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A New Life  by LOTRFaith 20 Review(s)
AntaneReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/8/2017
Wonderful story! I can see so Faramir, being the loving and gentle man he is, standing up for life. Thanks for writing!

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

NenyaUndomielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/4/2005
Thank you for this story, I agree with you completely. I am a fellow Christian and I wanted to thank you for standing up for what we believe in.Good job! Keep on with the good work and don't worry about the negitive reviews, christianity is ever under fire. ( I love all your other storys too!) :)

nonchristianReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/30/2005
Actually, I don't have issues with god, I have issues with dogmatic snot nosed psuedo-christians who never faced reality. The bible is an old book, outdated and written by men long turned to dust. How do you know your life has any more meaning than mine does? And it is not for you to decide... keep your god... your crutch, I prefer the real world.

JReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/21/2005
A year ago I was a pro-lifer, harassing women outside clinics, egging abortionists and doctors. I even slashed their tires, I did it all. Now, I’m facing a life sentence for rape. Not because I did it, but because I was a victim.
Now I’m the one being spat on, pushed to the ground, and not because I killed my rapist, nope. I didn’t do that either. I found out I was pregnant at thirteen. My parents went mad and threw me out, didn’t matter that I was underage, or that I was raped. I was pregnant, an that was bad enough. Their little girl messed up, that all they cared about.
I’m in a hostel now, staring out the window of my one room place, and wondering what they’ll say in court. I had pictures taken of me, what the man did to me. Bruised and cut as I was, the police wanted pictures to show in court. I felt even more dirty after that.
They offered me the morning after pill. I was naive. It wouldn’t happen to me. I was a good Christian girl. God looks after me . . .at least he did until I came home from school and that man was waiting for me. Then I found out I had a baby on the way that I don’t want by a man I didn‘t know.
The doctors gave me blood tests and found out the man had infected me with something, they wouldn’t tell me, said I was underage and my parents would be told instead. My mom came, and I heard them whispering. Something about HIV and some other stuff. My mom signed me over to the courts, and now I have no one. I was the victim, but I‘m unclean, a bad girl.
I went for an appointment at the hospital so they could scan it. It’s heart had stopped beating and they made me an appointment at the clinic I had slashed tires at a few months ago, still got to go to court for that. When I got to the clinic I was beat up, didn’t even get to the door, didn’t even get to tell them my baby was already dead, so why get on my ass for killing it? That was two weeks ago, I didn’t go back. Think they would kill me if I did. They don’t care about what people feel, not even me, and I was one of them a year ago.
Court appearance is today for the rape. Tomorrow I have to go to the hospital to have me womb taken out, cos it’s rotted from the dead baby, and giving me pain. There won’t be no more babies for me. My care worker says I have to take these pills now, to keep my immune system up. I asked her why, and she looked at me. Did they tell you, she said. I said tell me what? She says, you have aids, girl. Now take your pills and do as your told.
I was a victim, but I’m unclean, a bad girl. I learned a lesson, I hope you don't have to learn to grow up like I did, the hard way. Slashing tires and egging people and treating others like dirt isn’t the answer. Reality is a wake-up call.

Pasha ToHReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/7/2005
I realize this whole mess about writing a story and stating a moral preference has gotten you hackled a bit, and maybe God is trying to teach you something through all of this. I have watched it flame up here and in FFN, do not be bitter with those who do not believe as you do... it is as much their right to state their feelings as you do. Though I am not a christian... I do know God, and he would not want such derision... on either side. But you have made others think, and that in itself is a good thing. I do hope you continue with this, perhaps in that way you could soften the harshness of your ideals and help others be more receptive to your view... and perhaps win a few souls in the bargain. There is no one perfect answer in the world, even God and Jesus know that, that is why the words justice and mercy are often found together in the bible... only God is perfect, the rest of us fall sadly... severely short of it. God says by your words and actions is your faith revealed to others... ask yourself, have you spoken to others as Jesus would have? Yes, being christian may be the 'in thing' but to be truly one of God's children one must be more judgmental of your own actions and more forgiving of others. I have preached enough... may you learn easily the lesson God has planned.

