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Good Enough  by The Karenator 11 Review(s)
LeawardReviewed Chapter: 11 on 4/4/2005
Karen ... sorry it took me so long, real life has been a bear this week. And it's going to be a short, rambling piece :(

"..with him by my side, ready to pounce, if the grace of the Elves left me again." Says it all ... although it is hard to imagine Legolas being anything less than graceful :)

Half in his lap and half in the chair, she slept soundly with her head on his shoulder. Ah, comfortable love is an long-married one. These two are such a wonderful pair.

Poor Daeron, I can imagine he will have to answer for Legolas jumping through the trees -- but somehow I don't think he could have stopped him. And nice to see Legolas worrying about the lies being told about his big brother.

And finally Legolas tells Thranduil about what he and Daeron overheard -- that will put Thranduil in an awkward position but somehow I don't think Calith will easily wiggle his way out of this. I can't see Thranduil allowing the 'pretty elf' to continue with such lies about Aldamir.

Author Reply: I'm sorry to hear that your week has been so hectic. With baseball season in full swing, I can sympathize. I worked the concession stand tonight. Oh joy.

Seems like the cramp that Legolas had at morning meal would have been a warning, but guess not. The minute something interesting came along, he was off into the trees.

Thranduil and Lalaith are close. And she must be worn to a frazzle. She's been at Legolas's bedside for days and Aldamir is crushed and off on a dangerous mission. She's in need of some sleep. What better place...since she's once again at Legolas's get a little shut eye than on Thranduil's shoulder? :>)

Daeron got off with a lecture, but he knew that he would get one when he and Legolas were discovered by the two naneths. Nah, I don't think he could have done anything to stop Legolas either. Legolas was on mission.

The king's not happy with the news about Calith. He also not overly pleased with Legolas for slipping off or for lying, but the information is useful. What's a king to do? Calith has made one of the most powerful elf's in Arda pretty darn mad. And just think how angry Aldamir will be when he finds out.

Thanks, Leaward. I appreciate you taking the time to read and review...especially when so many things are going on in real life.


meckinockReviewed Chapter: 11 on 4/3/2005
There isn't anything better than Pinot Noir, is there? I'm willing to be convinced otherwise, though...

Oh, hey, Karen! Loved the chapter. When are they ever going to figure out that Daeron is an untrustworthy babysitter? These two are the Keystone Cops on patrol. At least they knew enough to get their story straight. "The Wood-Elf defense!" LOL. Daeron is such a fatalist. I can't imagine what he'll be like when he grows up.

Regarding the fruits of their illicit labor, it looks like our dear Elenna is very young. At least very young compared to Calith. Small-town girl and guileless and very naiive and not accustomed to deceit and treachery. Putty in the hands of a master manipulator who's not good at much else and who's had a few thousand years to figure out how to push people's buttons. A little blood transfusion from Daeron would do her wonders, what do you think?

Legolas's little relapse was a good lesson for him. See, do what the healers tell you. Even if their name is "Saddlebags." Sorry, I digress; we're still talking about was sweet when he woke to see his parents cuddled in the chair together. It's sweet to think of Thranduil cuddling, period. The poor king, he must not have known what to do about Legolas's big confession. If he listens he's tactitly approving of the little spy mission, but he can hardly afford not to. Dang, sometimes you just can't keep you hands clean no matter what you do.

Loved his last line. "And then I think I will be king." That would be a fun thing to say.

Author Reply: I'm sorry the grapes failed this year and there is no Pinot Noir. As a matter, there's not a grape in the world. No wine at all! Sorry. Don't accept the vinegar anyone might send you. I have only your best interest at heart.

Oh, hi! I'm glad that you could stand to read this one more time. Daeron did his best to entertain his recovering cousin. What more do you want? Common sense? At least he came through when they needed to get their story straight! :>) Doomed as it was.

