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Thinking of You  by Grey Wonderer 107 Review(s)
PervincaReviewed Chapter: 19 on 1/16/2004
What a lovely end to a lovely story. I knew that whatever was in the box would help Pippin remember everything! Definitely looking forward to your new story involving the Wizard's coin (I assume it's from Gondor!). Keep on writing :)

Author Reply: Thank you. You may be right about the coin. At this point anything is possible. LOL Two of the chapters on this story were hidden earlier today by mistake. If you think you missed anything, you might want to check the two chapters before this one. Sorry about that, but somehow I fliped them over when I was on line b4 work. LOL Silly me!

IorhaelReviewed Chapter: 10 on 1/16/2004
New memories! Good idea. If someone can't remember anything about you, it's better not to push it.

I didn't realize it's completed! Congratulations! It's a bit hard for me to complete anything. I'll come back to you again!

And... thanks a lot for reviewing (again!) I like Gwaihir too. *sniff* reminds me of ROTK. *sniff*

Author Reply: Hey thanks for reading this one. I love to get reviews as it helps the story in so many ways.

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 19 on 1/16/2004
Hi Grey Wonderer,

I just read this story and enjoyed it. I think you have a knack for painting characters that make them all distinct, and really interesting. I hope you do write a story about the wizard coin...

Did you lose a beta reader just before the last three chapters? I would really recommend getting a beta reader who will help you with your spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Will send you an email soon. Hope you take my comments in the helpful spirit they are intended.

Keep writing! You definitely have a talent -- it just needs a bit of polish...

- Barbara

Author Reply: I do not have a Beta reader, just a spell check which I forgot to use it before posting last night. Sorry.

ChiggerReviewed Chapter: 17 on 1/15/2004
You better open that box sometime soon, or I believe I will go crazy right along with Pip! AGH! A cliff-hanger, even if a very, very mild one. ;) I hope Pippin is able to see some dwarves during his stay at Bag End. Perhaps Frodo could invite some over and if he's met them before, they might jog his memory. Just a thought.

And don't worry, Violet, I don't think Frodo will think any less of you. He just might be a little more perceptive than most males, but if he isn't, then I don't think he even read any deeper into your question than your explaination. Guys are rather dense like that. :)

Author Reply: Guys are, aren't they? LOL As to the cliff-hanger Chigger,it will be resolved in time.

ChiggerReviewed Chapter: 16 on 1/14/2004
Ah, I'm back. Now that my computer-ignorant brother is through messing around, I have been able to read your . . . well . . . lovely chapter. It WAS lovely in that it was well-written and interesting, but the subject matter and *Paladin* were far from lovely. But I suppose we can still call it a lovely chapter. :)

I don't like Uncle Paladin. (To misquote Jon in a Garfield strip. You may have noticed that I like misquotes. ;) But then, perhaps the actual quote would do just as well.) "We don't like Mr. Grumpy." "And Mr. Grumpy doesn't like you." :D

You have captured the different personalities well.
Paladin: big, mean, over-bearing, rude, loves his wife.
Eglantine: weak, sickly, nervous, flighty, slightly out of the loop, loves everyone.
Frodo: strong-willed when he has to be, loves his family (except his uncle).
Violet: just as proud of herself as any other hobbit, but not overly so, loves her work, cares for her patients, loyal, quick witted.

I think that just about sums up the situation, don't you? When you get those four people together in a room, with some of them trying to keep certain things under the rug, and other's lifting the carpet just a little to their advantage, you could get some fireworks lit off. Thankfully, the match never quite reached the fuse.

I guess that review is long enough. Keep up the good work, and give Frodo a pat on the back for me. I love it when one family member stands up for another in their absence. Gives me the go-get-'ems. :)

Author Reply: I am glad that you don't like my Paladin. I would worry if you were fond of him. Would change my entire impression of you. LOL

I am so glad that Eglantine came off as I intended her to. I didn't want her to seem cruel, just very self-involved and not very strong. She was easier to write than Paladin, but I was still worried.

As to Frodo, I prefer him to be strong-willed. I like him to be the type of hobbit that can take charge of things and stand up for himself. I like to believe that before the quest, he was very secure and could handle most situations. I always like to show the bond between the family with the cousins as that is part of why I am such a hobbit fan. They are so close to those that they care about and so open about their feelings.

