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The Three Towers  by shirebound 28 Review(s)
CoriandraReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/23/2006
This is excellent! I'm sorry it's only now I've read the first part, but I was drawn in by it right from the start. It's very surprising, to me at least, that Frodo wants to go back to back to tower, especially when he can't remember much about what happened there. It's probably best that he doesn't; some things aren't meant to be remembered. Of course, some people feel that they'll never get any closure until they do and it seem Frodo is one of them. I certainly hope he doesn't regret this when it does all come back to him. It's good to see the Fellowship back together. He's certainly going to need his friends around him very soon.

This so good! I want to finish reading it tonight, but unfortunately I just don't have time. It's going to one of the first things I do tomorrow though. :)

Lily BagginsReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/8/2006
Oh, I loved Pippin's way to distract Frodo... what a nice bit of humor and levity amongst the seriousness of the situation. And I'm always amazed at the way you manage to fill the gaps and put things in your stories that SEEM like they should be canon---but really aren't ever mentioned in canon. I mean, I feel like I'm reading canon!!

Frodo BagginsReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/7/2006
Oh this is wonderful! Those dear - impish - cousins of Frodo's! But what would he do without them? However, it is a good thing that they did not go with him on the Quest to this point...they're too young. Namarie, mell min! GOd Bless, Frodo Baggins

demeter dReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/25/2006
Indeed, "What If" the entire fellowship had been able to go to Mordor together the first time? Replaying through THAT notion could keep a lot of fan-fic writers busy for a long time. i am enjoying the mixture of movie and book touches you are putting into this story. I especially enjoyed Pippin's exercise. they do indeed have a lot in common. I have been following Larner's story"The Acceptable Sacrifice". Woven throughout that story is a premise she introduced in a previous one, "Fostering", (I think!) which proposed that Gilraen lost two baby boys besides having Aragorn, one of whom would have been his twin. She was given some kind of spiritual reassurance that they would be re-born to other mothers, and a teacher provided for them so that when they were needed to help Aragorn on his greatest life's test, they would be ready. When Bilbo came to Rivendell the first time, it was made known to her that he was to be that teacher. The other sons, of course, were Frodo and Sam. Your game, and her premise work rather well together. I have you both on my author notification list. i am "anxiously awaiting" every word you write!
A note to the reviewer who thought that the movie Shelob was not quite as scary as their own mental image. I would say, of course not. We all create our own mental pictures as we read a good story, and no one else will ever be able to quite touch them. i will however say this in P.J. and Weta's creature's defense. Our neighborhood is infested with Hobo spiders. My college-student daughter,(who sleeps in a basement room) has become the spider world's worst enemy. She declared P.J.'s Shelob "a big old Hobo on steroids!' Of course, it is not your own vision, but I think they did not do too badly.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/24/2006
Ah, the dear Hobbits, playing one of my favorite games--both are of an Elvish bent for their kinds; both are far more highly educated than one looking at them would guess; both have relatives who would do anything for them; both gather love and fealty wherever they go; both are much given to duty, and to seeing those they see as under their care cared for. And I see the need for water is acknowledged. It has been shown common in survivors of such situations--water and bread being the most common items kept at hand.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/24/2006
I found it very touching the way Frodo reacted at the horrible memory of how he thought he had lost his friends,and aragorn's reaction too.
I loved Pippin's game.
Most enjoyable as ever.

PeriantariReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/23/2006
That bit with PIppin was just too precious for words. omg... i giggled outloud at the riddle "What does Frodo and Strider have in common" oh my goodness, how original and how incredibly ingenious!

“Besides, most of my cousins are quite mad, Alcaren,” Merry continued. “It makes for an interesting family.”

“Now wait just a minute,” Pippin spluttered, as Frodo and Sam nearly fell over with laughter.

lol!!!!! i so cherish this part!!! :D <--Peri An still grinning.

All I could think of was, what had happened to the rest of you? There was no way to know, only that it was likely that most of you had also been slain.”
That is such a great piece for a drabble or ficlet...angsty short lovely piece at that... hehehee >=)

Lovely chapter~ i really enjoyed it..especially the hobbit love and comfort at the latter half of the chapter. :D

Indigo BuntingReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/23/2006
I like stories that involve the entire Fellowship, and this story has a lot of promise, Shirebound. I think you have done a good job in finding Frodo's voice. He sounds a good deal like he sounds in the books - older and more mature than the other hobbits, and now, haunted by his experiences. I do hope that Frodo finds what he is looking for, and that it does him good. I look forward to reading more!

lbiloverReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/23/2006
I think it is Merry's and Pippin's reactions in this chapter that got to me the most. What it must be like for them to realize the extent of Frodo's and Sam's courage and endurance as well as how greatly they suffered. I had tears in my eyes just like they did reading this.

puppypersonLOTRReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/23/2006
what a great idea - to have Frodo revisit Mordor. It kind of boggles my mind; I've never really thought about the fact that Mordor didn't actually drop off the face of Middle-Earth when the Ring was destroyed. That Gimli would go chop up Snaga seems quite suited to him, and leave it to Pippin (via a clever fanfic writer) to come up with yet another way to cheer everyone up and lighten the mood!

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