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Keep Him Secret, Keep Him Safe by shirebound | 21 Review(s) |
PSW | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/4/2015 |
Boy, Aragorn's going to have more help and tending than he knows what to do with. He'll probably go completely insane before it's over.. :-P Author Reply: Aragorn deserves a little help and tending! I really enjoyed writing this. | |
Agape4Gondor | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 7/7/2008 |
Great chapter. Good call by the Twins.... I so so hope Aragorn will accept some help... he's not the type, though! I loved Sam's outburst to Pippin! And Merry's telling one and all that he and Pip 'are knights, you know!' *giggles* I loved Merry's faith in Eomer! Nicely written. And Pip's vow to stand by his king, 'no matter' what. Author Reply: Thank you so much! And you're right, it will take some persuading for Aragorn to accept the help that surrounds him on all sides. | |
Grey Wonderer | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/20/2008 |
This is excellent. I love the way the hobbits are getting ready to take care of Aragorn. I also like all of the teasing that Pippin has been doing in this bit and poor Gandalf certainly did get hit with questions and advice when he arrived! I think Aragorn will have plenty of 'healers' taking care of him. Author Reply: Thanks, GW! I try never to miss a chance to slip in some hobbity banter, and poor Gandalf has certainly learned to endure it (with love, I'm sure). :) | |
Cairistiona | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/2/2008 |
Ah, they're getting things ready to care for poor exhausted Aragorn! I always figured there had to be a moment when, after all he had done and been through, Aragorn finally 'hit the wall', so to speak, and just utterly collapsed, so your explanation of his illness definitely works. Looking forward to the next chapter! Author Reply: Yay, I'm glad this scenario 'rings true'. Thank you. :) | |
Althea | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/1/2008 |
Poor exhausted Strider. He worked so hard to bring the Hobbits back to health that he damaged his own; however, I know he's going to be very well tended. His brothers and friends love him dearly. The new king could not be in better hands, especially with eager and determined Hobbits doing everything in their power to help him get well. This is delightful. Author Reply: Strider won't lack for tender loving care, and he certainly deserves it. :) | |
Andrea | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/1/2008 |
Of course Frodo has to stay in that tent as long as Aragorn! I loved it that it was Sam who first came to that conclusion! What would they do without him? I also liked the idea that Gimli built a special tent, including the furniture, for the four hobbits. And I'm quite sure he would be able to make Gandalf a new hat if he were asked to do so :) Poor Aragorn, though! He put all his strength in healing others, and now he has not enough of his powers left for himself. But he has his brothers and four hobbits to care for him! He will make it :) Author Reply: Sam has a way of seeing very clearly to the heart of any matter, doesn't he? All four hobbits are so unique. This is such a special Fellowship, and wonderful group of friends. I just love writing about them. | |
Linda Hoyland | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/1/2008 |
Just as I guessed,poor Aragorn is suffering from exaustion.I'm enjoying this very much. Author Reply: Thank you, Linda. Yes, it's all just been too much for him, and now it's time to rest and recuperate a bit. | |
Lily Baggins | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/31/2008 |
Oh my... I may die at the adorableness of this, Shirebound! Absolutely, positively, if I could transport myself to the "hobbit tent" and watch the goings on from the corner, I'd be the happiest person on the planet. Is there anything better than hobbits banding together to care for someone they love? They are SO resourceful here---putting beds together, grabbing blankets---and oh, I so love Merry's quickness to back Eomer up and Pippin's steadfastness. And I can't even begin to describe how much I adore Frodo here---completely selfless, concerned Frodo. But of course I'm purely SADDENED and UPSET that it appears Frodo will have to stay in the tent with Aragorn and cannot leave, lest anyone find out what the real story is. Oh, so sad that Frodo must stay there---I'm sure all of the readers will find it a hardship to see him comforting Aragorn. :) And guh---a marvelous explanation of everything Aragorn has endured. It's so lovely to imagine him ill and spent as a result of his incessant care. I am a puddle of goo on reading about him wrapping Frodo and Sam in blankets and caring for them so tenderly. That was perfection! I adored this chapter so much!!! Author Reply: I tried so hard to write this in a way that kept Frodo out of that tent for the duration, Lily, but he insisted on staying! I don't have a lot of control over things, so I hope you can somehow bear up under it. I suspect there might also be a teensy bit of snuggling ahead, so you might want to avert your eyes at that part. Eeeee, I'm so happy you're enjoying this! That little bit about him wrapping Frodo and Sam in soft coverings each evening was probably my favorite part, too. *glee* | |
Lindelea | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/31/2008 |
Ah, I see I left a review at "Shelter". But I truly don't remember the story, so it will be a delight anew to read it. And now the tug-of-warring dog has nipped the youngest hobbit (accidentally, but such things can happen during a rousing tug-of-war) and I must go. Author Reply: Your household is so far from boring, Lindelea. I hope everyone has a healthy and happy summer. | |
Lindelea | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/31/2008 |
Aw. I love Pippin's teasing, and Merry's stating the obvious to long-suffering Gandalf. I am distracted by the delighted growls of a tug-of-warring dog in the other room, or I'd pick out more favourite bits. Your explanation of Aragorn's illness makes sense. I shall have to read "Shelter" -- I don't recall reading it before. Author Reply: Our dog LOVED tug-of-war. :) I hope you enjoy "Shelter"! It was a short, insistent idea that wouldn't leave me alone until I wrote it down. | |