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Boromir in Rivendell  by esamen 16 Review(s)
eilujReviewed Chapter: 9 on 3/1/2004
I confess that Boromir is not my favorite character, but you depicted him with great understanding for his strengths, his weaknesses, and the culture and position which have shaped him. And while you were concentrating on Boromir, you gave us memorable portrayals of all the other characters.

I look forward to more of your stories.

Author Reply: Thank you very much for your encouragement. We all need it! I thought that what you mentioned -- the way that Boromir's culture and position shaped him -- was a very interesting part of writing the story. That loving heart was there. It was just buried under too much stress, too much in his world that had gone wrong. But give any heart the right conditions (lots of hobbit love) and it can blossom! That's my favorite theme, anytime, anywhere. I am so honored by your words. They mean the world to me. Thanks again for taking time to write.
Sincerely, esamen

Author Reply:
Unfortunately, I'm not planning any more LOTR fics in the near future. I am working on something of my own, a story about two families. It has a lot of hobbity love, especially between the brothers and cousins, and it has themes of coming-of-age- and learning-to-love-and-trust-again just like my Boromir story has.

If you would like to read the chapters as I write them, just email me at, and I will send them out to you as I get them ready. I am looking for readers who like this story and would like to read more along these same themes. If you're not inclined to do this, don't worry -- I won't bug you!

Thanks again for your lovely review. It has inspired me. I want to write stories that will encourage us all to be better people--just like you have encouraged me.


HaiReviewed Chapter: 9 on 3/1/2004
I like the things Frodo said to Boromir in the previous chapter! Quite wise and noble he is! I wish Boromir was able to return to his people! I always get so sad thinking about what lays ahead. Thank you for such a great tale from Boromir's perspective!

Author Reply: Yes, I think that I wrote the entire story with that moment in mind -- where Boromir finally gets to speak with the Ringbearer, and finds out the depth of courage and integrity that is in Frodo's heart. I like writing about people who show courage in the face of great difficulty. I think it's one of the noblest things that we can do -- to encourage each other to be better people. And Boromir was a much, much better man at the end of his life because of his love for the hobbits (sigh . . . brush away a tear . . . so hard to come to the end of this story!)

Thanks again for reading and taking the time to review,

Lily BagginsReviewed Chapter: 9 on 3/1/2004
I am so sad this story is at an end! It was just charming---and yet we were reminded throughout of the Ring's temptation for Boromir. I think what I most enjoyed was the feeling that Boromir felt just a little out of place, but most comfortable with the hobbits---and not just Merry and Pippin, as is often the case in fics, but with Frodo and Bilbo, too. And just loved the way you showed the easy affection between the hobbits and Aragorn and Gandalf. Beautiful story--I hope we see more from you!

Author Reply: Thanks you, and this is high praise, coming from a writer that I have been reading for so long! That part about Boromir coming out of his shell around the hobbits . . . his poor, beat-up heart coming to life again in the security of their warmth and affection . . . is just thrilling to me. That's my favorite theme in all storydom. In a way, I think it is a common desire of all our hearts. Love really is the greatest gift of all. It may sound a little sappy to say so . . . just as Boromir says in the Epilogue . . . but it's true, and deep down we all know it.

Thanks again! Please keep on writing! You really have a gift.

CitrineReviewed Chapter: 9 on 3/1/2004
I've been reading your story all along, but I've waited til now to review. What a little jewel of a story this is, just so well done, and I'm inclined to be a wee bit jealous of the depth and real power of your beautiful words:
"The word comes slow to such as me to say it, but I cannot hold back the meaning: it is love, not the courtly manners or the strict obedience that I thought was love till now, but a glow that fills my heart with joy, making all things seem possible, making all costs worthwhile.
Courage born of this wells inside me as I look up at the hills. Beyond them lies my home. I have not forgotten you, my brother, my people. I am coming. Do not lose heart, fair City, I long to call across the mountains. I am coming! Let all the foes of Gondor flee! And I raise my horn and let it call, echoes leaping rock to rock in the night, because for Gondor, hope is come."
For this moment at least, Boromir can see a future for his country and his people. These last two paragraphs are some of the finer words of fanfiction that I've ever read.