As to Violet, I think that it helps to show strong females in these stories. A great deal of the time, they are just background characters or love interests. I like for the ladies to have a will of their own and then if there is a love story, I think the reader is much more interested because the character is more interesting to begin with. As Violet is my own invention, I have alot invested in her. Might want to use her in another one of these in the future.

Thank you so much for the character-by-character review. It was a big help to me. Thanks again for all of the time that you take on my stories, especially since I know that your heart lies with the world of the humans.

I shall give Frodo your message when next I see him.

ChiggerReviewed Chapter: 15 on 1/14/2004
Well, things are looking up. I hope Frodo doesn't charge as much as the Green Dragon. :) And I also hope that Sam didn't have any plans for the leftovers, because they're gone now! :D

I really wish I could read the next chapter, but my brother is breathing down my neck right now. Of all the times for him to suddenly need the computer. Wait, he's leaving . . . but he says he's coming right back. Darn.

Anyway, I'll get back to you as soon as he's done.

Author Reply: Who knows, maybe Frodo will decide to open an Inn and not even worry about that silly old business with the ring later on. He could just be this happy, young business-hobbit and rent out rooms to family and friends. Make a fortune on the group he has now alone! LOL No, probably a bad idea in the long run.

Iawen LondeaReviewed Chapter: 16 on 1/14/2004
WAHOO! Go Frodo!! I nearly cheered, lol, except that my mom is sitting on the couch about ten feet away from me. LOL. I loved how he stood up to Paladin, hinting to his aunt that something was amiss with Pippin, and Violet helping him, just enough for Paladin to give in. Paladin is an idiot anyway. Suppose Pippin had come home? Paladin wouldn't have been able to hide his memory loss. So does he really not love Pippin AT ALL? I would actually rather enjoy seeing Pippin come home, just because I know he would be so quiet that the entire family would be worried. Paladin would have to realize then he wasn't trying to get attention. =D More soon I hope.

*whacks Paladin*

Author Reply: Might be interesting to have two endings on this one now that you mention it. In one I keep going with Pippin at Bag End and then in the other, I let him go home to his family. It would put a whole new slant on it. I might just have to take that plot idea at some point and run with it. Who knows what will happen, but you have given me something to think about.
Glad you decided not to scare your mom. LOL

Iawen LondeaReviewed Chapter: 15 on 1/14/2004
Very heartfelt chapter. Poor Merry. I felt really bad for him that he felt that Pippin was giving up. However, I feel that Pippin's memory is more likely to return to him if he isn't trying. This is a good move.

I also like that you had Pippin accept Pearl right away. Great job. =D *moves onto the next chapter*

Author Reply: Glad to hear you enjoyed this one. It was a bit short but sometimes I get caught up in the dialogue and things get too long-winded so maybe this chapter will help to off-set some of the others? Probably not. LOL Thanks for the review. It's wonderful to hear when others think you are moving in the right direction, (the Pippin accepting his situation bit.)

Hobbit_luvrReviewed Chapter: 16 on 1/14/2004
GO FRODO AND VIOLET!!! DOWN WITH PALADIN! GRRRR, lol, sorry! Great chapter, loved how Frodo and Violet worked together with that, it was awsome. His aunt seems quite nice, I pitty her for marrying that jerk. Oh, and Pip's other sister, I like her too. Ugg, I liked this chapter so much, I can't choose which parts I liked best! Oh yah, more flattery!

Author Reply: As always I love the flattery! I just eat that stuff up! LOL So glad that you enjoyed Pimpernel. I haven't written much about her before and I wanted her to be different from Pearl, but still be an interesting character. Thanks for the flattery and the kind words. Keep reading and let me know if you don't like something. I have changed things due to reviews before to help the story.

Hobbit_luvrReviewed Chapter: 15 on 1/14/2004
Awww! Oh, cute yet sad.... Hmmm, *smiles* glad that they have decided to make new memories. Oh so adorable, :-D. Now, off to read another chapter. You've done them quickly, cus I am normally quite up to date on this story of yours!

Author Reply: Had a few days off from work and got a bit caught up on the story-writing for a change. Thanks so much for reading and leaving a review. Your kind words are appreciated!

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