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All for Her   by SoundofHorns 17 Review(s)
BKBReviewed Chapter: 61 on 10/5/2004
Do not be worried about the disparity in the numbers of hits and reveiws. I'm sure that most people read without taking the time to reveiw. A high number of hits should be the first indicator of success. As a reader, if I don't like a story I simply don't bother to go back. The second indicator of sucess is not so much the quantity of reviews, but their quality; and from what I've seen here, I think that you have every reason to be confident. About five years from now I fully expect to pick a well review first novel and read on the back flap of the dust jacket that the author got her start writting fanfiction under the pen name of "Sound of Horns".

Thank you for the wonderful gift. Happy Birthday!

Author Reply: Aww. That's a great thing to say. You're welcome and thank you! :D

I must confess, I, too, didn't review much until I became a writer. I just have little patience when it comes to updating.

AdamasReviewed Chapter: 61 on 10/4/2004
I really enjoyed this chapter. This chapter marked some very important character developments in our trio: Eowyn, Faramir, and Eomer. I bet this was not an easy chapter to write.

I was glad to see that Eowyn missed Faramir almost immediately, … missing his presence both physically and mentally. It reminded me of a scene several chapters’ back where she was shocked that Faramir thought about her “all the time”. I had to laugh; now who’s thinking about whom? LOL. I was glad that Eowyn spend some time thinking on Gandalf’s words. I think her decision to step out from the middle of the Faramir/Eomer situation is wise. And I agree with your response to Raksha the Demon… I think as more time goes by she is going to miss Faramir more, she will not just leave him without a goodbye or explanation. That would be cruel and childish, that’s not how I perceived her decision to go to Gondor. To me she is taking the mature steps to growing up and embracing her womanhood. It is important for her to identify who she is as a woman before she takes on the roll of wife/mother. You see evidence of this in her new found interest in her Mother’s possession. Also, she is no longer hiding Faramir’s love marks. I think that in the end her decision to leave will help Faramir more then anything else. Eomer will not have Eowyn’s presence as an excuse to draw out the trial. Also, Eomer will have to move the whole trial along, for fear that Faramir will leave to join Eowyn in Gondor.

Eomer also has some moments of revelation. He is beginning to seeing his sister, however uncomfortable it may make him, as a women and not the child. He is also starting to have doubles about his judgements about Faramir. It is obvious he was impressed with how Faramir handled himself with the riders. I like how you visually used the arm wrestling with Arwen to open Eomer eyes; that appearances are not always what they seem. Arwen looks petite and frail, but she has the strength of an elf. Excellent visual personal experience.

Faramir is also given an opportunity to really grow. He is beginning to see that the men of Rohan do not have any preconceived notions about Faramir. No Boramir to compare to. He can and must stand on his own abilities and strength. I think the idea of him finding his Rohirric name is significant and by the end of his trial I think he will find his “true Rohirric name”. I found two names that I though significant. Folcwine = friend of the people or Felarof = very valiant, strong. I like seeing Faramir in the roll as teacher. I think it really suits him. Here's a thought what if his name means teacher. I don't know the Rohirric name for teacher but I think by the time Faramir has completed his training that maybe he will have taught the men of Rohan thing or two.

With all the important plot/character development going on with these three you also managed to reveal the Arwen/Aragorn mysterious argument. Wow, you were very busy in this chapter.

I have a thought/comment about your comment below.

Author Reply: He's a nice guy!! Oh, and this new Eowyn plot-twist? Gets Lothiriel into the story WAY ahead of schedule! Eomer better enjoy his last days as a free man!

What if you have a spin off or companion story where Eomer goes to Dol Amroth to win Lothiriel hand and him must learn how to be a sailor. LOL, poetic justice. : 0)

Once again, good job enjoyed reading this very much.

Author Reply: Actually I was stuck on this chapter until I had the Eowyn/decision breakthrough and the rest just wrote itself. There is a lot going on, funny, I hardly see it until I go back and reread.

