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Voices of Middle-Earth by Armariel | 6 Review(s) |
Farawyn | Reviewed Chapter: 32 on 9/3/2005 |
My hair is a very yellowy blonde with tons of highlights. Author Reply: I'd been picturing you as a blonde, somehow...in a good way;) (hey, I was a blonde when I was younger *g*) OK, here's the surprise.... 4Farawyn If you can't click on it, paste this into your browser: http://delroz.bravepages.com/elves/4farawyn.jpg Hopes you likes it! I'll have a little thingy for you later on (you'll see why I asked for your haircolor;)) xoxox Armariel~~~{~@ | |
Farawyn | Reviewed Chapter: 32 on 9/2/2005 |
Well...........?? You have me bursting with curiosity! What exactly is my surprise? Oh, no... I'm not excited at all! *halo* Wait... are you all okay, with Hurricane Katrina, I mean? Gosh, now I'm worried about you.... reply soon, I want to know how you are! Hope your all right, 'Mariel. *anxious face* Your worried Farawyn Author Reply: Welllllll, if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise, what? lol Sorry to be slow with it, but some things got in the way--a close friend had a birthday today, which I'd almost forgotten about, shame on me, and I had to make HER a surprise, and some RL (Real Life) stuff as well! (nothing major, just pesky) So hopefully I'll get to it by tomorrow! It's just a trifle really, but I think you'll like it.....*g* I'm fine Dearheart, I'm nowhere near the hurricane! All we got was a little rain which cooled things off around here and high time too! Thanks so much for asking though! hugs Armariel~~~{~@ Author Reply: p.s. BTW, what color is your hair? | |
Eruanna | Reviewed Chapter: 32 on 8/31/2005 |
Wow. That may be the most unique image of parenthood I've ever come across (and I mean that in a very good way). Stark and almost bitter, but there's a truth to it, as well. And Elrond doesn't seem entirely unwilling that things should be as they are. His view is an interesting mix of acceptance and despair, and it's all the more realistic because it never resolves that ambiguity. A beautiful and sorrowful piece, and deeply expressive. Keep it up! Blessings, Eruanna Author Reply: Ohhh thanks--I wondered where you'd been keeping yourself lately! Yes, I surprised myself a little with this one--I usually like to inject a hopeful note into my poems and wanted to in this one as well, but something or somebody kept telling me firmly, "No!" So I just had to let this one be a downer, and rightly so, I think. Still, I'm a little worried about Elrond, and I've a little story in the offing that may bring him a measure of comfort...then again, maybe it won't, since my stories often have a way of not going according to plan. We'll just see! Glad to see you back again! Hope to see a little something from you soon too;<) blessings & cheer Armariel~~~{~@ | |
Farawyn | Reviewed Chapter: 32 on 8/30/2005 |
To Armariel, from her Little, most likely Annoying, Cyber-Stalking, LotR-Crazy net-pal, Farawyn, as a little naive, spur-of-the-moment gift. (Warning: it only rhymes the first couple lines!) Your poems are exquisite, your writings divine, their words around my heart entwine. There they will lodge till end of time. But your verse truly is so sublime I wonder at the natural, simplistic, yet extraordinary beauty you are able to infuse -- to make dull, lifeless words suddenly burst alive! Sadness, yet joy, mixed in one poem. Desperation, yet a simple, strong courage, melded into one. The lovely beauty of Hope you are able to describe so well, yet in that joyous hope, there is yet some bitterness, longing, mixed. In a word, I really love your poetry! I thought of the first line of this little ... what would you call it, ramble, while I was eating breakfast this morning. I know it doesn't rhyme, and it's beats' out of tune, but think of it a little present of a scribble that a young child would present to a great artist who has been favoring her with a lesson now and then. At the least, think of it as what is in my heart! That truly is the greatest gift I can give you, praise of your labors, is it not? Thank you for putting up with me! I hope I'm not terribly annoying! Author Reply: Annoying??? you???? what would I do without you??? *sniff* That's one of the loveliest gifts I have ever received, I am overwhelmed and quite at a loss for words! It so happens I am chatting with my "Sam" at the moment and I showed her what you wrote and she made a suggestion...so look sharp in the next day or so...you'll get a surprise! Thanks sososososososososoooooo much!!!! xoxoxxooxox RoZ/Armariel~~~{~@ | |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 32 on 8/27/2005 |
Ah, the parting of Elves--until the End of Days he shall not see her again--and even then he knows not what to expect. Author Reply: Yes, I keep worrying about him lately, for some reason. Can he ever be happy again, through all those ages? | |
shirebound | Reviewed Chapter: 32 on 8/27/2005 |
You dance tall in a shaft of joy that magnifies your beauty thousandfold, your bridal gems as dewdrops on a glowing rose taking voices in the concord of your light. Oh my goodness, what amazing imagery. Elrond is such a quietly tragic figure, perceiving and enduring so much. Author Reply: I didn't use to be so keen on him, but lately he's started to grow on me. I've a little story idea for him, but if or when it will come to anything remains to be seen! Thanks so much for reviewing! xoxx Armariel~~~{~@ | |