Poor much maligned Elenna. You're right; she's had a sheltered life in her village and Calith has had years to work on her. She's refused him, if Tree is to be believed, up until whatever prompted her to accept him this last time he asked her to bond. She's far from dumb, just a little naive, and she's been listening to Calith for so long that he started to sound good. Aldamir came along and shook up everything that Calith had worked so hard for. Calith is not happy. I like the idea of Daeron tutoring her in elf-slapping.

Legolas learned several good lessons. Don't disobey the healer, don't disobey your mama, and under no circumstances lie to said mama when she can read your emotions. Ouch.

Thranduil is a master cuddler. Where do you think those three ellons came from?

Legolas's confession did put the king in a pickle. On one hand, he couldn't condone eavesdropping and on the other, he can't ignore Calith. It's a dirty job being king. But he gets to say he is everyday. He's willing to let you say it as long as you don't actually try rule or anything.

Thanks for helping and thanks for reading and reviewing.


perellethReviewed Chapter: 11 on 4/3/2005
And now, the mighty king of the throbbing vein has been enlisted for the spy kids’ mission… “That elf” will be under watch, indeed! At the pace things are going on, I suppose they’ll soon be charging a fee for a chance to mincemeat “that elf”!

See, I confess myself completely at a loss (throws hands up in utter surrender) I can make no sense of any of those settlement elves…for Eru’s sake, she was the one with a betrothal to attend, the same elleth who was hunting down the king’s son, scouting under his tunic and supporting a joint expedition within her gown…and now she’s ready to believe he had been using her? Oh my, she cannot be so utterly naïve… can she? I mean, this must surely be a case of cross-cultural clash of sorts! (Theirs or mine, I’m not quite sure yet! ;-)

As your beta wouldn’t be bribed into giving away the knot of it all (Sigh. I do have some good old bottles, seasoned in old French oak barrels, estate bottled, a grape even better than Pinot noir…) I’ll just sit back and patiently wait for more of this intriguing love affair.

On the other side, though, as losing sight of Daeron and his privileged smart mouth is going to leave a great hole in my reading habits, you have my permission to give it some more twists before unravelling it all, I promise I won't ask!

“Naneths seem to be able to juggle three or four crises at a time and still not forget to tell you to change your undergarments” Well, undergarments seem to be an obsession in this family… you might ask Noreth if that has something to do with any particular antic, I’m sure there has to be a juicy back story there, apart from a naneth’s natural worries! ;-)

Legolas did scare his parents this time; I think they’ve been more than understanding with him, (wilful negligence! Whoa! Maternal insult and sarcasm in a single reprimand! She’s great!) Poor Legolas, feeling slightly better is the worst part of recovering, I agree (never bitten by a Mirkwood spider, though!).

I cannot tell you how much I am enjoying this story, is such fun finding myself just wondering about what’s coming up next!

Author Reply: Yep, everybody is in on the Elf-watch. If Aldamir knew, he would be mortified! In the end, it'll be a race to see who gets to Calith first. But I think Aldamir should get first dibs.

Elenna's behavior is a complete contradiction of itself. She sure looked like she was in love. Elves don't engage in much hanky-panky outside of marriage. Looked serious to me. So how did Calith waltz in and take over? Good question. Especially considering that Elenna, according to Tree, has some insight into people. But she's young and has had a rather sheltered life. Calith has been her friend for as long as she can remember. She trusts him...over her own instincts, unfortunately. She's learning a hard lesson about trust. And trust is something that sprouts out in many directions. A confused elleth, she is. Also remember that she's not known Aldamir for long. This love affair took off like wildfire (and unexpectedly) and now she's wondering if she has indeed been duped by a slick operator. She has, but she's blaming the wrong one. Naive? Yeah...I'd say so. And Aldamir's so hurt that he's obstinate and refusing to talk to her...just what Calith wanted. Everyone seems to be so caught up in their own misery that they're not dealing with the FACTS.

