too.

I also liked how Legolas could sense the forest.

Author Reply: LOL! I think you would fit right in with these budding Steve Irwin wannabes. Nilmandra/ has a certain ring to it.

It 'would' be a little strange to have the local pokey in your basement. It would certainly unnerve me. I did my time in a psych ward,, I was not the patient. While I felt for the people there, it could be a bit daunting. Luckily, I was never smashed by one of the patients...but don't think I didn't keep my distance!

I think you're right about the men going home with a whole new view of Elves. A healthy respect, as Daeron would say.

Thanks for your reviews and for your support, Nilmandra. I really do appreciate it.


daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/16/2004
These two can't keep out of trouble for long! I could see frog trouble coming but having it emerge at a formal dinner was beyond what I had imagined.

Daeron's fear was touching, and he does seem to have made peace with his brother, at least for a while. I like the way you show us the reactions of the adults even when Daeron can't quite make them out.

I have to feel sorry for the Men. They were deceived and they paid dearly.

Author Reply: You know, I felt bad for the men, too. I really don't think they were evil, just terribly mislead. Happens a lot in real life too, I suppose. Even good people do bad things and often for what they think is a good reason. For these men, the cost was high.

I don't think Daeron completely 'got it' that he was cracking up Ohtar or that his little ruse was a big flop. It's been a challenge to let the adult reactions come through Daeron's filters, but it's been fun for me. I'm glad they were evident.

I think trouble will always follow Daeron and Legolas. They don't mean to be magnets; they just are. I see them as fairly happy, well-adjusted kids who simply embrace life and get caught in the webs they spin--or the frogs they bring home. I imagine Thranduil was a little miffed when the frog went on a stroll, and the cider was flying. It's hard to be king!

Thank you, daw, for all your reviews and kind words. I appreciate your support more than you can know. Karen

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/16/2004
Lovely finish to a great story, Karen. The Return of the Throbbing Vein. Poor Thanduil's gonna have an stroke before he gets these kids raised. Fortunately Lalaith seems to be cool as a cucumber in all situations. Modeled on anyone we know or just wishful thinking? Should we canvass the efling contingent at Chez Karenator and find out?

I think my favorite scene this time was Ohtar and Daeron in the hallway; Daeron trying to bluff his way out of admitting he's just scared himself half to death and Ohtar trying like the dickens to keep a straight face.

Well, now that I've fallen in love with your royal household I hope you will write more about them soon. Your Thanduil with his throbbing vein and soft heart is just wonderful, and you know I would particularly like to see more of Aldamir, Seregon, and Erelas! And I think we need to keep those little elfling scamps around for some comic relief...


Author Reply: Thanks, Ranger, but without you I'd still be back trying to moralize what the rescue team was doing. Your input has been beyond Thranduil would say.

Yes, he is the king of The Throbbing Vein. And no, Lalaith is not modeled on me, though there are some behaviors shared by all mothers. I couldn't stand that messy bed of Erelas' and just had to have her set it right.

I'm glad you got a kick out of the corridor scene with Ohtar. I think that he's really a pretty good guy under that stern exterior. And he has a daughter so he knows how 'tricksy' kids can be. Daeron didn't fool him for second.

The next installment is being mixed in my underground laboratory at this moment. You'll be the first to know when it's soup. I'd like to see more of the older brothers, too. I'm just tring to figure out how I'm going to do it. (Now where is that wolfbane and toad toes?)

Thank you again for all your long, hard labor and support. You have the patience of a saint and the disposition of a.....scared you there, didn't I? :>) I can't say thank you enough, Karen

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/16/2004
Ah, Karenator, this is a truly delightful story! I love seeing the world - a messy, confusing place - through the eyes of Daeron. He is a jokester, but unusually observant for one so young.

I enjoyed basking in the warmth of the family relationships here, especially between the brothers. Daeron and Seregon both seemed to have learned and grown in just the space of a few days...

Please carry on, my dear lady! Your fans are clamoring for a sequel!

Author Reply: Hi Elena Tiriel,

The world is a messy place, isn't it? Daeron and Legolas have just had a crash course in some of the intrigues of men and Elves. You're right about Daeron being a bit of a jokester, but he does have a keen eye and an analytical mind. I think the extra years of experience an elfling has gives them a broader world view than a human child of equivalent age. But, he's still a kid--with a bit of a warped window on the happenings around him--or maybe a clearer window. I think his observations are often quite on target, but not always since he does lack the maturity to see perfectly.

I so glad you enjoyed the story. The brotherly relationships have grown. It took some serious rattling of their cages for Daeron and Seregon to see each other in a different light, but I think the most important thing they found out was how much they truly do love one another and how this bond can change the way they respond to each other. Things may not always be smooth sailing, but they know each other a little better now.

Thank you again. Karen

JulesReviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/16/2004
Thank you for another wonnderful chapter. It was a great ending but I do not want it to end. Sequel perhaps? Please please please. These 2 are sure to have many more adventures while growing up.

Thanks for writing


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