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The Wrong Path  by White Wolf 274 Review(s)
tinaniaReviewed Chapter: Epilogue on 7/5/2004
hey i just wanna say how much i enjoyed your story it was so good one minute you think everything is back to normal and then everything goes wrong its like an emotional rollercoaster and physical tidal waves it was very dark in places but light in the end and there is good description which helps you to picture the wholes scene but i guess it also helps if you have a vivid imagination like me lol:)do another like it please!!

Author Reply: I'm so glad you liked my story. I set out to write one that would take a lot of twists and turns, so I could keep my readers a bit off balance. I didn't want to be too predictable. The story, as a whole, was so dramatic, I had to add bits of humor, partly as a breather from the traumas and partly because I think the friendship between Legolas and Estel was full of humor.

I'm also glad you like my writing style. I hope you will join me for my next story. I hope to start posting it in another week or two.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: Epilogue on 7/5/2004
Well it has been a long haul! But I think you grew stronger as a writer as you worked your way through it. You managed your plot nicely and kept your characters interesting. Wonderful job.

Author Reply: Yes, it has been a long haul. I think we, as writers, are always trying to improve, not just from story to story but also within each story. I worked hard to keep the characters interesting enough to make the reader continue to care about how the plot affected them throughout the story. I'm happy that you think I succeeded. Such kind words coming from a writer I admire so much is both thrilling and encouraging. Thank you.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: Epilogue on 7/5/2004
Thank you. I have enjoyed this story. Now if I were Thranduil I would take Legolas home and lock him up very securely in a well-padded room for a few years! (Perhaps Elrond should do the same with 3E aka, Elladan Elrohir Estel.)

I'm surprised they still have all their hair!

Author Reply: You are most welcome. I'm so Glad you enjoyed the story.

You and Thranduil probably have the same idea about putting Legolas some place where he will be safe.

I'm also a bit surprised they all still have their hair. :o)

*~SuGaR~*Reviewed Chapter: 60 on 7/2/2004
Ahhhhhh...*deep sigh of relief* I loved the ending the that chapter!!! "Will you braid my hair for me?" Perfect way to end the chapter =)

I knew Thranduil would never be ashamed of Legolas, but then again, I think the only person who didn't know that was Legolas =P but he knows now and everything is STILL happy!!!! *gasp* haha, kidding =P I am almost done reading Elven Song and although I do like the story, I don't really see Thranduil as how he is portrayed in it.

Can't wait for more!! POST SOON!!

Author Reply: I'm glad you are relieved. I agree the ending was pretty neat. I thought that the symbolism was called for on two levels: Legolas knew he would be a warrior again, and it was also a further bonding of father and son.

Legolas had gone so deep into despair he felt that he would be a disappointment to Thranduil's high standards and pride in him. I'm so glad he was wrong about his father's reaction. I dearly love Thranduil. He's tough and temperamental, but he's a great father and a great king.

I love "Elven Song", but I agree that Jocellyn's Thranduil is not exactly the way I perceive him. If you want to read about a great Thranduil, read daw the minstrel's stories of Legolas growing up (with two older brothers, who are great characters, too). There are quite a number of stories, but each and every one is terrific. She has them all listed in order on her bio/stories page. Lot's of good reading. In case you are wondering, she didn't pay me to say all that. :o)

More soon.

OakWolfReviewed Chapter: 60 on 6/30/2004
A gem among gems,wonderfully written how aragorn saw legolas as a hero;brings a tear how a mortal watched his immortal pal croak(sorry for lack of elegance)The line where Legolas asks Thranduil to re-do his braids is awesome in the delivery, Wolf Superioir job as usual!Rah!

Author Reply: Thank you so very much. I thought the request Legolas made to Thranduil to rebraid his hair was the best way to end the chapter.

I think any time a mortal, who understands and cares about elves, sees an immortal life snuffed out (that's not too elegant, either), it is very traumatic. When it's your best friend, well...

Thanks again.

EruannaReviewed Chapter: 60 on 6/30/2004
Awwww!!!!!! *melts*

I'm so happy! Thranduil isn't mad!! Hurray!!!!