Nice undergarments are a universal mother's worry with children. The male of the species doesn't seem to find this necessary. Just a running joke among our little scamps. Meddling mamas. At least, even in their time of trouble, they realized that you can't pull too much wool over the nana's eyes. You just have to tweak your story a little to be technically truthful, but fatally flawed in real information.

Legolas was feeling better. He thought he had everything under control. If Calith and Elenna hadn't come along, he would have stayed in the garden and gone back in when his hour was up. But...he forgot all about his promises when something interesting came along. And off he went, without one thought about the cost this might cause him. He, however, thought the risk was worth it when he had time to think about it. He was not very remorseful...until the spasm. I'm sure he felt like he had been punished by a higher power for lying and not having the honor to feel bad about it. Oh, the guilt. He crumbled like dried mud when Adar started asking leading questions.

I'm so glad you're enjoying the story. It's only a few chapters away from the end. Thanks so much for reading and reviewing. Your reviews are such a treat for me.


DotReviewed Chapter: 11 on 4/3/2005
This will be a quick one, if you don’t mind.

Great chapter. I was glad we got back to Legolas. He seems to be feeling much better most of the time anyway, although that’s when we all tend to over-exert ourselves. I had to laugh at the way they all fully anticipate his attempt to be allowed outside for a while.

I loved the image of Thranduil walking him around the room until the cramp had passed. His family probably feel smothering to Legolas but I thought that was a very fatherly thing for Thranduil to do, made even more so by the fact that he stayed at his son’s side, ready to catch him if he fell.

So he finally got to see Calith? He does sound pretty. I know Legolas is biased anyway, but I still thought it was interesting that he had the same initial reaction of suspicion and dislike towards this elf as Daeron did. It does seem that Calith has convinced “simple” Elenna that Aldamir was playing with her. But… I suspect that Elenna may be playing her own games. I have no clue what you have up your sleeve but it’s definitely starting to look to me like there’s more going on here, some reason that Elenna and her family are stringing Calith along. She presumably just wasn’t anticipating meeting Aldamir and having such a connection with him. Maybe they want to expose Calith for something. Hmmm. Between your mysteries and daw’s mountains being on fire, it’s no wonder I’m stressed!

Agh, they were caught! I feel bad for Legolas’ mother, though. What a shock she must have got. Naneth so knows he was lying too.

“We will claim wood-elf defense.” LOL. What a great line!

I was cringing for that whole part where Legolas struggles with the pain in his back and chest. I’ve experienced something similar a few times and my heart went out to him. It was a rather cruel reminder to him that he’s not yet fully recovered and needs to rest, no matter what’s going on outside the palace. Thank heavens for Daeron. I was so glad when Legolas’ parents took the moment to let him know how grateful they were to him.

My favourite part of this chapter was that image of Thranduil and Lalaith asleep together in the chair. This must be a difficult time for them, but it’s so touching to see not only their love for Legolas but closeness to each other.

It was such a powerful moment too when Legolas contemplates his father and is so moved by Thranduil’s strength, honour and great capacity for love that he feels shame for lying to his worried mother. I could read that paragraph over and over.

I was glad Legolas confessed everything to his father, even though he’s now been forbidden to do or say anything else about it. I just hope Thranduil’s anger doesn’t get the better of him before he knows fully what’s going on! I hadn’t thought about Calith’s words being “damaging to the crown”, but of course they would be. It’s so much more than just a broken heart for poor Aldamir.

So, who’s up next?! :-)

Author Reply: Hi Dot,

I'm always glad to hear from you...short or long or in between. And this was a great review.

Legolas is feeling better. In my mind, the spider venom has to work it's way out of the body over time. Most of it does fairly quickly, but the muscles store some of it longer and spasms remain a possibility for even longer. Legolas felt okay, so what's the big deal? Oh, the young.

