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Between There...And Back Again  by cpsings4him 19 Review(s)
lovethosehobbitsReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/25/2004
This has turned out to be an amazing fic. I love the tender treatment that you and Merry, and Aragorn are giving to our favorite ringbearer. Tree

Author Reply: Thank you so much, Tree!! Dearest Frodo is so easy to give tender treatment to! He is a joy to tend!


ElwenReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/25/2004
Oh My Goodness!!!

I bow at your feet. This is absolutely heart rending. The angst. The love. The tenderness. The pain.

This is one of the best descriptions of this period I have ever read. And written with such gentleness.

And the flashback with the tickle fight was a perfect insight into Frodo's personality and strength.

You've got me hanging on your every word.

Author Reply: Oh, My! I am absolutely bowled over by your review! I hardly know what to say! (And for me, that's saying a lot!) You know how much I always enjoy YOUR work, so to get such a great review from someone I admire is doubly satisfying as well as encouraging! I'm so glad you liked it.

The tickle fight was one of my favorite parts of the story as was so much fun to write! I drew from several sources when writing it. First, of course, the main inspriation came from Movie!Frodo! (or, I guess, more correctly, Elijah's) slight, but solid frame...have you seen him without a shirt? Very spare, yes...but tight as a little drum and solid muscle - very cat like - I bet he's quick! Second, from my own experience with, in turn, my two older brothers (yep, I'm the baby AND the only girl - sweet!), my older cousins and finally my dear husband who all know how EXTREMELY ticklish I am and do their best (or worst) to play on it. Thirdly, my darling husband...who is built not unlike Elijah (though he is a tiny bit taller at 5'8 1/2" [v/s Elijah's 5'6" - though, Elijah would still be at least an inch taller than me]). Anyway, my husband works on an electrical utility crew (hard-hat-hottie! hehe!) and he is the smallest of the crew. Most of the men tower over him by at least a head and outweigh him by at least 50 lbs...yet, somehow, he is always able to give them a run for their money when they engage in 'wrestling' matches ('s like a crew of little boys until it comes time for serious 7500KW work!). Anyway, all that combined gave me the inspiration.

The gentleness was easy. I have a VERY soft spot in my heart for that little hobbit. Just wrote what was in my heart.

Hope to have more for you soon!


Lily BagginsReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/24/2004
All right... I am worshipping you from afar now. Thank GOODNESS you're a Frodo person at heart, because this fic---all that tender loving care---is delicious. Absolutely delicious, and to wax poetic, my heart was all a-flutter as read it.

Can't name all the things I loved---too many. Aragorn's regret at the pain he must inflict, Merry's soothing (we don't see Merry often enough in post-quest h/c---he's usually with Pippin), the very detailed, careful tending. Read like a 9-1-1 episode or ER? I don't think so, because it's got heart---it's not just the cold clinical observation of injuries. I felt teary at Frodo's terrible need for water and the way Aragorn and Merry felt as they looked on his half-starved state.

Feisty Frodo wanting more water and making noises was the absolute best. Adored it. Please have a little Frodo, at least, in chapter four? I might go crazy without.

Author Reply: I wish you could see how big I'm grinning right now at reading your review! It made my day! I'm so glad you enjoyed it and found it to your liking. I agree about not seeing Merry enough in post-quest h/c - I tend to enjoy him with Frodo...especially in this kind of setting. I just have this picture of them in my mind of having grown up very close to each other - more like brothers than cousins. I know Frodo had 14 years of age on him, but I think that would possibly serve to make Merry love him even more - you know that 'hero worship' that often occurs between younger and older siblings. Even Mr. Tolkien said that Merry (along with Pippen and Fatty) were his 'best friends'...dispite the age difference. So, when I was writing this, I just had this picture in my mind of Merry finding out that Frodo was back and alive and wanting to go to him immediately. What a shock he was in for when he got there. Surely, he couldn't have known what to expect.

Giving Frodo water was my favorite part as well (well, that and the tickle match flashback). I just have a terrible soft spot for those in want (just ask any of the poor little pitiful puppies and kitties that have been dropped off at my driveway half starved - you can bet they were fed up proper before they were sent to good homes! Just can't see any poor little soul hungry (or thirsty). Hopefully, next chapter, we'll get to feed him too! Don't worry, there will be Frodo aplenty in the next chapter as well as Sam! (Goodness! Couldn't leave my Frodo out! Shudders at the very thought!)

Anyway...glad you liked it.


shireboundReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/24/2004
Omigosh, I've never read such painstaking, detailed descriptions of injury and slow, patient, head to toe healing. I'm looking forward to reading about Sam, and (hopefully) the improvement and complete healing of our brave hobbits. Including Merry into the healing process is a wonderful addition. He and Aragorn make a good team.

Author Reply: Thank you! I hope it wasn't TOO much detail. I worried over that. I told someone who reviewed the second chapter that I hoped it didn't sound like an episode of 'Rescue 911' - LOL! I would much rather it be more like 'ER'...all the medical stuff - but angst, drama, comfort and relationships to go with it. Glad you liked the addition of Merry. I agree - they make a great team!


Kat...aka...chickloveslotrReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/24/2004
i cant not express into words,
how happy i am that you have updated this story!
i have saved a copy of it(this story of yours) in my computer for like eva,
so i could copy the update & keep this story 4eva! lol silly me!
i love the update!
*waits patiently(well not too patiently) for next chapter!*
keep up the gr8 work!

Author Reply: Wow! I am very honored to be on someones hard drive!! (I mean that! I'm not being sarcastic!) Thank you so much for reviewing and for being so patient with me in getting the update done. Hopefully chapter 4 will not take so long!


Kat...aka...chickloveslotrReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/31/2004
plz continue!!!!

Author Reply: Your wish is my command! Now updated with a third chapter! "Tending Hurts"...hope you enjoy it. Sorry for the long delay!

Author Reply: Your wish is my command! Now updated with a third chapter! "Tending Hurts"...hope you enjoy it. Sorry for the long delay!

ChickloveslotrReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/28/2004
i love this story so far!i hope you shall update again soon!you have a beautiful talent and i am happy as to of been able to take part in reading such a lovely story!

Author Reply: Wow! Thank you, Chick for the lovely review!! It made my day! Yes, I shall be updating soon. I've got nearly the whole thing written - unfortunately, it's all still in my noodle (head!)...just gotta type it out now! Thanks again for reading and reviewing!


Lyta PadfootReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/27/2004
You've handled the medical details well. Looking forward to further chapters.

Author Reply: Thank you! To be honest, I was a bit worried about that, so it's great to hear. I just hope I don't sound like an episode of 'Rescue, 9-1-1'...I would much more prefer sounding like an episode of 'ER'...still lots of medical stuff, but full of feelings and a story line as well. Thanks for reviewing! Blessings!

esamenReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/26/2004
“Completely surrounded when I found them. The rock they were on was no more than an island in a fiery sea when I reached them. I doubt it’s even visible now."

Nicely done, Tolkien scholar!

I like the way Aragorn's character comes through on this. He will become such an awesome king . . . not to mention husband, and father. What a great story! Thanks for all your hard work in sharing it with us.

Author Reply: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for such a nice review! I can not tell you how it encourages me to receive these reviews! Yep! I wouldn't mind being a subject in King Aragorn's kingdom!

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