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Dreamflower's Mathoms II  by Dreamflower 10 Review(s)
Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 19 on 10/26/2011
What a charming tale! My friend Rosemarie wrote a story featuring the grandson of Beorn and his family. I wonder what you'd think of the mischievous little boy...I can see him as one of the children gathered here! *grin*

I do love Bilbo here, and I'm so glad he helped Beorn with the feast!


Author Reply: I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Perhaps you'll send me a link to your friend's story! I'm trying to collect up all of the stories set in The Hobbit *BEFORE* the new movie comes out!

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 19 on 12/12/2006
A lovely tale. Makes me want to be there enjoying Bilbo's neeps and honeycakes!

Author Reply: It did seem he'd have a nice time! I think Beorn was a wonderful host!

ClaudiaReviewed Chapter: 19 on 12/2/2006
What a cool idea -- I enjoyed this very much and would actually love to read more in this universe if you've written more or will write more!

Author Reply: Well, all my stories are here on SoA. I have quite a few featuring Bilbo, but only one other set *during* The Hobbit--"A Merry Old Inn".

But I am hoping to do a few more. There are, sadly, not quite so many gaps to fill in The Hobbit as there were in LotR!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 19 on 12/1/2006
The look of sheer delight on the hobbit’s face was reward enough, and Beorn found himself regretting that he had not invited his guest into his kitchen sooner, if he could be rewarded with such a smile.

How lovely. What an unexpectedly nice Yule for Bilbo, and everyone else there.

Author Reply: I've always been curious about that little paragraph in which we learn where Bilbo spent his Yule, and what it says about Beorn's hospitality. It did turn out to be a very nice Yule after all!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 19 on 8/14/2006
A marvelous antidote for homesickness. Bless Beorn for his thoughtfulness!

Author Reply: Yes, a chance to cook would certainly be something to help a hobbit feel at home!

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 19 on 8/10/2006
Oh, this is lovely! You portray Beorn very well. I did always wonder how Beorn could have had children when nothing was said of a wife, but that makes perfect sense. Poor fellow! And I love the idea of Bilbo being able to enthrall all children, no matter what their race. I wonder if he could have enchanted Elven children? :)
God bless,

Author Reply: Well, we hear in LotR about the Beornings, which means he *had* to have descendants! And his bitterness against the goblins seemed to me to be rather personal. If goblins had attacked and murdered his wife, then three things are explained: where his family came from, why no wife was in evidence in The Hobbit, and his anger against the goblins.

And I couldn't help but note the difference between the suspicious way he greeted the Dwarves at the beginning, and his kind hospitality to Bilbo and Gandalf afterwards--I figured he was grateful for the chance to kill so many goblins in the Battle of Five Armies!

KittyReviewed Chapter: 19 on 8/10/2006
It's so understandable that Bilbo feels lonely and homesick on Yule of all days. It is a time of year the most people want to spend with these they love.

far too many for Bilbo to even begin to keep track of Well, that's a surprise to hear from a hobbit. If anyone is able to sort through all the sons and daughter-in-laws and grandchildren of Beorn, it should be Bilbo ;)

Ah, now we know where Bilbo got the recipe for the honeycakes :) And with all the food, and children to tell tales to, I suppose he had a great day, in spite of being away from home.

Author Reply: Yes, holidays and special occasions would be very hard for a hobbit far from home.

Well, I suppose if they had been properly introduced, hobbit-fashion, it would have been very easy. But I would guess that they simply all descended on Beorn, who did not seem the type for such formal introductions. (Remember how he reacted to the Dwarves' attempt to introduce themselve properly, LOL?)

Yes, that's how he got the honeycakes recipe indeed--and I think he did have a more enjoyable time than he'd expected to.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 19 on 8/9/2006
Give Bilbo a kitchen and a heap of good ingredients - and his homesickness will be eased.

Although, mind you, being aided by dogs as you cook - and not in the sense that they simply hoover up spills - must be rather disconcerting.

It sounds as if Bilbo had a good Yule. Different, but very memorable!

Author Reply: Yes, the chance to cook, and the smells and feel of a kitchen, would be very restorative to most hobbits, I think.

*grin* The dogs and other animals gave me some difficulty. I couldn't leave them out--obviously these animals were Beorn's equivalent of "staff"--but I was not sure I could describe their actions with quite the same non-challant charm that the Professor did. I hope I came close, anyway.

"Different, but very memorable!" Yes, I am sure that is how it was--and I can see him speaking of it on other Yules as he visits in Buckland, to impressionable young hobbits in front of Rory's hearth...

DrummerWenchReviewed Chapter: 19 on 8/8/2006
What a great little story! I have a soft spot for Beorn, and this is a gap that's begging for a nice filler - which you've done.
And, yes, at Yule I imagine that's how Bilbo would feel!

Author Reply: There are a lot of nice little gaps in The Hobbit, and I finally came to the conclusion that no one was going to fill this one *for* me, so I'd have to do it myself. Beorn is fascinating, and I really wish we knew more about him.

At Yule or other special occasions is when homesickness can strike--at least his host tried to help him feel better!

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 19 on 8/8/2006
Yes present happiness can mask but not completely cure the underlying unhappiness but I am sure that Beorn was very happy to try.

I loved the tale of Beorn in the Hobbit so it was great to see this tale.

Author Reply: True. I'm sure Bilbo's homesickness did not go away, still, he's hobbit enough to be able to enjoy what he can, when he can, and Beorn was an excellent host.

I've always wished JRRT had given us a few more details about Beorn.

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