I'm sure Legolas's impressions of Calith were slightly colored by what had happened to Aldamir and by what he had heard from Daeron. But the guy is a blatant slug. Everyone and his brother--or cousin--can see it. Elenna has been blind to her 'friend'. She's learning a hard lesson about trust and pride. Because she can't allow herself to see that she was wrong about 'that elf', she's possibly losing the one she wants most--Aldamir. Maybe she's a little like Legolas in that she wants to see the good in people. And Calith has had a long to time to work his twisted POV on her. But she is sighted--though still young--and hopefully she'll put aside her pride and listen to 'her gift'. Trust issues can run in all sorts of directions.

Poor Legolas. The chest cramp frightened him. Well, everyone else too. Just exactly what Mom had cautioned him about. She must have been horrified and vindicated at the same time.

I think life was tough for the king and queen. They had such huge responsibilities to the realm and they had to allow their sons to be in as much danger as everyone else. Hard for any parent. They drew comfort and strength from one another.

I'm so glad that you liked Legolas's realization that his father's honor would not have allowed him to lie. It takes strength to tell the truth and face your failings. Thranduil--and Lalaith too--are good role models for their sons. Legolas is getting old enough to see his future and what he would like to be like when he meets it.

The queen was so upset that she couldn't calmly pry from Legolas what was really going on. And yes, she knew he was lying. That really ticked her off. Thranduil had enough distance from catching the rascal that he was able to simply lead Legolas into revealing what had happened. Good Ada! Of course, the next crisis might find the roles reversed. One parent has to keep their cool.

Thanks so much, Dot. I'm so pleased that you haven't abandoned me yet. And I love your thoughtful reviews.


ManderlyReviewed Chapter: 11 on 4/2/2005
Well, the scheming elflings are at it again, and getting caught at it too. No surprises there. I find them endlessly entertaining, but then it's probably because I'm not their naneth.

Calith is one slimy elf, and Elenna cannot be too bright if she believes his tales without a doubt. I'm sorry, but I just find it hard to feel sympathy for her, whatever her plight might be to end up in such a situation. Maybe you might be able to convince me to feel otherwise.

Poor Aldamir. His reputation is certainly getting a beating in this story, first by Belas and now by Calith. We all know Belas is in for his reckoning with Aldamir, now I hope Calith will also get his just dessert. With Thranduil now in on the loop, I am pretty certain that Calith will not be getting away unscathed.

With any luck, Legolas might be able to redeem himself with what he has found out and will escape the punishment of being confined to his room for the remainder of this Age.

Author Reply: Nah, it's not a big surprise that the spy kids got caught. Most kids aren't nearly as sly as they think they are. Of course, I realize that my kids have probably gotten away with stuff that would curl my hair. I know I did. But in story form, there has to be resolution. The kids got caught.

Calith is indeed a creep. LOL! I don't know if I can convince you that Elenna's not thick as a brick at the moment. She looks this way. Will you just settle for my rational? She's from a remote village. She's young and though she is gifted with insight into people, she's far from perfect in the use of her gifts. Tree tells us that Calith's been manipulating her--and other people-- for a long time and Tree's at a loss as to how Elenna can allow this to happen too. Well, Calith didn't get to where he is in her life overnight. It's been a slow process. Underneath I think Elenna knows who he is, but she can't admit to herself that she's wrong about him. Elenna is learning a hard lesson too. We won't get to see her internal conflict; all we see is her actions. She's not quite to the point of seeing Calith for who he really is. It's hard sometimes to truly see people we're close to...good or bad.

Aldamir has taken it on the chin in this story. Not unusual for people in power. He's out front where he's open and two people have used him for target practice. Belas is pretty much taken care; he's in for being watched by the hawks. He won't be happy. Calith is yet to be reckoned with. First, Aldamir has to get his priorities straight and decide the most effective way to deal with the slug. Choice wisely, young grasshopper.

Legolas doesn't know it, but he lucked out by having the spasm attack. He won't get off completely, but his sentence was muted slightly by the punishment he brought on himself.

