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Keep Him Secret, Keep Him Safe  by shirebound 21 Review(s)
TiggerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/31/2008
Oh Shirebound...I've never thought of it before, but when you combine what he did in Minas Tirth calling back Faramir, Eowyn and Merry, then going to the Black Gate and then calling Frodo and Sam back, as well as making sure their healing sleep really was a healing sleep...Just one of those things would mentally and physically exhaust a person. No wonder Aragorn became so sick so fast once everything had calmed down around Cormallen into routine.

There's also the grief for Halbarad and his wrenching of the Palantir to his will away from Sauron as well. That also would have sapped Aragorn's strength. It's just like whenever we have too much emotional and/or physical upheaval happen in our own lives. Once everything starts to calm down and return to normal, that's usually when everything's that's happened, tends to hit you hard.

Thank Goodness the Twins are there, as well as our beloved hobbits. If anyone can get Aragorn back on the mend, it's our wonderful four Travellers.

Bring on the Comfort now!! BTW...Dare I hope to see at some point Aragorn needing added warmtn around him and so ends up in the middle of a Hobbit Huddle? Huh...Huhhuhhuhhuh? :oD

Can't wait to find out what happens next!! :o)

Author Reply: That's exactly it, Tigger -- he's just worn himself out. We'll get more details about that in chapter 4. I've had a "delayed stress" reaction to things myself, so I think this scenario might be quite realistic for our dear Strider.

I think I might be able to get at least *one* hobbit huddling with him... :)

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/31/2008
Sorry I'm late arriving. Off to a wonderful start as always, shirebound!!

Author Reply: Thank you, Pearl! :)

NeiliaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/31/2008
I love the Hobbity tent! So sweet of Gimli to build all those hobbity things! I often wondered if Aragorn needed more healing rest than he got during the days he strove to heal so many inside the city and in Ithilian. I can hardly wait for the next chapter to see how things turn out. Poor Frodo's sore bottom! :) Hugs, Neilia

Author Reply: I think Gimli is a big old softie when it comes to 'his hobbits'.

Yes, poor Frodo! But there's no place better to recover from anything than in a happy hobbity tent. :)

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/31/2008
Ah, all is well in hand. And maybe Gimli will make Gandalf a new hat? HEHEHEHEHE! That is delightful!

Author Reply: The hobbits' way of 'speaking lightly' in stressed situations never fails to delight me. :)

CuthalionReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/31/2008
Ah - so the King of Gondor will find himself in a cozy hobbit hole tent when he wakes up? I guess that special kind of care and atmosphere and lots of tasty food will do much to help him recover. *smiles*


Author Reply: Lucky guy! I mean, poor man, not feeling well and having to be smothered in love and comfort. A sore trial indeed.

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/31/2008
"Pippin and I are knights, you know.” :)

Tide has turned indeed - now Frodo will be aiding Aragorn. Nothing like four hobbits to take care of you right.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: The hobbits have come into their own, and I love it when other characters realize it. :)

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/31/2008
I really loved your description of a hobbit hole, err...tent! as provided by Gimli! How does he know? Did he get a sneaky glimpse inside Bag End sometime in the past or is it just the descriptions of the hobbits on the trek and from his dad?

The last paragraph really brought a lump to the throat!

Author Reply: That was a looong trek south; I think the hobbits would have told him all about the Shire... and you're right, he would have heard years of stories from his dad and cousins!

Awww, thank you. Pippin is quite an amazing young hobbit.

cookiefleckReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/31/2008
Great chapter and characterizations! :o)

Author Reply: Thank you, Cookie!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/31/2008
*grin* I love your description of the hobbits' "sanctuary". It's going to be perfect for keeping their Strider captive snug and cozy while they cover him with blankets, ply him with tea, tell him stories and cosset him to within an inch of his life.

And I think you are quite right: I am sure Gimli kept himself very busy during those couple of weeks making things or repairing things or making himself otherwise useful. I can't imagine him just sitting around meditating!

I love the way each of the hobbits reacts to Frodo's news according to his personality: Sam starts fussing, Merry gets stern, and Pippin asks questions! LOL!

And I just adore Pippin getting ready to stand guard at the end...

Author Reply: Thank you! What fun. If I can't get Aragorn back into a 'real' hobbit hole to be taken care of, this is the next best thing. :)

I imagine Dwarves as untiring, creative, and single minded, especially when it comes to aiding those few friends they allow into their hearts.

Gentle HobbitReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/31/2008
Hmmm... It makes sense that even Aragorn might find waging physical wars *and* battles in healing and in the mind would wear him out. I like Gimli as a dwarvish cross between a mother hen and a hobbit-protector! Also, I love the teasing interaction between Merry and Pippin, and Gandalf. You do that so well.

Author Reply: Aragorn has been through a lot, which will be detailed more in the next chapter, I think.

Hobbity teasing! I'm just insatiable. :)

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