Author Reply: Thank you from the bottom of my heart. This is a very, very precious review to me . . . thanks again for taking the time to write it.

Author Reply: Thank you from the bottom of my heart. This is a very, very precious review to me . . . thanks again for taking the time to write it.

Author Reply: Oh, Citrine! I hit the wrong button and didn't finish the reply! I'm sorry! I wanted to tell you that those are my favorite lines from the story also. I built the whole thing for that moment. I am so glad that you saw it that way . . . that means so, so much to me.

I hope you see this review, down here underneath the other two missent missives. I am working on another story right now, but unfortuantely it's not a LOTR fan fic. If you would like to read and review it, email me at my personal email, It's about two families, and a young cousin who must come to live with them after his mother dies. A sharp reader will pick up some relationships that are quite hobbity, and some themes of coming of age and learning to trust and to love, that are very similar to this Boromir story.

Thanks again for your beautiful review,

EomerofEastfoldReviewed Chapter: 9 on 3/1/2004
Alas for Boromir, son of Denethor, that he will at last succumb to the lure of the ring, and never see his city again.

It is interesting, to me, to hear Frodo warn him about the ill effects of holding the ring. If anything it makes the pull of the ring seem stronger, if Boromir dismisses Frodo's warnings when he at last attempts to claim it for himself. Very interesting indeed.

Sorry to see this is the end, though. I hope to see more stories from you, and I also hope you've had time to read more of mine. They pale in comparison to yours, to be certain, but I hope all the same.

Author Reply: Yes, my little fic turned out to be a tragedy. I didn't plan it that way--I wanted lots of humor and fun--but it did end up having that thin line of tragedy all the way through, because we fans know the end.

But it was great fun writing it. Yes, I thought we had better throw the power of the Ring into high relief by showing the depth of Boromir's integrity and the many warnings he was given. The poor man was just overcome. But he was a better person at the end because of the love he had for the hobbits.

Yes, I have been reading your stories, you Rohirrim, you! I was the reviewer who asked if Wilda's name was Welsh. I continue to roam around the site, reading, especially reading the work of people who commented to me! So I'll be back with another review for you.

Unfortunately, I don't have another LOTR fic in the works. I am working on something of my own, and I am investigating new online writing groups and readers. If you would like to see a chapter, email me at It may be a month before a chapter is ready, but your comments are very, very insightful and I would be glad to get feedback from you. It's a story set during the Depression, with some hobbity relationships and a strong theme of coming-of-age and learning to love and to trust. Very similar to this Boromir story.

Thanks again for your time and your words of encouragement. They mean very much to me. And I will be back to checking up on Wilda! Fare Well, until we meet again!


shireboundReviewed Chapter: 9 on 3/1/2004
I'm so glad you shared this wonderful story with us! There are too few stories that give such keen perceptions into Boromir's thoughts and character, and his complex "human-ness".

Author Reply: Thanks, and this feels like high praise to me, coming from you. I feel a little sad now that adventure of posting this fic is coming to an end! I will miss all the excitement of getting a review! And I so enjoy visiting with you all! I'm a little afraid that once this story gets buried in the back pages of the website, no one will read it any more.

I hope you are going to post more of your work at the website here soon. I really love your particular vision of Frodo and your particular style of writing. The way you make a story come alive through dialogue, and the way you blend imagination with canon, is just wonderful. Please keep on writing! I am looking forward to more wonderful stories from you.

Three cheers for the 11 Oscars! I am so happy to see the honor given to Jackson's vision of Tolkien's work. I always think of the films as one big fan fic . . . they achieve greatness because they are based on a truly great tale.

Thanks again for all your encouragement!


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