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The True Face of Courage  by FirstMate 12 Review(s)
pipinheartReviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/23/2005

Poor Elladan he is scared for Elrohir, but at least Legolas is there to help him get his brother out...
The ones who put him in the cave should be upset but they may have learned thier lesson...

Elrohir wakes up and is confussed, at least one of his abusers helped him out of the dark..

I love the little twin stories...

EllieReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/26/2005
Another excellent chapter! This is such a great story. Estel is so, well, blind and stupid to not see the point Elladan and Legolas were trying to make. I hope he gets himself sorted out before he hurts Elrohir even more.

Thanks for updating! Looking forward to more!

Author Reply: Estel is being pretty stupid, I agree. I imagine Elladan and Legolas are feeling somewhat frustrated with him at the moment. Actually, I've already written the beginning of the next chapter, and they ARE feeling frustrated. :) Estel will still take some more convincing, but he doesn't really do anything else directly to Elrohir to hurt him.

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/26/2005
Gripping story, FirstMate! Very tense, especially for those readers like me who get really claustrophobic, but that's only because your writing pulls me in so much emotionally.

But I'm so glad "little" Elrohir is out of the cave, and out of his self-imposed mental detachment!

Now, just how do you intend to give Estel the necessary enlightenment? I can't wait to find out!

- Barbara

Author Reply: Well, I'm glad for your sake that Elrohir is out of the cave, then. I'm not claustrophobic, but I can imagine that going through the narrow tunnels would be horrid for anyone. Estel still needs a bit more storytelling, actually, before he reaches that enlightenment. Poor Elladan and Legolas aren't done yet!

SilvertreeReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/23/2005
Why won't Estel understand!?!?! Will he open up in the next chapter?

Author Reply: Uhm...he doesn't understand because he's being stubborn. Plain and simple. Also, if he admits he was wrong, then he'll have to acknowledge how much he hurt his brother for no good reason. And no, I'm afraid he won't be opening up in the next chapter either. He still needs a bit more understanding first.

SilvertreeReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/23/2005

WindSingerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/23/2005
Yea! Another chapter -- and a nice long one too! Very well done! I love the mix of excitement for the elflings - to be going on an adventure, to be helping another and to make their parents proud - only to revert to fear and concern for their brother/friend. Seems like a very realistic portrayal of the roller coaster emotions would tend to take in a situation like that. And I love how you show the emotional turmoil and its effect in Elladan - using a bit more detached Legolas to emphasize the different levels of care and concern. And Estel still doesn't get it! I can't wait to see how you pound sense into his head!

Very nice!!! And thank you SO much for sharing!


Author Reply: Well, you're welcome! I really do enjoy writing and sharing makes it so much more fun. I'm glad you agree with the boy's thoughts during their adventure. I've had a hard time writing the little fellows (easier to write them "bigger"), so I'm relieved that I didn't mess them up too badly!

KittyReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/23/2005
Belmandren was Belder *speechless* That's certainly unexpected! Obviously the twins didn't held this bad jest against him in the end and became friends with him nonetheless.

Anyway, wonderful chapter! You've captured the feelings of the two rescuers so well - the sense of adventure in the beginning, the shock to see Elrohir's injuries clearly for the first time, the struggle to rescue him and in particular Elladan's exhaustion but stubborn refusal to let Legolas take over.

It was so good to have Elrohir out of this damned cave and back in the care of his parents, but it was frightening to see him lost in these horrible nightmares and not responding to anyone for so long!
I'm impressed with Belmandren's insistence to get to Elrohir and then, facing Elrond, his refusal to back down but to try and help the little elf. It took a lot of bravery to do this, considering his own role in Elrohir's accident. It's a bit ironic that Elrohir in the end reacted to Belmandren after his own parents and twin hadn't any success in their desperate trys to reach him. I think Belmandren did a lot to redeem himself with this.

Of course this had to have some lasting effects. Poor Elrohir, it is only too understandable he doesn't like caves, not to mention rats! I'm sure *I* would never set my foot near a cave again after such an experience!

But Estel ... *shakes head* ... of course, he is a teen and knows everything! I want to grab him and shake (or beat!) a bit of sense in his head! He has obviously still not comprehended what Elladan and Legolas tried to tell him with this tale, and I look forward to the next update in the hope he will eventually understand the matter!

Author Reply: Hey! You were the only one who picked up on the "Belder" connection (or, at least the only one who mentioned it). Yeah, this is the same guy who was an important part of the search for Elrohir in "Lost." He turns out to be a really good friend in the years to come. I'm glad Elrohir is finally out of the cave, too. I knew the outline of the chapters when I started so I knew he would be rescued in chapter six, but I NEVER imagined it would take so long to get to it. The next chapter is coming along nicely, though, so I'm hoping to get it out before the holidays. No, Estel just isn't getting it and I'm afraid isn't going to redeem himself in the next chapter. Foolish child.

eliza61Reviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/23/2005
Hi firstMate,

Not to worry, your story is to good to give up on. Poor Elladan & Legolas, unfortunately I think Estel is the typical young man-not afraid of any thing and usually thinks he knows absolutely everything! (this from the experience/trauma or raising 3 boys)Tell them I said to try a large rock upside the head. LOL. I like how you have written the "flashback" story, it's interesting to see my favorite elves as babies.

Post soon, your fan


Author Reply: Three boys! Wow...I only have one. He's a dear, but one boy and one girl are enough for me. :) Hmmm...large rock upside the head for Estel. Nah! He'd end up with a headache, his brothers would be in trouble with their father, and he probably would forget the whole lesson anyway. I think I'll stick to my less drastic method with storytelling. (Although, it is tempting to have someone give him a good swift kick where it counts!)

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/23/2005
There is nothing else for it. They've tried the educational method. Elladan and Legolas will just have to stake Estel out, smear him with honey and leave him to the ants. He clearly has the understanding and empathy of . . . the average teenage boy. He needs kicking. Not because it will make him any more intelligent, mind - but it will relieve the feelings of those attempting to inject a smidgen of sense into him.

I'm glad Elrohir is out of that cave - both in reality and in his mind - and that Belmandren redeemed himself. It took a great deal of courage to confront Elrond in that mood - and to see what he had done and continue to try to help.

Elladan and Legolas did very well - typical of Elladan to take the saving of Elrohir on himself. He must have been totally exhausted by the time they got out of that tunnel.

Now let's hammer some sense in Estel. With a hammer.

Author Reply: Poor Estel. He is, after all, just a teenage boy. If I did all the things people have suggested, he'd be one miserable puppy! Of course, I totally agree that he's being an obnoxious teenage boy at the moment. He WILL be a lot smarter by the end of the story, though. (Without the hammer!) :)

TiggerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/22/2005
Eeeeek!!! I really need to remember not to try and do reviews when painkillers are kicking in on me. Sheesh...Just noticed when checking to make sure the review went up that I confused my cousins there. It was a she that made that "comment" and one of our male cousins who came to my defence.

Shessh!! *shakes head in embrassment* Sorry about that!!

Author Reply: No problem. :)

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