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Voices of Middle-Earth by Armariel | 5 Review(s) |
Farawyn | Reviewed Chapter: 23 on 5/22/2005 |
This is my son, my firstborn, and Poem is his name, but he has two friends, also. One, Story, is your darling daughter, and the other, Song, is in my heart along with another, sweeter child whose name is Joy. Beauty and Love reside there too, in that home of fairies, I love them all so dearly, though friends and family scoff and say, "They are not your children, only imagination and fancy are they." Come, help me prove them wrong, show them that our children live, even if only in our hearts. It is true, blood runs not in their veins, but something much more precious than gold- that is Belief. Belief in stories, for how can you truly call yourself a Poet when you are not first a Storyteller? Um, I think I had a little fit there ... I just get angry when "friends and family scoff and say, "They are not your children, only imagination and fancy are they." Thank you for giving me the gift of your poetry, I am honored, that one poem was all for me! Author Reply: Already he's walking toddling down rainbowed paths picking flowers and handing them to you to wear in your hair and display with pride in each sunny window. For the children of belief are the forgers of starry gates and moonbow bridges for Imagination is a lofty queen who rules the world and gifts the children of the body, small or grown with a sunlit playground and a stable of dreams far above the slag and mud of weighted reality. | |
Farawyn | Reviewed Chapter: 23 on 5/21/2005 |
Okay, here goes: Today, on this day, I have a gift for you, I truly hope you'll like it. If it wasn't for you, it would never have been written, let alone read! But here is my gift, I hope you enjoy it! It is my darling child that I'm presenting to you. On it I've worked hard and long, and now, on this day, I give it to you, my encourager. It's very short, I know, (it's almost ended here!) but it's purpose, I think, has been fufilled, and that's to give you a huge THANK YOU!!!! Author Reply: ohhhhh what a sweet baby! so soon and it's already smiling lying here like a lily on a pad. I think it looks like you. Its fingers are curling around mine already like daisy petals soft as a fairy's kiss and its eyes twinkle like merry dewdrops on white honeysuckle. I think in another moment it will say its first word. I think it knows my secrets already and I think it hopes for a very large family...... Thank YOU!!! xoxoxxx RoZ aka Armariel~~~{~@ | |
Farawyn | Reviewed Chapter: 23 on 5/19/2005 |
Just wanted to say again that I love this. Update soon! Eruanna and I are waiting if nobody else is! I love your work. Note: IN case you didn't notice, this is supposed to be a small repayment of all the encouragement you've given me. I'm perfecting one of my "children" right now, and I'll let you see it as soon as I feel it's ready. Of course, I might strangle it to death and now show it to you at all! I hope that won't happen ... but it might! I'm afriad that I "kill" a very many of my "children." I'm afraid I would be a serial killer if they were really alive! Thanks again for all your encouragement. I can't describe how much it's helped, even though I've never set eyes on your or even know your non-LOTR name! Thanks so much. Farawyn Author Reply: I greatly look forward to seeing your "child"! There will be one from me this weekend also, unless something happens to prevent it. You can learn more about me than you ever wanted to know on my website at http://delroz.bravepages.com/cafe/cafe.html if you are really interested! My non-LotR name is RoZ, pronounced like Rose, RoZita to my online friends. "Armariel" is what happened when I put my actual name through an "elf-name generator" and since it was pretty and unique I quickly adopted it for a pen-name, so just take your pick, LOL.... I'm more than happy to be of help! xoxox RoZ/Armariel~~~{~@ | |
Eruanna | Reviewed Chapter: 23 on 5/16/2005 |
Well, I don't know why you say this isn't one of your best, but I really like it. :) Of course, the fact that it involves Frodo may have something to do with it. ;) I especially love these lines: >>You who were most deserving of all such bounty, you who gave us hope and took none for yourself, pain and loss have been your only reward. Why must it be thus?<< That's such a poignant observation, and so true of the heroes we love best. I'd be interested to see Frodo's reply to this. *hint, hint* Blessings, Eruanna Author Reply: Thanks for the hint, I will file it away for future reference...actually I already have a little bud of a similiar idea in the back of my mind...lol, I almost said "on the back burner", talk about mixed metaphors...... I actually tried writing it down a month or so ago but it was so angsty and depressing, I ended up tossing it after a few lines and writing something else in an entirely different vein. Just couldn't get myself in the mood, I guess! Actually the idea was part of a story I mean to write one of these days, maybe soon. However, I imagine the story will be dripping with angst too, lol........ Anyway, after reading your most recent story I feel all the more honored that you like my little attempts! blessings & cheer Armariel~~~{~@ | |
Farawyn | Reviewed Chapter: 23 on 5/15/2005 |
So sad.... thanks so much for taking my idea! I thought it was really dumb. Author Reply: Noooooooo....well, it didn't grab me right away, I'll admit, but after I slept on it a bit, I decided it worked. Thanks bunches! blessings & cheer Armariel~~~{~@ | |