Thanks Manderly for continuing to read and review. Elenna would send her regards, but she's afraid of you! :>)


lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 11 on 4/2/2005
Alright! An update...just the thing for a Saturday morning! You know, it is definitely the pits when you have been ill and feel better, but those around you have you effectively hog-tied to the bed! Poor Legolas, so bored he actually READ some of those books they brought him! LOL

So he's going to get a little time outside for good behavior before once again being "tossed into bed." "And toss you, I will." From the King's mouth to the elfling's ears! :-) Only, Karen, don't tell the dwarf...

Outside at last! "I am indeed an Elf set free!" And I especially liked how he reacquainted himself with each tree and flower in the garden. But then, the opportune moment presents itself...the pretty elf and the maiden show up. Legolas is not impressed..."this Elf was walking trouble." So he and Daeron disregard Naneth's instructions (not wise, no indeed, precioussss) and follow the pair down the garden path, listening for all they're worth.

"...misled" Wait a minute! Wait just one darn minute! SHE'S been misled????
So, the truth is out now...Karen, just how old is Elenna anyway? I can see a young, inexperienced maiden believing that an older, more experienced 'noble elf' might deceive her and dump her in the end. And of course, Aldamir was so hurt and freaked out, he never approached her to talk...which made it look like he had gotten what he wanted from her that steamy night before and left her high and dry and alone. Calith is a SNAKE of immense proportions...all I can say is he must want her really bad to do what he has done. Is the boy terminally stupid...does he honestly think he can get away with saying such things about the King's eldest son and HEIR? I believe Calith and Belas need to form the "I Need a Brain" club...both are going to pay dearly for slandering the royal family!

Uh oh, the "wrath of the angry naneth" again. Poor Daeron, but somehow I think Legolas got the more severe reaction. (After all, who's been deathly sick lately?)

"We will claim wood-elf defense; we could not help ourselves." LOL Great alibi, Dearon! "I am dead." *snicker* Yes, dear Legolas, an apt conclusion!
Ooohhh, and Legolas' Naneth kept him waiting...and waiting...the proverbial sword hanging over his head and him sitting there imagining every possible scenario! Then she comes roaring in, slams the door, and stands there glaring at him with that undecided, "how am I gonna kill him" look. The lecture - as a naneth of three, I applauded her all the way through it, loudest at this point: "It was not an honest miscalculation. It was an error of willful negligence." THUNK! The sword over the head just fell! Then as she stands there, "her face set hard...anger rolled off of her", it occurred to me, "OMG, she KNOWS!" She knows he is lying! Ah well, perhaps he might see light again in a couple of thousand years or four! :-)

"How long is your sentence?"
"Until we sail." *chokes....HA!*
"Naneths seem to be able to juggle three or four crises at a time and still not forget to tell you to change your undergarments." LOL of course she's good, Daeron, she wouldn't want you hurt, taken to the House of Healing, and seen in dirty underwear! Silly elf!

Bad cramp! Poor baby elf! I kept thinking...breathe, breathe, breathe...Nothing like a scary attack like that to turn his naneth back into the sweet, loving one.

Parents sleeping in chair. Such a very nice picture. Legolas watching his Adar - "I wanted to be like him, not only as a warrior, but as an adult. Suddenly, I was very ashamed of myself for lying to my mother. He would not have done so." Very nice Legolas moment...our conscientious elf to the core!

Adar's questioning technique is perfect - Legolas folded like a bad poker hand!
"Then...I think I will be king!" I think Calith had better run for the hills!

Great chapter, Karen! I am enjoying it immensely!


Author Reply: Bored, bored Legolas. Reading as a last resort. Not a word to the Dwarf! No one will ever know. Ha!

Legolas quickly forgot his promise and the threat that if he did not do as Naneth said, he'd be in big trouble. He couldn't miss out on what Calith and Elenna were talking about. One of the things he discovered about the 'pretty elf' was that Daeron was right; the guy was a slug. He felt perfectly justified in directly disobeying an order. Of course, he was sorry he got caught.

