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Voices of Middle-Earth by Armariel | 5 Review(s) |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 16 on 5/26/2005 |
Fantastic imagery. A good meditation for Eowyn as she watches her brother prepare to depart for war, and plans secretly to follow. | |
Farawyn | Reviewed Chapter: 16 on 3/29/2005 |
That's great egging on! But if you hear anything from whoever you pointed mine out to, tell me, will ya? I'm not expecting, "Oh, that's great!" or anything, but you know, encouragement or "That's horrible but a good start." or the like. Author Reply: Will do, but I seriously doubt anybody thinks it's horrible...and somehow I doubt they would tell me if they did think so!;) But just write your little heart out, no matter what! It's definitely a good start! ~~~{~@ | |
Farawyn | Reviewed Chapter: 16 on 3/29/2005 |
By the way, has anyone been following my reveiws/Armariel's replys? I'd like to know if anyone else liked my little poem, I guess I need some egging on before I write something else! Thanks. Author Reply: I haven't heard anything one way or the other on it...but I wouldn't let that stop you, if there are things in your head and heart that need to come out, then by all means let them come--and squeeze them out if you have to! Just find some middle ground between "Ahhh, nobody's gonna like anything I write, my stuff is crap, I might as well forget it" and "I'll just write anything I want to, most readers are idiots anyway, they only like silly crap, etc." and take it from there! I did brag to some of my friends that someone had written me a poem-review, which as far as I know is an unprecedented thing, and they thought that was really cool, but if they saw the actual poem I don't know. (I think I did point it out to them) But no matter, if you want to write, then for pete's sake JUST DO IT!!! How's that for egging on? LOL Piece of advice, and the professionals advocate it too: write the sort of things you love to read yourself. And don't worry if you find yourself imitating those you admire, perfectly natural thing to do. If you keep at it long enough, your own style will evolve naturally. xoxox Armariel~~~{~@ | |
Farawyn | Reviewed Chapter: 16 on 3/29/2005 |
Oh, thank you so much.... and I wouldn't MAKE yourself write a poem-a-week, I don't think they'd be as good that way, if you HAD to write them. Thanks again, Farawyn Author Reply: You're welcome, and thank YOU...and of course I don't HAVE to write a poem a week, it's, well, a long story...let's just say, I made a bargain with the Almighty that if He'd help me out I'd write at least one poem per week...not necessarily LotR, but that's what inspires me most, so that's what I mostly do. I actually WANT to write a poem a week, and that seemed a good impetus. Sometimes I just get lazy, I want to do artwork, or read somebody else's fanfic, or chat with friends, or something or other rather than write. But if I make a resolution and then just sit my butt down and make myself write, then things happen. I used to have this idea that poems just come when they're ready, like a baby chicken when it comes time to hatch out of the egg. But now I think poems come when you sit down in front of the computer or the typewriter or your notebook and take pen or keyboard in hand and MAKE them happen. Here's something I've been doing lately to make poems and drabbles happen: pick a line or two out of the book or movie that particularly appeals to you, then just let the speaker of that line expand on it and have his or her say. Sometimes I end up keeping the quotation, stated in italics, and sometimes I scratch it out in the final draft, if the speaker strays too far from it and it's no longer relevant to the main idea of the poem (that's what happened with this most recent one!) The main thing is just to let the ideas flow, then do the arranging afterward. I end up amazing myself every time at things I didn't even know were in my soul but rise to the surface through this method! A sort of literary scuba diving LOL blessings Armariel~~~{~@ | |
Eruanna | Reviewed Chapter: 16 on 3/29/2005 |
I am amazed. I don't know what else to say. This is just brilliant. You've captured such a poignant sense of duty and rebellion in one, the answer to an irresistable call. Perhaps we've each a mission that was stamped with our name ere the date of our making, however we would let it pass from us, and engrave it with another and sit at home gazing from an eastern window. These lines really make me think: about what it means to have a mission, and how often we ignore it, and how terribly often we 'sit at home gazing', not because we are kept there like Eowyn, but of our own free will... We may each, however tender and questioning be the link between life as we know it and the end of all singing. And so we heed the dark clarion and if it also sound our doom, so be it. Who are we to dismiss that trumpet, even though it call through horse-shrieks, ripping flesh, thunder-drums, iron wheels, shattered ramparts- or brotherly disdain? Who can say that my small blade be not destined to smite the bond that holds this land in thrall? Who knows what lofty tapestries may be woven from the nettles of stinging chaos? We each, man or woman, great or tiny, own the key that opens one cage or many, releasing the future even if it means that we ourselves become the past, names sung only in the ballads of the forgetful free. This part brings tears to my eyes, because there is something so incredibly beautiful about the forgotten heroes, and those who answered the call and went to the sound of their doom full willing, to save those who would not even remember them... Once again, this is just amazing! Thank you for such a lovely and moving piece of work, and please keep them coming! ;) Blessings, Eruanna Author Reply: Wow, THANK YOU...I'd no idea it could have that effect! I was sort of afraid after I wrote it that maybe it was too preachy and didn't have enough emotional appeal, and was hesitant about submitting it...well, I'm delighted that I was wrong! Yes, the paradox of the hero who sacrifices him/herself to save those who may or may not be truly worthy or appreciative has long intrigued me. Also the idea that none of our actions are insignificant and we may each have a unique part to play in the grand scheme of things--once I saw a movie something along those lines, whose title I can't remember now, and it wasn't a great movie by the usual standards, but one line stands out in my mind: "It matters--everything we do matters!" It's rather sobering to think life is such a huge causal chain in which every single action, tiny or great, can affect a vast multitude, if not the entire universe...kind of like in that movie "It's a Wonderful Life". I've learned never to ignore any inner impulse I feel, because I think it's a higher power guiding me along. Sometimes it's actually saved my life and sometimes it's merely helped me make someone else happy, but in any instance, it never has misled me. Thanks for your thoughtful and lovely review, means a lot to me! blessings Armariel~~~{~@ | |