See, that's how I want to portray her decision to leave--standing up to her fears. But for right now, it's still in its childish stages. I mean, who out there hasn't had that? A very immature, "I'll show you" moment or two? No one is perfect and neither is Eowyn. She's going to quickly get out of that and start planning in an adult fashion with Aragorn, Gandalf and Sam to help. :) Good role models those three.

Those are two good names--and thank you for suggesting them!! A teacher name, too, might be appropriate. AND Faramir might have more than one name, they seem to be given rather freely, for example, Eomer meets Aragorn and almost immediately names him. (course he did do a rather extraodinary feat, but still, my point, it exists)

Hee! Eomer as a sailor! Well, I will get Eomer to the Sea... Just a tease for you all. :D Faramir does get some payback in, too, when Eomer's the one lovesick and silly.

SantooriReviewed Chapter: 61 on 10/4/2004
Another wonderful chapter! This is by far my favorite E/F story. Whenever I see an update its like getting a birthday present!

Happy Birthday!

Author Reply: Thanks! :D That's a great compliment! Two, in fact, :)

RAKSHA THE DEMONReviewed Chapter: 61 on 10/4/2004
Forgot to wish you a very happy birthday!

You're quite a good writer for one so young. I do hope you'll eventually move to writing original fiction. Or writing LOTR fanfiction AND professional stuff.

My 'rant' was not in any way directed at you, btw. I don't rant against writers; as a reader of fanfiction, I believe my job is to read and, if I want to, review the stuff, not express anger against a writer.

Given that Eowyn seemed to have come to a definite and very foolish (in my opinion) decision, I felt I had the right to convey my feelings about it. You've created a very believable milieu of post-war Rohan; and within that framework I felt like Eowyn had become real, at least as real as a fictional character can be. And her decision just about blew what's remained of my patience after all this time she's spent stringing Faramir along. (as I've said in previous reviews, Faramir is not blameless either; he is far older and more mature than Eowyn and should not have pushed her sexual boundaries so much and so often) And I had really felt that the characters were finally understanding each other and connecting to each other as of the last chapter. Hence my disappointment with Eowyn's behavior, as expressed through her thoughts and what seemed to be a definite and horribly misguided decision, in this chapter.

Author Reply: Oh, you have full rights to express your feelings. Eowyn is doing something wrong at the moment as she's comtemplating leaving without a word. That's horrible and very juvenile "I'll show you" behavior. I promise when she does meet up with Faramir and Eomer what actually will happen will be far more mature. It's just, you know, as I've said time and time again, I just have to GET to it.

RAKSHA THE DEMONReviewed Chapter: 61 on 10/4/2004
It was great to see Aragorn finally stick up for Faramir, show that he really gave a darn about his Steward.

Loved Faramir's adventures as a Rider of Rohan and teacher of green kids. I think Faramir's Rohirric name should be ALDRIC.

But....As much as it's possible to be furious with a fictional character, I'm angry at Eowyn. Faramir has left his home and duties, a city that needs a Steward's care in rebuilding, and has subjected himself to hostility and downright humiliation, all for Eowyn's sake, to show that he's worthy of her, to follow the customs of her land and show her uncle and brother respect. And he's going to return from his adventures as a Rider of Rohan, no doubt with at least a few Riders, to Edoras, weary yet hopefully triumphant, to find that Eowyn has gone off to Gondor with Aragorn and Arwen? I don't think that Eowyn is doing it to give Faramir and Eomer quality bonding time, I think she's panicked at the thought of being married, is bored with the idea of being left in Edoras to run the Golden Hall while the Elves and her first crush (Aragorn) go for a royal progress.

How selfish can she get? Eowyn is nowhere ready to become anyone's wife, she's still a little girl, afraid of commitment, wanting to run off and seek glory on her own. Fine, she has that right; but she should refuse Faramir's offer of marriage, forfeit the status of Princess of Rohan (which carries with it the Obligation of yes, looking after Edoras and Meduseld in the King's absence), and go seek service as a mercenary. Or come to Gondor as an unmarried and unengaged princess, the King of Rohan's sister, if she's going to embarrass Faramir by turning up in Minas Tirith without him when it's known that she's betrothed to him, she might as well be upfront about it.