I'm going to let you lecture Elenna about putting her thinking cap on. She has been listening to the wrong elf. Calith has been smitten with her since they were children according to Tree. And, according to Tree, Calith is not above being manipulative where she is concerned. So why did she fall for his scam? Their relationship goes back a long way and he's been moving steadily toward claiming her since he decided he wanted her. A insidious elf, he is. Slowly, over a very long time, he's had her ear and has been directing everything toward his ends. Calith manipulated the truth whenever and wherever he could. Elenna is young and is gifted with insight into people. But she's been completely blind to Calith. He's tells a good tale. And she find it hard to admit that she's been wrong about him. Right now, she still takes his word. The conversation we heard was not the first one about Aldamir. He's been filling her full of baloney since he arrived. She's hurt, confused and listening to someone she thinks she can trust. This will be a tough lesson for her as well. Aldamir is hurt, obstinate and looking like the guy Calith claims he is. But the two little sleuths have got his number now.

Bingo! You just put your chip on the winning number! Naneth knows the little miscreant is lying. Legolas scared the daylights out of her when she saw him up a tree, and she's angry with him for disobeying and scaring her. Add lying on top of that, and she's ready to go off like an unmanned rocket. Legolas was lucky he didn't get to try out the locked rooms in the lowest caverns.

Nah, can't end up in the emergency healing suite with ratty undergarments. What would people think? Naneths have to think about these things, you know.

I think the cramp scared Legolas worse than it did his naneth, even though I wouldn't call her calm. But yeah, you can't be too stern with a kid that's gotten exactly what you cautioned him about. The potential consequences were scary enough to warrant warning, and when it happens, it is scary. But she most likely wanted to tell him: "I told you so!" Later, when he's recovered.

Legolas and Daeron are at that funny age between kid and adult. They have moments of great insight and then take two steps back into the kid arena when something comes along that calls them back. But he feels loved and finds comfort in the closeness of his parents. A very safe feeling.

Thranduil not only has experience with raising two older sons, but he's an experienced interrogator too. Naneth was too upset and angry to get to the core of this disobedience. The king got to be the good cop. He simply lead Legolas to what he wanted to know. And yep, the kid crumbled like week old bread.

"I think I will be king." That statement has a lot of possibilities. None of which I think Calith will appreciate.

Thanks, Linda. I'm so glad that you're enjoying the story. It's coming down the home stretch. Just a few more chapters to go.


French PonyReviewed Chapter: 11 on 4/2/2005
I always hate that stage of getting better where you feel just fine, thank you, except that you can't breathe or do any of the things you like to do. It's just maddening, and I can only imagine how horrible it must be to feel like that and be an adolescent boy. I don't blame Legolas one bit for wanting to push the limits, especially when there's something as interesting as Calith to watch.

Calith, by the way, sounds like quite a piece of work. Is he related to Belas, I wonder, or is it just Aldamir's bad luck that he happens to have both of the two main villains of the story slandering him? I also wonder how much Calith believes of what he says. He sounds like a desperate Elf, really pushing to finalize the betrothal. He's not sure about Elenna (with good reason, one might add), and he appears to want to get things settled Right Now. And she clearly doesn't want him -- even our two teenage boy heroes can see that, and teenage boys are not known for that kind of sensitivity. So Calith has some real power over Elenna, and it'll be interesting to find out what his deal is.

But first, naneth! Beware the naneth in full steam. She sounds a little like the stories I've been told about my bubbe -- she's a screamer. Especially when dealing with the third of three boys she's raised. Most of the mothers of three children that I know tend to be pretty mellow with the baby -- no matter what, they always wear this "been there, done that, seen it, bought the T shirt" attitude. But ol' Lalaith goes into full blast mode just as if Legolas were the first kid ever to overstrain himself on his first day out of bed.

Which shock, of course, prompts another spasm, and wacky hijinks ensue. It's so nice to see The Family all pulling together. Legolas must feel so loved right now. And it figures that Thranduil would be the one most likely to listen to questionably-obtained information about Aldamir's romantic rival. He was once a teenage boy himself, of course.

