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Out_of_the_Frying_Pan_and_Into_the_Fire  by bryn 3 Review(s)
Aranel of the Golden FlowerReviewed Chapter: 19 on 5/5/2007
I was reading out some of the phrases in this chapter thinking that it sounded like french! It is also a little like a mix of Flemish/dutch, with a little of scots gaelic in it.
Je parle francais et Gaelic, et mon ami Anton parle hollandais!
je présume tu parle francais ou Je vous ai probablement confondu!

docmonReviewed Chapter: 19 on 10/5/2004
"lasta berta nin hilo jigger thingy woooo"

ahh, *wipes tears from eyes* that was too funny. And Shadowfax, I never knew he had such an attitude (smirk)! He just about killed me when he decided Gandalf was a madman. Served him right for Gandalf to take the Elven mare. hmph!


Kitt of LindonReviewed Chapter: 19 on 4/27/2004
The Hobbit's confusion is so...gratifying. And ingenious.
Here's my favorite line in the chapter-

'Merry snickered to himself. He set his face again and continued talking “in Elrond,” as he termed it. “I am a great healer. I order you to rot here in bed. Now I shall mutter my Elvish words of healing: lasta berta nin hilo jigger thingy woooo.”'

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