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Spectrums  by Eärillë 2 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 22 on 1/21/2013
A most terrible race indeed he's found himself caught in. At least he is not left behind when his family is drawn westward. Alas that he should have come home to find still another terrible kinslaying! Feanor's oath takes another series of terrible sacrifices to its potency and its obsession.

Author Reply: I tried to capture the devestation of the First Kinslaying in just a drabble... It wasn't easy at all, no less because of the subject itself. Yes, it's terrible that the whole family must die in one fell swoop like that; but sometimes survivor's guilt would take its own toll and it might be better, in the Elf's point of view, to die alongside his family rather than mourn them most bitterly -- lesser of two evilssoort of thing. The Teleri were said to wish nothing to do with the remaining Noldor in Aman after the Kinslaying, and I always wonder why, so I tried to capture random moments of it in short stories. All those quite unnecessary deaths just for an oath and three jewels...


RickReviewed Chapter: 22 on 7/26/2011
This is a very interesting series - slightly different points of view, that are fun to adjust to. Thanks for writing them.
One minor nit-picky note for chapter 22/A Race: "ore" is the stuff dwarves delve out of mines to refine into metals - eg gold ore. "Oar" is the object used for propelling small boats by hand, unless it's a canoe, in which case paddle is the noun. English can be so strange. I do mean this kindly, truly.

This is a good vignette - quite powerful.

Author Reply: Thank you very, very much for the review -- and especially for the correction! :embarrassed: Homophones is a pain for screen-reader users; and it had been long since last I used either spellings anyway. I feel really, really embarrassed about this. Thank you for catching it and telling me; worth so much.

I'm sorry if you might find it tideous or challenging to adjust to all the different scenes and characters and tenses... I tried doing that from a character's point of view but found myself unable to do so. Regardless, I'm glad you still found some fun in it. -- And thank you so for the compliments. :)


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