Author Reply: Legolas was so enthralled with what Calith was saying that not one single thought other than hearing the rest of the conversation entered his mind. And he was bored, feeling better and ready to stretch his legs. Calith and Elenna's conversation was just what he needed to take the leap.

Calith is a piece of work. He's had years to manipulate Elenna into his plans. She's kindhearted and he's used this aspect of her personality to further his own cause. You're absolutely right that he's desperate. His carefully wrought plans are falling apart. If Legolas and Daeron can see that he's on shaky ground, then you know he's in a lather!

The distance in siblings among the Elves must have made each child like having a first child again. Parents had the experience of raising children by the time the last one come along, but they also had the luxury of focusing on rearing one child at a time. Lalaith was frightened out of her wits when she found Legolas up a tree and angry that he had done something so dumb and disobedient. Nope, this wasn't the first dumb prank she's seen from her sons, but the fear for their safety wasn't muted over time. Her initial reaction was like one big burst of 'nanatude'.

Legolas does feel loved and grateful for his family at this moment. That's nice. Too bad it only made him feel worse about being a liar. :>) Thranduil played the 'good cop' role here. He knew there was more to the story than Legolas had let on. He simply asked the right questions. The kid spilled his guts.

Thanks, French Pony! I appreciate you continuing to read and review. Tickles me to death, it does!


NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 11 on 4/2/2005
Poor Legolas - not only does he get warned, disobey for a very good cause and get caught and suffer the consequences, then he actually suffers the consequence his parents were concerned about! Well, actually he is fortunate - the timing is such that it can be no coincidence and he will surely not forget this lesson.

So Calith has convinced Elenna of some lies about Aldamir. I admit I am a little disappointed in her for believing him without checking out the facts. Surely she read no deceit in Aldamir? Why would she mistrust her own ability to discern? I think Tree might need to set her straight - gently but firmly! I think she, like Legolas, will learn a good hard lesson not soon forgotten.

I cannot wait for the warriors to get home so we can see Calith made into mincemeat.

Author Reply: It was inevitable that Legolas would do something to bring about just what his parents feared. He couldn't help himself. Eavesdropping was too good to pass up. And he did gather some interesting intelligence. But you're right that he won't forget this anytime soon. It should stay with him for at least a week! :>)

I'm pleased that you see the discrepancy of the Elenna we first met, and she zeroed in so readily on Aldamir, and the Elenna who is buying Calith's lies. She's a lot like Lalaith in that she is gifted with understanding people. Tree is even shocked that she doesn't see through Calith. She is indeed learning a hard lesson. Calith's control over her has been insidious. She's allowed him to lead her because she simply couldn't admit that she was wrong about him. She's young too, and she doesn't entirely trust her own powers of discernment. Tree notes that she's kindhearted. This is a blessing and a curse. Her heart goes out to Calith because no one seems to like him much, and she's tried to be his friend. Over the years, Calith has learned to twist her good qualities into something useful for himself. Boy, is he screwing things up now!

The warriors are on their way home. The showdown at the Mirkwood Corral is on its way.

Thanks so much for hanging in there with me and this story. I'm so pleased that you are! Thanks.


elliskaReviewed Chapter: 11 on 4/2/2005
Oh goody, breakfast and a fanfic!

I'm glad to be back to see how Legolas is doing. Going crazy, I see. So bored, in fact, I had actually read some of the books. I wasn't expecting that and it really cracked me up. I think that is how all my lit students felt--they had to be really bored in life to deign to read a book I assigned. :) Poor kid, I understand his frustration though and I'm glad he got to go to the garden.

Oooo! And Calith. I hated him the moment he opened his mouth. Lying little #@%$^.

as he moved down the wall like a squirrel cautiously observing a fat nut on the forest floor I love your descriptions.

“So what then will you tell her?” he asked. “We need to have the same story you realize. My naneth is going to ask me what we were doing.” This also made me chuckle--the conniving little brats! This is obviously well practiced.

