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My Birthday Mathoms  by Mirkwoodmaiden 3 Review(s)
NurayyReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/13/2021
A wonderful sweet moment for them both. They are such a lovely couple. I love how they finally found love and peace and happiness after all they have been through. And now their Baby is coming :)

Author Reply: Nurayy!

Yeah! I really had a fun time writing this!

Be Well!



LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/13/2020
Now, this is indeed a wondrous gift to offer her husband on their birthday--that he is going to be a daddy!

Author Reply: Larner!

Hello! I thought it would indeed make for a lovely birthday present. Faramir given the chance to be the father he never had to a son he would love to distraction! Thanks!


shireboundReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/9/2019
It's wonderful to imagine the joy and healing Faramir and Eowyn found in their relationship, and a happily-ever-after for them both.

Author Reply: Shirebound!

Exactly! I love thinking about how Faramir and Eowyn found each other. Two broken people who find each and heal each other and make the other whole and happy. Yeah!

When I was thinking about what to write about a birthday story for Faramir I first thought of a young Faramir (I even started writing it) but really anything about Faramir's young life is touched by sadness and I just wanted to write a happy story about him. :-)

thanks again for reviewing! :-)


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