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Drabbles  by Lindelea 7 Review(s)
Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 28 on 2/16/2007
Aw, poor Merry! What a fix!
God bless,

Author Reply: Definitely! GW has a way with hobbits, doesn't she?

demeter dReviewed Chapter: 28 on 12/19/2006
So lovely to see "what happened next!" Merry is trying to make things up to Pippin. It is amazing to me how a Brandybuck who is so confident in a boat, and who faced down Orcs and The Witch King can be nervous about being up on a roof. It was such a lovely idea to link the two together. I very much enjoyed both.

Author Reply: Yes! I wonder if JRRT intended Brandybucks to be worried about heights. I will have to re-read the bit in Lorien to see what the various hobbits' reactions were, once more...

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 28 on 12/19/2006
I went and re-read GW's story after reading this the first time. This is a lovely follow-up to her "Concerning Ladders". In fact, the perfect follow-up! MEWD

Author Reply: Thanks! GW's story pulled me out of a funk and lightened my anxiety over having to go to the dentist today. *shudder*

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 28 on 12/19/2006
Poor Merry. But poetic justice.

Author Reply: Definitely poetic justice. *g*

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 28 on 12/19/2006
Oh, how wonderful! Grey Wonderer does start our own imaginations going, doesn't she! Hehehehehehe!

Author Reply: GW has an amazing way of bringing characters to life, yes. Sometimes her hobbits seem as if they're in the next room, and I'm an eavesdropper. (No eaves around here, Mr. Gandalf!)

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 28 on 12/19/2006
Here's my drip! The road is paved with good intentions!

Author Reply: It certainly is... and why are there so many potholes?

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 28 on 12/18/2006
Have to review over here too! As you know I am very fond of this drabble and I am so glad that you wrote it. Thanks for the link to "Concerning Ladders" too. Happy Holidays!

Author Reply: Well, thanks for your conscientious feedback! The drabble wouldn't have happened, after all, without the story. Thanks for the lift of spirits, during *two* holiday seasons!

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