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May the Valar Protect Them  by Nilmandra 18 Review(s)
SofiaReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 1/18/2004
WOW! great story! if only i came across it sooner! It was kindo of sad when Tal-Elmar died, i liked him. There were some parts when i wanted to laugh and some when i wanted to cry. Brilliant story, i must say again. Im glad Tathiel and Rawien got married. Rawien is one of my favorite characters in this story.

Author Reply: I admit, I wanted Rawien for myself. I am glad you liked the story - thanks for letting me know!

rgbjReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 1/14/2004
All right!!! A long awaited reunion.
I can hear them now. "That elf just has to drag every kind of creature home. This time it is a dwarf. Will he never learn." I hope not. After all Galadriel suports him in this anyway. But do we trust a Noldo? I do.
I looked forward to Legolas meeting Naneth as soon as I realized where you were going with this. But I forgot about Alagos. I hope he forgives me. So Legolas was a copy of Naneth and Alagos was a copy of Adar. That is just too sweet.
Legolas doesn't have to cry now he has his Naneth and will get to know her for an eternity.
Legolas had many friends, Tathiel for an edwon (I hope I spelled that right) naneth, a truly awe inspiring adar and his siblings but Lathron had always known his heart. I am just a sucker for sibling love.
The Maia of Manwe. I hope the prince does get to meet him one day to thank him and swap tales. I think he is fond of Legolas as we all are.
Well it is over. Sigh. And yes I will read your other tales as soon as I recover from this one. I have already read Eilian's Begetting Day because I am hopelessly hooked on daw's vision of Legolas Thranduilion's upbringing and she had mentioned that tale once. That led me to 'nudge' and then to your stories. I want to read much, much more so I try to review and let writers know that we are out here and eagerly anticipating where you will take us next. Thank you.

k8kat7@aol.comReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 1/3/2004
Excellent story! I never can get a story to come out right, but you did.

Author Reply: Glad you enjoyed this! It is my 'first born' - first story and still dear to my heart. Glad you liked the ending. :-)

FaerieQueenReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 1/1/2004
Beautiful story. It was heart-wrenching. It's so beautiful to read about Legolas and his family. I always wondered exactly how Narawen had died. I mean it's kind of inconceivable when you think of Mirkwood, and all the warriors etc. Do you by chance know what year Legolas was born in? Please email me if you have some time. Thanks, and keep writing.

Author Reply: On the one hand, it is hard to write about the elves of the woodland realm since we know so little about them...but on the other hand, it is a fanfiction writer's dream to have a clean slate to work on! We do not know when Legolas is born, but I chose the end of the Watchful Peace based on some rather off-hand comments made in the Lotr (like the '500 times have the leaves fallen since..' and other indications that he is a young elf. We also really do not know anything about his mother - whether she is alive, dead, or sailed west. When I wrote this, I think I thought she was dead based on fanon (what other authors wrote)...but it is just that, fanon.

Leann Reviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 11/13/2003
wow! i LOVE this story. i usually only like stories where legolas is the main character, but this one was wonderful. i even cried once and was close to crying a few more times. i laughed also. legolas was written as the cutest kid. loved it!

Author Reply: Little 'Legles' stole every scene he was in, I am afraid. Glad you liked it depsite his youth - it was all about him, even when the OC's took center stage. There is a sequel written to it called 'Journey's End', which is about him settling in at home. More cute toddler stuff.

Thanks for your nice words :-)

MirkwoodmaidenReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 9/27/2003

I've just finished "May the Valar Protect them." I can't tell you how much I loved this story.

First, the magnitude and the structure of the story are excellent. Enough detail to paint the scenes created and yet the drive of the story rarely lacks. Your creation of characters is realistically rendered. Of the "Bad Men" to use little Legles' phrase, you paint them as being driven by their misguided intentions, not just evil for evil's sake.

The love-bond between Thranduil and Narawen is established strongly and completely support the wonderfully depicted pain and loss later of Thranduil. I can a sense from your Thranduil that he a very passionate personality (for everyone and thing he loves. his wife, his family, his realm. His anger at what Hazad had done was truly frightening and his private grief immediately thereafter equally moving.

For we move on to my favourite character, Your Legolas or more correctly Legles. He so created well. From an infant to his toddler stage to the age he was when his finally returned home. He was so adorable and endearing! His bond with Tathiel and his elleyth. You wrote the reunion with the other rescue party with a sensitivity that made the whole scene ring true! I loved how he went to every Elf questioning whether or not they were Elves. I laughed.

I was reading the screen through tear-blurred eyes when Legolas was reunited with his father. "Legles come home to Ada!" made me sob. So wonderfully written! I really should have looked up more superlatives for this review. OK I'll stop rambling now! So many fine points to this story. Thank you for the story, it was brilliant!


Author Reply: Thank you, MM :)I am glad you liked the story. Little Legles was a scene stealer in every scene he was in. Fortunately, I had never heard of a 'Mary-Sue' when I started this story, otherwise I might have been afraid of having so many OFC's - especially Tathiel. After all, Legles did fall in love with her

carolynkelseaReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 9/20/2003
This was wonderful! Your portrayal of little Legolas was adorable, and the homecoming scenes were so sweet... Thanks for sharing this story, I loved it! :)

Author Reply: Thank you - I am glad you enjoyed it. This was an enoyable story to write - and little 'Legles' was a scene stealer - even at this young age. ;)

KarriReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 9/6/2003
This is a magnificient epic tale of loss and recovery. The abundance of OCs, both evil and good, were nice developed - not one of them came of as a Mary Sue. The villians were dispicable, yet human, with motivation for the evil deeds that made it possible to see them as more than just evil. Your elves were all things elves should be, yet still possessing the sorts of flaws that make OCs believable and enjoyable to read. Little Legolas was adorable from the get go.:D Thranduil's realtionship with his wife, his children, and his warriors was wonderfully developed. Again, you skillfully weave in imperfection that make me just want to gather him up in a big, comforting hug, and make him seems very real. The plots twists are entertaining, though sometimes frustrating - which added to the mood of the story, making it very easy to sympathize with the frustration of the character involved. The writing is simple excellent. Thank you for the wonderful story. I've read it from start to finish a dozen times, and will no doubt read it a dozen more. :)

Author Reply: 'I've read it from start to finish a dozen times, and will no doubt read it a dozen more.' - That is without a doubt the biggest compliment anyone could ever give me. Thank you. I hope a plot bunny of this magnitude bites me again someday.

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