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All Shall Love Me and Despair  by Space Weavil 19 Review(s)
AuroreReviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/8/2006
I do hope you will continue this one day :) It was a great read and I would like to read the rest of it.


AuroreReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/3/2006
You are an excellent writer. I registered just to be able to leave you a review. I have read all 4 chapters, and both your style and storytelling are excellent. The style is similar but still distinct from Tolkiens and you do him no shame, in my opinion :)

I look forwards to part 5 and suggest that you write your own books. You are more than good enough (although the writing is easier than the publishing as I understand things).


Aislynn CrowdaughterReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/18/2006
Thrilling story so far. I love it that you do not set Galadriel simply as evil from the moment she takes the ring; this way this AU is much more believable, and very likely. She would start with very good intentions after all. But of course that cannot last; the ring will consume her good side as jealousy and pride once consumed Feanor. I am very curious how you will show us the development! I love tis story and look forward to read more of it!


Susan WReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/14/2006
Yay! Finally an update to this excellent tale.

Hmm! I think I'm with Aragorn on their Elvish guards. They do seem a little fishy. Brr! Great OC in that cold-fish elf, Faelvallas.

sigh! No mentions of Boromir or on how he is faring on his trek back to Gondor. What will he find upon his return home? Will Minas Tirith be over-run by then? I was a little saddened that no one seems concerned about their fellow Walker, Boromir, or that he might not make it through the War. None of the other Walkers have mentioned his being gone. Other than that, I love the characterizations here, they are very well drawn out.

Nice to see Gandalf will be entering the picture. Can't wait to see his reaction to Galadriel and the Ring. I don't think he will like this new situation at all, as he was a staunch supporter of destroying the Ring.

Loved the moments with Legolas and Gimli. Great of Thranduil to accept the dwarf into his palace.

Most anxiously awaiting the next update!

Nienor NinielReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/13/2006
Oh, great that you updated!

I love the symolism of the Elves trampling leaves into the ground! I guess they are already losing a part of themselves through Galadriel's decisions.

Also the description of what Gandalf experienced after the Balrog fight was great.

So now you have me wondering what will become of the rest-Fellowship and their escort. I smell evil ahead!

All the best, Nienor

lady sarumanReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/20/2006
good story. what happened to ur other one, "Alliance?"

Susan WReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/12/2006
The Ring needs to be destroyed! Aarrgghh! If only Gandalf would appear, he could maybe set things right again. Although now things of course, are more difficult. It would be too late for Gondor and Rohan. And then there is trying to get the Ring to Mordor now without running across the enemy, which would be nigh on impossible now that Galadriel has given Sauron the impetus to move forward in his attack.

Again, poor Boromir! He goes on alone to try to aid his homeland. sniff! What will he find once there. Please have someone for him to go home to.
Still the Hobbits are not sure that all is right with the Ring not being destroyed. I cannot wait to read about Elrond's reaction to Galadriel holding the One Ring. I don't think he is going to like it at all. And poor Aragorn must be the one to break the news to him. aaeeii!

The breaking of the Fellowship was sad to see at the end, but at least it wasn't the end of Boromir. Surely we will see all of the Walkers back together again at some point. Gah! Such a horrible sense of impending doom that Boromir and Frodo both share is felt by the readers also. Will Boromir return home to find that home is over-run with the enemy and decide to gather father and seriously injured brother and try to get them out of Gondor?
And what about Aragorn? I don't see him giving up on Gondor either!
Aaeeii! You absolutely MUST update soon! please!

Susan WReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/12/2006
Aaeeii! Please do not kill Boromir and Faramir! And you may even spare the noble Denethor if you please. Ohh! Poor Boromir, still far from home and already the invasion of his homeland has commenced full force. His thoughts will be totally with his father and brother. He will get no help from the elves that is sure. Celeborn told him in a rather cold-hearted and matter of fact way, that Gondor and Rohan would fall. Now that is arrogance when the elves think they know the future so well and how those two countries would fall. There is absolutely no way that Boromir would stay in the relative safety of Lorien whilst his land was attacked. Pphhtt! No thank you, Celeborn!

Sniffle! Poor Faramir! I love how you have portrayed him here. He, like his beloved brother, would fight to the last breath to protect his country and his people. One can see him struggle to get back to Minas Tirith to warn the city. Sniff! Yay, for Damrod coming along at the right moment and aiding his Captain.

And Denethor's part was wonderful! I loved the battle of wills between Denethor and Sauron, and hated seeing his despair at the end when shown a bloody Boromir tied to the frame and on display. sniff! I most loved Denethor's concern for his youngest son on finding him in the HOH. "If only Denethor could have been sure that he could now protect his son. ‘Do whatever you must,’ said the Steward. ‘But do not let him die.’ He withdrew to the door and stood there in the shadows, watching the healers with a dark expression. He wished he could drag a stool to the bedside and remain there until Faramir awoke, like any other father."
So very sad that duty as Steward always pulled him away from his sons. sniff!

Onward to the next chapter!

Susan WReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/12/2006
Most excellent! I have only seen a "Galadriel takes the Ring" fic one other time and it came nowhere close to the chilling prospect that this one is. The characters are very well drawn out and good use of descriptive imagery.
These are great: Boromir's dream was horrific. One got the sense that Aragorn felt something terrible was afoot, he just couldn't place the danger as yet. An excellent discussion between Celeborn and Galadriel about power and the Ring and the doom it could bring them. An arrogant and cold Galadriel just gave me chills. And the Hobbits' feeling that it didn't seem possible that their part was over with. I like how Sam had doubts about the Ring going to Galadriel and wondering what Gandalf would have done. "Yet he wasn’t glad, and a sick feeling lay in his stomach like a coiled serpent." Exactly how I felt!
Onward to chapter 2.

Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/10/2006
I just wanted to say that I am enjoying this story and eagerly awaiting the next chapter!

I especially liked Aragorn's subtle reactions in this chapter--I imagine there must be some really conflicting emotions going on there: Here's Galadriel as this ancient, wise, already incredibly powerful figure that he's accustomed to respecting and trusting, and then she accepts the Ring, which might have an even stronger resonance as an evil, duplicitous thing with Aragorn than with others of the company, considering history. Similar feelings would probably be shared, to some extent, by many of those at this council, though, and you portrayed that hidden tension well.

Heehee, sorry for my run-on sentences. It all boils down to, "good job!"

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