*ahem* I very much like the conversation between Legolas and Estel, though the words, "I apologize for driving you crazy" almost made me laugh. ;-) Estel sounds very cute as a ten-year-old.

I was practically holding my breath throughout the entire Legolas/Thranduil conversation; I was really afraid that Legolas would have to suffer again. But it appears that you still have *some* mercy, at least. Any more plot twists ahead???

I'm so happy that the father in Thranduil won out. It's so nice to see father and son getting along. ;-)

And the last sentence nearly brought me to tears; that was an excellent thought on your part.

More soon!

Author Reply: Thranduil is mad at the situation but not at Legolas.

That line made me laugh, too. A ten year old Estel was adorable, in my mind
at least.

I tried hard to balance an angry Thranduil with a loving Thranduil, who could never do anything but support his son. I cannot abide a Thranduil, who is abusive or neglects his children.

I do have mercy for our poor elf. He has suffered enough. Or has he? I cannot say until the next chapter shows up. "o)

I was most pleased with that last line. I had gone into such detail about Legolas getting Aragorn to unbraid his hair, so I thought this request of Legolas to his father was the perfect way to end the chapter. Glad you agree.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 60 on 6/30/2004
Yay! Thranduil comes through. He's as imperious and irritating as he always is but he loves his son and stands by him.

Lovely ending to the chapter: braid my hair.

Author Reply: Legolas wouldn't be the elf his is, the one we love, if he had been raised by a father anything less than loving and nurturing.

Glad you like the way the chapter ended. I thought it was fitting, since I had written in detail how Legolas had coaxed Estel into unbraiding his hair. To my mind, it was a symbol of his return to himself.

sofiaReviewed Chapter: 60 on 6/30/2004
oh, the was a sweet chapter. I expected Thranduil to be angry or disapointed of what Legolas did. But then again, you are always full of surprises. Dont keep us waiting for too long.

Author Reply: Legolas was apprehensive about his father's reaction, too. He knows his Ada loves him, but he also knows how his fatter feels about cowards, and Legolas believed himself to be one, or at least, to have acted cowardly. Thranduil was shocked, but he wasn't angry or disappointed in his son. Legolas realizes that now, thank goodness.

I will update again soon.

rhiannonReviewed Chapter: 60 on 6/30/2004
I knew Thranduil was a loving father. How could he not be after almost losing Legolas at the beginning of the story??? Yea! He is braiding his hair again. Very significant to his state of mind. Can't wait for the confrontation between Thranduil and Elrond....

Author Reply: Thranduil is forbidding to his enemies and those who cross him, but I really like the character and could not even think of having him be anything but a loving father. I don't think Legolas would be the elf we love, if he was raised by anyone who wasn't loving and nurturing.

Since I made such a big deal out of Legolas having Estel unbraid his hair, I though having him ask his father to rebraid it was significant for both Legolas and the story.

As for the confrontation, well...

EruannaReviewed Chapter: 59 on 6/29/2004

While I was reading this, I was thinking that poor Legolas is never going to get better.....then you wrote about the finger movement....and I was so proud of myself, because I caught the fact that his hands were moving!! *is happy* One of the simplest joys in life: the occasional understanding without lenghty explantion. ;-)

*dances around* I'm so happy Legolas is getting better! The previous chapter and the beginning of this one were starting to make me depressed, and now I feel so much better!!!

Still wondering how the visit/confrontation thing will go with Thranduil, but I supposed I'm at you're mercy, so I guess I'm screwed. ;-) ;-)

Well, I'm outta time, so post soon!

Author Reply: Now, would I keep our dear elf from getting better? Of course, you could ask if I could put him through so much grief to begin with. :o)

I'm glad you noticed the moving right hand. I'm so relieved that only the movement of his left hand was in his mind.

I'm happy that you hung on and didn't get depressed. It was for that reason, I didn't want to drag out Legolas's confinement. I think it would have dragged the whole story down. I had to give the poor boy something to be happy about.

Thranduil will not be a happy camper, you can bet on that. Oh yes, you are definitely at my mercy, and I'm sure you are hoping that I still have some.

More tomorrow (Wednesday).

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