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They Did Not Take Root In That Land  by perelleth 4 Review(s)
French PonyReviewed Chapter: 8 on 6/14/2007
I think my favorite scene here was Elrond talking to Glorfindel about his relationship with Ereinion. He has so much to think about, second-guessing the father he never knew, the brother who sailed away forever, the king who acts like a grandfather -- trying to figure out his own motivations and desires just makes all that so much more confusing. This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Author Reply: This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship Sure! :-) And they still have a long way to go before Elrond marries and settles down!

I find it very difficult to write a convincing Elrond, for I think that he is so mnay things..that t this time he must still be a bit confused about his owrole and importance... although to tohers itmight be clear...

erunyauveReviewed Chapter: 8 on 6/11/2007
It always makes my day when you update this story - I'm going to be quite sad to see it end.

>>“You are right, Lord Ciryatur. Not only are those lands beyond our borders, but also beyond our reach, in terms of available hands to be lent in their defence,” Gil-galad said pleasantly, a touch of honest concern in his deep, beautiful voice. “And since this is a matter of concern to all of us, this is what I propose.”

This is a fabulous scene, because it picks up on what I feel was Gil-galad's strength - his ability to build alliances by convincing others that they share the same concern (because they do, though they might not see it).

>>"Of course they will not! They will never march under another’s command, but they will follow me in the defence of their forest, that much I can grant… Come, Maentêw, help me order and fortify my realm.

That's an interesting view on what we know is to come, if I understand you right. Oropher's independent actions in the Last Alliance (which I refuse to see as evidence that he was a poor King) become as much the choice of his people as his own, and less a matter of pride than a reflection of Silvan values. (And I'm pleased to see Maentew following him to Mirkwood!)

Author Reply: Well you made my day with your review, although I did not have the time then to answer you!

Yes, I do think that Oropher was a wise king, and that he charged wildly because it was his people's demand, not out of spite towards GIl-galad... I think that the level of his compromise towards his people slowly turned him into one of them and they were all carried away.

I am glad that you stil find this interesting, despite all the political machinations and conversations! :-)

RedheredhReviewed Chapter: 8 on 6/11/2007
I just love the little bits of business you put into the interactions between the characters. ;)
"Exactly under that now soot-stained section..."
"What are you going to do?"
"Have another map drawn, of course..."
I get a real kick out of how you so consistently do that!

Oropher being himself was always quite enjoyable, too! Especially when flexing his muscles - both mentally and physically!
Yay! Maentew is going to the Greenwood! I hope he once more can feel like he has a home.

However, once again, you show some great insights into Gil-galad. Glorfindel is a wonderful vehicle for these revelations presented through conversation. Cirdan and Gil-galad's ending conversation was wonderfully intriguing, but sad.
Still, there was humor. "According to Erestor's and your own words, Master Shipwright, I was never a child..."

I had fun imagining Ereinion meeting Celeborn the first time. Poor, poor Cirdan. ;) You might like "Between Two Worlds" by Marnie.

Only one more chapter? Darn...

Author Reply: Hmmm.. apologies for the delay! and thank you for the review. Again I am dragging to reach the end of the tale. I do not have the time or the insoiration to carry this beyond conversations and political maneouvering that mainly intersts myself.. :-) but I am glad that there are bits of humour here and there! :-)

I will look up for Marnie's tale as soon as I am on holiday. I sketched that meeting long ago, but don't know if I will ever get to polish it.. :-)

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 8 on 6/10/2007
Well, Gil-galad may be unwilling to ask what's going on in the Hall of Maps, but I'd like details. :-)

I love Gil-galad. What a sad and gallant figure he is in Tolkien's world.

I also like shirtless, sweaty Oropher. Shallow, I know.

Author Reply: I also like shirtless, sweaty Oropher. Shallow, I know. LOlol. That is the most self-indulgent paragraph that I have ever written. But a girl needs her treats... :-)

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