Pasha ToH

Author Reply: I think it's rather easy for people to say that I am bitter over all the reviews I have gotten. Well I'm not. I'm rather disappointed at how people are so easily disturbed by the truth. If you re-read my story I think you might get a different opinion.

I didn't point any fingers. I didn't tell anyone not to have an abortion. I didn't tell anyone to carry full term and the give the child away.

You said I should soften my harshness of my ideals. Why? Christians in China are being killed every single day because they are just Christians. They are not harsh in their ideals yet they are murdered. I don't think I am being harsh in my ideals. I know quite a lot about abortion. My sister was almost aborted and my nephew was almost aborted. Both were actually at the clinic for their appointment to get aborted when the mom's refused. I could have easily been aborted. I was created out of wedlock and my birth father left as soon as he knew I was coming. My birth mom had an STD that could have easily deformed me or worse. Yet here I am.

Being critizied for standing for what I believe.

Personally I think it's not my story that has people so mad. It's God nudging their hearts and they are finding that I am an easy way just to tell me off.

And.. Being a christian might just be 'the thing to be'.

But being a Christian is not.

Thanks for your thoughts. I would love to talk any time! or I have Yahoo and MSN messenger.

Berzerker_primeReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/6/2005
The premise is interesting, though I don't think it fits well into Tolkien canon. Abortion is a wholly modern concept that would never have occurred to the denizens of Middle-earth. Adrienne probably would have killed herself first. The concept reads like it's been forced to fit and it ruins the entire story.

As distracting as that was, in and of itself, you've got a whole lot of other Middle-earth mechanics exceptionally wrong...

The name Adrienne, for example, would never belong to a Gondorian woman. Nor would Sara (and BTW, any mildly observant reader of the Bible will note that the name is spelled with an H at the end... good grief...) or Corienne. To the Gondorians, it would be like naming their kid Snarfblathershiznib. Westron is not English, for one, and Gondorians have very strong Elvish roots besides. They would have Sindarin names, with the exceptionally rare name in Quenya tossed in every now and then among overbearing and self-absorbed nobles.

Second, Minas Tirith is a big city. Everyone doesn't know everyone else and they certainly don't all just hang out together. You've just thrown Faramir together in the same room with Adrienne with no explanation why he's sitting there (and, indeed, no indication he's even there before you need him to get up and talk! Wow! He's ninja-like!) with her. Not only that, but Adrienne, unless she's the most unobservant person in Gondor, will recognize the son of the Steward on sight. He's kind of an important guy.

Lastly, about orphan houses. For one thing, orphan houses would be well known in Minas Tirith seeing as how Gondor was in a time of war. Lots of kids would have been losing their parents and some recourse would have to be made to provide for them. Adrienne would know that there was that option. At the same time, an orphan house that took in only unwanted babies would be a waste of resources as there would still be parentless kids floating around who also needed to be provided for. Your concept only serves to accentuate the forced nature of your story concept; Adrienne needed an option, so you invented one just for her situation and it doesn't fit in with your setting; it's not practical enough for their circumstances.

Your message is heavy-handed for my tastes, but there's nothing wrong with that per se. The really distracting thing is that your Middle-earth research isn't up to snuff. Your message, I'm sad to say, got lost because of it.

Some more description would help, too. The dialogue takes over and in the end it all begins to sound like an odd parody of Galilleo's Dialigo. Place the characters in a vivid setting and describe their actions more fluently. Your piece shouldn't be a stage play in narrative form.

Anyway, just some tips from an old fanfiction hand who's been down this road before. One always has to remember that not every message, though worth the saying, fits with the setting you're working with.

Author Reply: Hi... Again... :-) Yes I remember the name... And this time I don't think the story will get kicked off from me replying to you...

You do have several good points... Names, etc... But.. At the same time I can't help but feel invaded... I'm sure you would if I would do the same to you. I wrote this fic based on something I very firmly believe in and if I did it in a modern era I don't half the people who read it would read it. I mean what would I put it under?

Everyone has their own opinion. And I respect their opinion, but I don't like it when I am expected to respect their opinion while they trash mine. You have given me some very good tips and I thank you for that. I would love to chat, email, etc... And perhaps you can give me some more pointers, name changes and etc as I might continue with the story. I was told by one reviewer that they felt the story was incomplete. Not every story has a happy ending such as this... And I have thoughtfully, and prayerfully considered it and I think I might just try to continue. My email is or and I have Yahoo and MSN messenger:-) I look forward to hearing from you!