Eowyn is behaving as an unmarried and uncommitted 21st century young woman would. Unfortunately for her, (1)she lives in Fourth Age Middle-earth; she should either make the best of a very good life she's been born to and offered or sever her affiliations and go out honestly on her own; (2) she's still a rude and thoughtless little girl in any culture, or she would make sure she was back in Edoras when Faramir returned from the duty he fulfilled for her.

Author Reply: Aragorn cares, it's hard to work him in. Aldric, hmm. Pretty good with noble ruler. Fits. Gaer's the suggester right at the moment and he's not big on royalty, so, maybe someone else will yell out. Some of those kids might start speaking up...and, hee, looking up to Faramir. Can't wait to see Eomer's face on that one, myself.

I just have to laugh here. Your review is a well-stated rant. It's awesome, really. lol
Anyway, I totally agree with you--Eowyn would be horribly selfish and so on to infinity... if she actually left without a word, however, she HASN'T yet. And far be it for me to defend that, poor Faramir, he'd be perfectly justified in dumping the entire thing.

BUT SHE HASN'T. She's just thought it and yes, the thought contains a hell of a lot of childish pettiness, but it's a thought. Sixteen days will cool that way down into actual sense. Patience and try not to hit the keyboard too hard when you reply all right? Trust me, I wouldn't screw Faramir that way. He's too damn cute.

Elendiari22Reviewed Chapter: 61 on 10/4/2004
First off, Happy Birthday! This is an excellent chapter. Every time I read more with Gaer, the more I like him. I think we should all have a redheaded Rohirrim for a friend. :)
Eowyn seriously does need to ride to Gondor with Aragorn and Arwen. I think this would be the perfect time for her to let Eomer know that she's an adult, that he doesn't need to look after her so much. Am I right in betting that this is when she's going to meet her cousins? This could also be a prime reason to let Eomer and Faramir have a fight, even if they only scream at each other. Interesting things will happen once the White Lady runs away.
Does Faramir's name in Rohirric really mean enemy? That's an interesting thought. I like the idea that names are what characterises that Rohirrim, and hope that they find Faramir a good one soon.
Excellent chapter, and I can't wait for the next one!

Author Reply: I was so excited when the thought of Eowyn going to Gondor burst in--and it did, this plot line was entirely nonexistent until four or five days ago. I'm still excited. Lots of possibility! Cousins, Lothiriel, all sorts of stuff! And not just with her, like you said, with Faramir and Eomer, too.

Yep, Faramir's name really meant what I wrote--very negative images...makes you wonder if some of the Rohirrim's attitude is unconscious. They hear the negative words mushed together and simply dislike him without even thinking about it.

Lady of The WoodReviewed Chapter: 61 on 10/4/2004
First of all, Happy Birthday to you! One more year and you'll be old enough to wear armour. I hope you've had an absolutely marvelous day.

I'm so glad you've updated. I've been checking everyday. I thought your portrayal of Eomer, in this chapter, was excellent. He's acting more like a king and as some one I can truly see being friends with Faramir. It seems like both Eomer and Eowyn are doing their final bits of growing up now that Theoden is dead.

I enjoyed Faramir's entire time with the Rohirrim. As I've said before I've been waiting for this bit of the story for a long time. One of the good things about reading a work in progress is that it stops me from looking ahead. ;) I'm wondering about Thorn. He's a crafty old animal isn't he?

I find it interesting that Eowyn has begun to embrace her mother's things. It's almost like Arwen is teaching Eowyn some of the things that Eowyn missed being taught by her mother. When they started talking about the roses I wanted to shout out to the characters "Why don't you take some with you to Ithilien?" I can see Faramir and Eowyn getting very large into gardening, Faramir almost more so. I don't think Eowyn has realised yet that she doesn't have to leave everything behind that Edoras represents.

Thank you for reminding us of Arwen's age. It's easy to forget that she is thousands of years old and that all of the humans are very young children compared to her. I also liked how you had Eomer seeing has as not really being real. It really reminded me of both the movie and the book. There is always a feeling, to me, with elves that the bodies they wear are as much clothing as anything else and that they are something different altogether.

