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All for Her   by SoundofHorns 15 Review(s)
Rohirric WarriorReviewed Chapter: 74 on 8/1/2005
*Whoops and cheers* Go Gaer! Er, I mean... *coughs* poor Faramir. Yes... poor Faramir.

I was beginning to think that Eowyn and changed her mind about leaving. I can understand Faramir being upset. He wants to be the one to help her through everything, and unlike her he doesn't think that he's done too much. The fact that she's leaving now almost says that she doesn't trust him enough to help her through that last gap, even though we all know that isn't the case.

As for Gaer going with her or with Faramir.... I don't know. I'd just like to see more of him either way. It's your fault for making such an irresistibly likeable OC. :)

I've read chapters one through three, and have not yet started on four and five. I like the rewrites, though, and am looking forward reading the latest ones.

Now I shall patiently (or impatiently) wait for the next update. :)

Author Reply: Ha! I love Gaer.

Hopefully updating in the next 2 weeks. Sorry, but i've been busy with school and everything.

CHibi-KazReviewed Chapter: 74 on 7/29/2005
I know I know -- a thousand lashes w/ a wet noodle for not reviewing every chapter, and reviewing late too! I'm so naughty -- will you send Eomer to chastise me? Please? :D *evil grin*

Nice chapter -- I like the dicotomy you've set up in Faramir's subconscious, that his enjoyment of the Mark and *why* he's enjoying it is the same as Denethor's criticisms. Of course, they're not really, and all he's discovering is his own self without stress, but that dark frission of self-consiousness, of self-doubt and negativity, helps rescue an otherwise unredeemably fluffy chapter! ;p Kidding! I like the fluff, really I do, but the dark streak really helps keep things out of the realm of cotton candy, and firmly footed in character development.

I think Faramir understood Eowyn's wish to go to Minas Tirith a smidge too quickly, but then, he has the advantage of reading her mind, even when she isn't terribly coherent. And of course, Eowyn will have Arwen nearby for help.

What I'm really looking forward to, surprisingly to myself even, is Eomer meeting Lothiriel. So many people have written Lothiriel, I'm eager to see how you portray her (even if it ends up having to be a sequel! I'll stick around to read it, I promise!)

You know the best part of this fic? You as a writer take your time. You're not forcing the interactions, or the emotions, or the development. You're not rushing the plot in anyway, and at the same time, every chapter has at least one hugely important yet totally subtle detail that we as readers must absorb. It's quite brilliant. I hope you have ambitions to write professionally -- I'm sure you'd do very well.


Author Reply: *Pushes Eomer out the door* Go on, chastise her good! Don't stop until she's really gotten it, either! :D

Oh,yes, I plan to be a writer and I wish I could come up with another idea that has gripped me like this story! Sigh, maybe after All for Her and, heh, it's sequel involving Eomer and Lothiriel. Arghhh, it was supposed to be seven chapters! Anyway, thank you, I try very hard on this story. Frankly, I'm a big fan of long books and I like to sink into them and let them last. I guess this has shown itself in my writing. :)

Actually, Eomer has met Lothiriel. I don't know if you're one of those who is reading the chapter rewrites or if you're waiting until the end to (hopefully) read them. He's met her once, as has Eowyn, and I plan on having them interact yet again, keeping it brief so that he won't know her name. He really doesn't remember her or think about her here, so I can't let him have much.

I'm thinking of bringing Eomer back to the City with Faramir to see his sister's wedding and get on with his business with Lothiriel. It would be a nice surprise for her...both women, I guess. ;)

Elendiari22Reviewed Chapter: 74 on 7/28/2005
Yay, an update!

I'm glad to see the story moving along, and very glad tat Eowyn told Faramir that she's leaving. Hopefully this time around Eowyn will realize that the City is not a place to fear. Maybe she'll bring some Rohirric sensibilities to the place. :)

The romance scene was very sweet, although my cheeky side often saw someone jumping through the bushes and scaring the living daylights out of Faramir as he lay there naked. I'm glad they're more comfortable together.

Also, the war game was very well-written, with just the right amount of comedy and seriousness. Gaer has no inhibitions about beating Faramir up to be with Eowyn, which I see as a mark of true friendship. Do you think Faramir will ask Gaer to accompany Eowyn to Gondor? It might be good for her to have at least one familiar face from Rohan with her, and Gaer would not let her be depressed. Just a thought.

Well, I'm anxious for more of this. Please don't be too long in updating!

Author Reply: LOL, that would have been funny, huh? Some of those Rohirrim playing a joke on poor, naked Faramir.

I've thought of Gaer going, but really...I need two of him, lol, one to be with Eowyn, the other to be with Faramir! I'm still unsure of where he'll end up.

Lady of The WoodReviewed Chapter: 74 on 7/28/2005
Hooray she told him! Good, I'm glad to see the story progressing along. Much as I've enjoyed the festival vignettes I was getting anxious to see the story start moving again. I can't wait to read about Eowyn in Minas Tirith Faramir's last days in the Mark, but I hope you won't keep them apart too long. The romance is my favorite part!

Speaking of romance, this chapter had some lovely bits. I loved the scene with the two of them and the tired Thorn. Good job.

Looking forward as always.

Author Reply: Heh, the romantic bits are where I feel the story truly comes alive. I get antsy whenever there is too much time between them!

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 74 on 7/27/2005
A powerful and exhiliarating chapter. I loved the contest between Gaer and Faramir; and Gaer's concern for Faramir when he and Thorn fell. It's almost sad how much at ease and happy Faramir feels in The Mark; he can't stay there, he has to learn to be happy as Steward and Prince, in Gondor.

I loved how tolerant and trusting Eomer has become of Faramir, and Faramir's thrill at being liked by the Rohirrim, including his new brother.

This chapter is a nice counterpart to the earlier one where Eowyn felt scared and trapped in Gondor; she's going back there to conquer the realm, or at least her part of it, on her own.

More soon, I hope.

Author Reply: At least someone is reading the earlier chapters. :)

I'm working on Chapter Six and 75 simultaneously.

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