Faith S.

San Antonio RoseReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/21/2005
I have to take issue with the reviewers misquoting Deuteronomy. The only mention of illegitimate children in Deuteronomy is in 23:2, which states that illegitimate children and all of their descendents were to be excluded from the congregation of the faithful. I think these reviewers are getting confused with Exodus 22:18 ("Thou shalt not suffer a *witch* to live"). Moreover, the Didache (one of the earliest documents of Christian teaching we have outside the New Testament, most likely written for a congregation of Jewish Christians) expressly forbids abortion and states clearly that those who murder children are engaged in the way of death.

Thank you, LOTRFaith, for having the courage to speak out on this topic. May God bless you for standing up for His precious little ones.

Author Reply: I must admit I wanted to start crying because of some of the reviews I got but then I got yours and I wanted to cry even more because you explain something that I never really researched and to hear people basically yelling at me for posting the story it was very good for me to see that even though I don't have all the answers there are others who do :-)

Thank you so much for you support!!!!

EruviluiethReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/21/2005
This is beautiful, and so true. I'm glad Faramir was able to convince her to at least let the baby live. I've heard it said that when it comes to unwanted children, the devil wants to remove the "children" but God wants to remove the "unwanted." This is an excellent plea for the lives of those with no voices of their own. Thanks for letting us all hear their voices.

Author Reply: Wow.. That is a wonderful way to put it... Wonderful piece of wisdom :-) Thanks so much for your support~

Mariam, mother of IshaelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/21/2005
Not a bad story, my dear, but the premise and your position needs revision. First of all, in Deuteronomy, it clearly states 'do not suffer the bastard to live', therefore what is the sin you are preaching about?

Not only that, you gloss over a very difficult choice made by women from all walks of life with different circumstances as being under one umbrella, with no regard for the agony they go through, as being murderers.

If you had been in this situation, perhaps you would be more open-minded and understanding, for what they have been through and what many still go through. Let us be clear here, we are not talking about teenagers having 'accidents', that makes up for only a tiny proportion on the issue.

I, also, believe in the sanctity of life, but 16 years ago I was raped and left pregnant, and treated like dirt by those I once called friends and family. I can still feel that pain of rejection in every condemning and crucifying word you wrote. Am I the one in the wrong? My first thought was, how dare you judge me. Then, I thought, I pity you. You are so ignorant of reality that it is quite sad.

I was forced to keep my son, who was born with a debilitating inherited disorder from his father, a man I did not know. Abortion was denied me because they wanted me to forever live with the shame of being raped, and to raise the unwanted child as a visual sigma of my 'sin'.

Well, I raised my son, I love him, but I must watch him suffer every day, and watch my family being slowly torn apart, when it would have been far more humane to have allowed him to die in the womb.

Do not ever presume to know a mother's heart, child. You know nothing of hell.


Author Reply: I am very sorry about what happened to you. However, do not presume that all chrisitans are like how you described. Rape is a horrendous thing, but abortion is as well. I applaud you for not aborting your child, and I also am very sorry for the reactions of your family and friends, but just because your family and friends are like that doesn't mean that everyone is like that. You act as though I am... I am not. God says every child is a creation. No matter how they came to be. "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in faith, love, hope and purity."

non-christianReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/21/2005
well said Marion,

Might I add the bible says suffer not a bastard to nor its mother to live, to call one's self christian, one would have to obey this law. I for one am not illegitemate, I was taken from my mother and forced to live a lie. One can use god to candy coat the world, but in the rain of reality, sugar melts away leaving the bones of reality bare to all. being christian makes one no better, simply grants them an eccuse to look down on others who choose to live in the real world.

As for thinking I could have been aborted... I wish I was, and god has not... nor can he change it.

Author Reply: I am very sorry you feel that way. BUT... Blaming God for you not being aborted is illogical. It's like wishing you were born to a rich family with privilages and everything. A child cannot choose where he or she is born. You were born with a purpose and until you find that purpose your life is meaningless.

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