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In the Heart of a Friend  by lwarren 8 Review(s)
daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/18/2009
I love the image of Thranduil as a wolf who's not to be poked! But it strikes me that what you've done extraordinarily well here is develop the minor characters with a few strokes so they feel real. Baranthor, Malvagor, Aravir--they feel like real people with full histories whose iceberg tip is the only thing we see.

Author Reply: Thank you, daw! I do enjoy playing with those minor characters and their relationships with the main ones! I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter (I think I've always pictured Thranduil as a majestic wolf of the northern forest - definitely not to be poked!)


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/12/2009
So, now we have Thranduil involved, too? And he'll have Darius checked out to see if he's a legitimate benefactor, eh? He'd question his own son?

Am looking forward to more, Linda! Glad to see you able to be back online and adding to this!

Author Reply: I think Thranduil is like any parent whose child comes home with a new friend of questionable (in the King's opinion) origins. He's just checking to be sure this man is on the up and up...besides, the King is just plain curious...and though he was not in the mood to admit it, grateful that Darius intervened on behalf of the elfling and the nearby villagers. Thank you for the kind review, Larner...more coming up in a day or two! *crosses fingers while typing frantically* (You know, that's kind of hard to do! LOL)


Silivren TinuReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/9/2009
//A man in his stronghold! The only worse scenario he could imagine involved dwarves.// Oh, poor Thranduil, if only he knew! It's a very good thing he's not gifted with foresight! *g*

I loved your description of irascible Thranduil, I definitely wouldn't want to get on his wrong side when he's in that mood. ;-) I thoroughly enjoyed Baranthor's way of dealing with his king. Thranduil's mood changing the moment he heard the letter was from Legolas was sweet. I liked Thranduil's reactions to Legolas' report and his thoughts about his son. Of course he would want to take a close look at Darius.

Aravir is an interesting character - what a sad fate! I like the idea of Thranduil and his wife taking all those children in. I hope Baranthor and Thranduil will succeed with their mission of making Aravir smile again.

It must be so wonderful to have someone to tell you stories like that! Those children are really blessed. Luckily, we have you to tell us the story, too! :)


Author Reply: No, it would not do for Thranduil to know what's in his future! LOL It would put him in a permanently bad mood! Thranduil was fun to write - he's alternately worried about his son, the Captain, the present tone of his beloved forest, and to top it all off, those blasted dwarves are being unreasonable and insulting! Poor elf! As for Aravir...remember him from "The Golden Bell..."? His history is told in a more detailed flashback there. And it was sad, very sad. And Baranthor and Thranduil may think they will lighten him up, but it will take many, many years and a friendship not yet realized for that to happen (though the King and his advisor will never stop trying!). Thank you for the most kind and encouraging review, Almut. New Chapter coming up in a few days, I hope!


MMBReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/8/2009
This is delightful! Your characterizations of canon figures is spot on, and your OCs are very interesting people in their own right. And it is a delight to read a story this well crafted!

I'll be impatiently awaiting your next update.

Author Reply: Thank you so much for the review, MMB! I'm so glad you have enjoyed the story so far! The next update is a few days away, finishing up today and then waiting for my beta to wield her red and blue ink!!! :-) Thanks again.


Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/8/2009
I'm enjoying this - I like your OCs, and the characterisations of Legolas and Thranduil. I love Baranthor being the only one brave enough to confront Thranduil in his bad mood!


Author Reply: Hi, Jay! Thank you for the kind review - I'm so glad you have enjoyed the story! Thranduil in a snit is not something many want to encounter and he has had a bad few weeks! Baranthor, however, knows him well and can act as a buffer for the rest of the palace, as well as a comfort for his friend, that poor, beleaguered King! Thanks again.


IreneReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/8/2009
So sorry for your computer. Mine did just the same just the same time one year before. Horrible.

Thank you for the fine Thranduil chapter! Not only Thranduil is presented as a complex character, also all the others have their different lives and traits; a very rich pattern and a new scenario. Great!

Please be a good girl and update soon --
this is a very enjoyable story.

Author Reply: Hi, Irene! Thank you for the kind review! Yes, I do hate computers when they are being difficult (probably because I am so technologically challenged!). So glad you enjoyed the King - he's heavily featured in the next chapter, as well. I am trying to be a good girl - really I am. The next chapter is finished today - then I just have to wait for my beta to check it over and she's very prompt! I hope you continue to enjoy the story, Irene! Thanks again.


thechevinReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/8/2009
Ah how happy I am, sitting here smiling and feeling all is well in my little Middle Earth world, at least for now.
Thranduil was wonderful here, a grumpy old wolf, growling and grumbling but not so blind as not to listen to advice from his friend Baranthor who seems to know his king very well indeed.
The description of the king's study really made me feel as if I was standing there looking in on the conversations going on.
Legolas's letter certainly improved the king's mood even though his son has managed to ensure that he has addtional things to be done including summoning Darius from his farm, the poor man will be terrifed!
And how lovely it was to get this glimpse of Aravir in the yeni before he joins Legolas in Ilithien. It is plain that Thranduil is more than fond of this ellon and trusts him, I do hope he manages to make him laugh.
A real treat thank you so much and a happy new year

Author Reply: Hey Judy! I'm so glad you liked the King in this chapter - you said it perfectly...the grumpy old growly grumbly wolf who still has the love of a good friend to help him cope with the fallout from a bad succession of weeks. Legolas does have a positive effect on his father - whether in letter form or in person! (Altogether now...Awwwwwww! *g*) As for Darius, yep, he is in for a major shock, poor guy! But also a major adventure, too. LOL As for Thranduil and Baranthor, they are bound and determined to make Aravir lighten up - whether they will be successful remains to be seen!

Happy New Year to you, too, Judy! New chapter up in a few days...I'm working on it diligently! :-/


Nieriel RainaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/7/2009
I love the quote by Emerson! *g* I really enjoyed this chapter too. Your OCs are so full of life and individuals. And your Thranduil is just wonderfully moody. :) Great chapter!

Author Reply: That quote just seemed to fit the King's mood better than the one I had originally chosen, and funny, too! Oh,and you noticed that mood he was in, did you? *g* I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter, I certainly enjoyed the King and his friends! Thank you for the review and all your hard work, NiRi!


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