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Spectrums  by Eärillë 2 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 29 on 1/21/2013
Yes, Tuor's priorities do appear to need a bit of setting in order! Lovely series!

6336Reviewed Chapter: 29 on 7/31/2011
Hm, he was a bit dense wasn't he! Silly boy!


Author Reply: Oh, the chapter on Tuor coming to Gondolin has always been one of my favourites in The Silmarillion. *grin* And yes, somehow he looks cute to me, being clueless and rather dense like that. (He is so similar and yet so different from his uncle Beren in the portrayal in the Professor's writing!) I always imagine Ulmo sighing in relief when Tuor is finally ensconced in Gondolin too, hence this little tongue-in-cheek piece. *grin* Glad you liked it!

I'm sorry for not replying sooner though. It's been literally months since last I visited this site, and I wasn't much active in other sites too. RL's been burying me alive.

Thank you very much for the review (and the commiseration! ;)) I can't stop grinning even now.


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