I fully support Eowyn's decision to ride ahead to Gondor with Aragorn and Arwen. I think it will do her a world of good to confront her fears and it may help to speed up her marriage to Faramir by getting her to her new hope, albiet a temporary one. However, I do have one question, I seem to remember reading that the wedding of Faramir and Eowyn takes place in Eodras. I could be mistaken. Any ideas? I also hope that when Eowyn leaves this time that she at least leaves some sort of letters of explanation for Faramir and Eomer, and doesn't feel she needs to sneak off like she did during the war; that wouldn't be the mature decision at all. IMHO,Eomer needs to understand that she's leaving for her needs and not to hurt him and Faramir needs to be reassured that she's not leaving but going ahead and that she'll be waiting for him, as I'm sure any man would be disappointed not have his fiance welcoming him home after his test to win her for his wife.

A comment on Faramir's name, it appears to be a source of much discussion as to why he would called be only a "sufficient jewel". I must admit that at first glance it doesn't seem like Finduilas and Denethor were expecting their son to rise above the ordinary, on the other had I have read a rather excellent fan fiction (sorry can't remember the author) and one or two essays that have suggested that a) we as readers have miss translated the first part of the name and that the real meaning is "fair jewel" or b)since the name is most commonly translated as "sufficient jewel" that it's not sufficient as meaning 'just good enough' but sufficient in meaning 'all that is needed/enough' ie.they could not have wished for more. I'm sorry I can't remember where I first read these theories suffice to say they are not my own. However, I am looking forward to seeing how you answer, if you choose to, Faramir's question as to why his parents would chose to name him what they did. Faramir reminds me a bit of my grandfather who has a hideous first name and has often said that he feels that all people, when they reach adulthood should get to choose a name for themselves. Just as Faramir longs to do with the Rohirrim.

Finally I love anytime you've got Faramir out doing the Robinhood thing. It's very sexy!


Author Reply: Oh god, I swear, I sit and watch the hit count go up and up and no one reviews and I just start second-guessing myself. "It's bad, they don't like it..." "Shut up, they love it" etc. Thankfully, you've saved me!

Anyway, I loved Eomer in this. He's growing up, just like Eowyn is. OH, yes! The roses! She can take them and I've already planned for her to realize that in a while. Wouldn't that be nice to have them in Ithilien? I think it would be darn sweet. Thorn, BTW, is a totally crafty old horse that's going to teach Faramir quite a few tricks... :)

I love this decision of Eowyn's. It's more of a mature thing--taking the initative and doing something, even if its a little intimidating for her. Actually, I have no idea where their wedding takes place. I know it is in the year 1419, but not the location. If you can find out I'll adjust accordingly--note how I managed to get Eomer behind the group to embrace Merry and say goodbye? (ah, yes, the author's "I'm so clever I scare myself" moment) lol

Well, as for Eowyn "sneaking off" she's a bit more angry than anything right this second, so it's appealing to spite them both and just do as she likes--selfish and childish, but she'll cool off once she reunites with Eomer and Faramir in the Westemnet. It will help her, shock factor wise, that she's going to look rather different and that will shield her purpose from the astonished Faramir. And, I'm happy to say, that Eomer will totally save Faramir's ass on at least one occasion when he's about to put his foot in his mouth. :D See? He's a nice guy!! Oh, and this new Eowyn plot-twist? Gets Lothiriel into the story WAY ahead of schedule! Eomer better enjoy his last days as a free man!

Hmm, I've never heard of the "fair jewel" angle. That would be far nicer and solve the question I've recently wondered of why Finduilas would allow him to be named "sufficent". I wouldn't even name my dogs so blatantly one above the other, much less a child.

LOL, I can't wait for Faramir with the Rohirrim. Gaer's going to end up taking him on some adventures. Hehe, god, I wish I could type as fast as I could think, this story would be so much further along!!

Robinhood...mmm, he was sexy, huh? Reminds me of "We're men, we're men in tights...TIGHT tights!" LMAO! I love that movie.

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