We will claim wood-elf defense another chuckle!

Oh boy! Naneth in full steam is way scarier than Thranduil! And that's saying a lot! I wouldn't want to see those two tag-teaming on poor Legolas. But she was right. They did do a stupid thing and the problem with kids is that they never understand that what they are doing is stupid until they get hurt. So yelling is, in the long run, much less painful than a stupid deed's natural punishment. As Legolas soon saw with that nasty spasm.

The description of Thranduil and his wife sleeping together in the chair was very sweet. I love things like that. And I am glad Legolas told his father (I doubted he could hold it in). I think Pretty Elf is going to seriously regret crossing the Royal Family. Not smart at all.

“I think I will be king.” *Snort* Now I know where Legolas gets his smart mouth. He comes by it honestly.

PS. To answer your question in your last reply, yes, there will be another chapter of my fic this weekend, thank you for asking. :) But not until Sunday because I have to work again today. These 6 day work weeks are getting old.

Author Reply: HI!

Yep, it must have taken some major boredom to force the little inmate into reading. Being injured was like having a 'get out of jail free' card and dad gummit, it didn't turn out to be near the fun he had hoped.

Calith is a slimy slug. He's got his routine down pat though. He merely had to get Elenna alone so he could stir the pot.

The conniving little brats is right! Don't you remember when you were that age and you knew what the right to do was, but by golly, you just couldn't help but try and wheedle your way out of whatever it was you did? I do. I figured these two were internally warring with what was right and the strong desire to avoid punishment. Somehow in their demented little heads they came up with something of a compromise: only tell part of the truth. It sounded so the time.

Legolas had scared his mother nearly out of her wits. She was so relieved that he was unharmed that she figured she had the right to do some head knocking! And due to her gift of reading emotions, she knew her offspring was lying through his teeth. That really ticked her off. She got on a roll.

Seems to my household anyway...when one parent has hit their limit, the other steps in to be the voice of reason. The roles flip-flop regularly, but this was Thranduil's time to be the good cop. He knew Legolas wasn't telling them the whole truth too, so he simply asked him leading questions, knowing the kid would crack. The king managed to hold on to his appearance of calm, but he was NOT happy with the news about Calith.

"I think I will be king." Loaded response.

YEAH! I'll be checking the opening page hourly tomorrow. I hate you have to work today and interfere with my reading pleasure, but some bosses can be so insensitive.

Thanks, Elliska! I always get a charge out of reading your reviews. They brighten my day.


daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 11 on 4/2/2005
I'm supposed to be getting ready to leave for my son's house, but I had to stop and read this!

I loved Daeron's suggestion that they claim "wood elf defense." That's hilarious. But poor Legolas. He must feel really guilty. He did himself harm. But you know what? As a mother, I'd probably be feeling sorry I scolded him so hard and then he had this cramp. But then I'd also feel simultaneously justified. Motherhood is hard.

I also liked Legolas's respect and admiration for his father.

Author Reply: A trip! Hope you have a good time. Tell your son that I just got a new phone and he probably programmed it. Perhaps he could share with me how to answer the dang thing? Too many bells and whistles for a technological Neanderthal. My youngest son had to set it up for me.

Daeron was grasping at straws to explain their obvious disobedience. What better defense than to claim that they were simply following nature. Like anyone would buy that!

I sympathized with Lalaith too. When the spasm hit, she probably did feel bad that she had jerked a knot in his tail, but she also patted herself on the back that she was right! I could hear her saying, "See! I told you so." And because she's gifted with reading emotions, she knew the little scamp was lying to her. Yep, motherhood is a minefield.

Legolas was so riddled by guilt that he just cracked when he had a quiet moment to observe his parents. He does love and admire his father and he knew that Thranduil wouldn't have lied. Another layer of guilt pudding got ladled on top of what was already there. So...he spilled his guts. Thranduil's not pleased with this information either.

Thanks, daw. Have a good trip!


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