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The Golden Bell of Greenleaf  by lwarren 13 Review(s)
Nieriel RainaReviewed Chapter: 8 on 10/19/2006
I just had to say that I LOVED how Nienna reminded Legolas that she was just the messenger and that there was 'One' greater who deserved his thanks. Very nice...

Author Reply: Glad you liked that little part, NiRi! :-) I figured if the Valie was going to intervene at any time, it would be at the behest of Eru, as the Valar had very little to do with Middle-earth after they came and defeated Morgoth. Thank you again for an encouraging review!


Silivren TinuReviewed Chapter: 8 on 7/30/2006
You keep fascinating me and drawing me in with the way you depict nature, in this case, the storm. I know I repeat myself, but I love the way you do this. The mare and Arod together must be a sight to behold! Legolas really has made a lot of friends. *smiles fondly at Elfwine* And of course a nine-year-old cannot be called a boy any longer. *g* I love the atmosphere you conjure up in this stall, with the two horses and the boy and the storm... It seems the mare has truly made her decision now. You have a wonderful way to describe horses - you give them so much personality, but they never appear too human. I think I will expect each horse I meet to act like this from now on, it seems so natural. ;-)

Arod has obviously a gift to comfort more people than just his master. Hehe, I can easily believe Eomer would have been frantic! These young ones never consider how much concern they cause with their actions. *g* Well, that woman is obviously not awestruck at the sight of an elf. *giggle* “All mothers are forces of nature, and not to be trifled with, my friend,” - LOL!

*sigh* It's so nice how his three friends keep watch over him, and I like the idea to bring him into the garden, unconscious or not. Though I hope for Gimli's sake that Legolas wasn't able to hear that "wilted flower" remark. *g*

Arod and Elfwine on a stealth mission, hm? ;-) Legolas really has wonderful friends, both four-legged and two-legged. “He loves you, too, Master Gimli.” - LOL! I bet Gimli didn't want to hear that comment, however true it undoubtedly is.

Oh, you even give Olorin an appearance in the story! *huggles author and Olorin* And of course he knows already what's going to happen with LEgolas and Gimli. *g* "Waking up was like surfacing after a dive into a great container of his favorite pudding." - *imagines Legolas jumping into container with pudding and giggles*

*happy sigh* That was the perfect ending for a perfect chapter! :)


Author Reply: Isn't Elfwine funny? He just kind of slipped into the story and kept stealing the show, so to speak! LOL I had so much fun sneaking him out of the house and getting him to the barn before that whopping big storm hit! Of course, he got into BIG trouble with his father later, but hey - he had to check on Arod! Yes, I do believe the mare is here to stay, although Legolas will have one more conversation with her to be sure.

I'm glad you appreciate the woman that our friends are staying with - she's a very practical, salt-of-the-earth type, not too impressed by titles or elves! ;-) After a few days of letting Legolas sleep and not being able to rouse him, I think Aragorn is ready to try anything to bring him around. There is one other place back at the beginning of the story when Eomer says almost the same thing as Gimli in comparing Legolas to a flower that needs the sun and fresh air to thrive! *g*

Elfwine is your typical 9 year old - if the elf can't come to him, he's going to find a way to go to the elf, especially when everyone is becoming so worried about the continued unconsciousness. And of course, Arod is Legolas' friend and he MUST come, too! Stealth mission, indeed! LOL

I just had to give Olorin a cameo appearance! *g* And glad you find the pudding reference amusing...wait until Legolas actually gets hold of some! LOL

Thank you, are really encouraging me with this story...I am stuck on chapter 21 and these reviews of the past are acting like well-placed cable jumpers on my poor, run-down battery! *frowns* What a silly comparison! :-/ Oh well, THEY ARE!


Eruanneth_LuinReviewed Chapter: 8 on 3/31/2005
Chapter 8

Glad tidings! Legolas awakens at last. I truly enjoyed the visit to the stable to check on Arod and the surprise of the mare with him. Being outdoors and finding Arod first at his return was so fitting. Did the mare stay or has she departed I wonder?

Elfwine is a delight, so typical of the honestly of a child. That he sincerely loves Legolas speaks to me that elves also have also a way with the young whom they love dearly regardless of race.

Gimli, grumpy, growling or gleeful is a real treat.

Author Reply: Yes, and just in time, too! I think Aragorn and Co. were well on the way to having nervous twitches, thanks to their friend. I thought outside (the air, the sense of freedom, the odor of the wide open spaces, the song of the world) might get Legolas' attention, hence the outing! And of course, Arod should absolutely be there!:-) As for the mare, she's quite taken with the elf...tho' very skittish and afraid. Elfwine has been fun to write - an loving, impulsive child. And writing Legolas interacting with children has been even more fun! All I can say about our grumpy go, Gimli!!


DotReviewed Chapter: 8 on 3/22/2005
I just loved this chapter!! You had me gripped right from the opening. Boy do you know how to write an approaching storm – so vivid! I wish I could do that.

I’m becoming so fond of Elfwine! I loved the image of him sheltered in his father’s arms. The relationship between the two of them is wonderful to witness. Eomer obviously treasures his son, and Elfwine seems to adore his father. I still feel so bad for Elfwine, though. His worry for Legolas is seems to be increasing with every moment that the elf doesn’t wake.

What a great idea, to stay with the people of the village! I was so afraid something was going to happen to Elfwine, though. Thank heavens for those horses! You are so amazing when it comes to giving horses a personality. This mare’s character is already shining through. I’m so glad she allowed herself to be brought into some shelter. She seems to have made a friend in Arod anyway. I love the way he stops Elfwine going further into the stable incase he frightened her.

The growing friendship between Aravir and Gimli really appeals to me. This seems to have brought them a lot closer, and I imagine that would please Legolas greatly. As long as they don’t gang up on him, that is! Aravir just seems really comfortable around Gimli now.

I had to laugh at the fact that they ended up in the house with the motherly woman who just wants to take care of them! She doesn’t seem at all bothered by the strange mix of people who just landed on her doorstep. They probably made her day!

Poor Aragorn. He’ll wear himself out trying to care for Legolas. “Take the fool elf outside, Aragorn.” Yes! Outside! The dwarf is a genius.

I loved, loved, loved the image of Elfwine going to fetch Arod and the two of them going to see their friend. The child’s faith that Legolas will heal is just so moving. I don’t blame Aragorn for feeling a little teary!

“He loves you, too, Master Gimli.” LOL!

So Legolas has been given a means to endure the pain and grief that his sea-longing brings? I’m so happy that he has the chance to find some peace, even if he cannot attain it fully until he sails. I thought the idea that Olorin still watches over him and cares for him is lovely too. It’s interesting that he says he’ll met Legolas and Gimli. Do Legolas and Gimli even know yet that Gimli will go with his friend when the time comes?

I was delighted that Arod was the first to be greeted by Legolas. It seems right, somehow. And the teasing between his friends was the perfect sound to come back to. Yay, he’s awake!! :-)

Author Reply: Hey, Dot! Sorry it is taking so long to respond, but I don't have access all the time to a computer that will allow me to log in and reply to reviews. (Stupid school blockers!!!!) Anyway, I'll try to catch up some tonight!

Elfwine turned out to be a favorite of mine - he reminds me of a student in my class (just the right age too!)...always acting first, and thinking later...and consequences?...what's that????? But he's a good kid and he does have a good, loving relationship with Eomer. I'm glad you liked my prince-sitter during the storm...Arod is trying to convince me he needs a bigger salary, but I told him NO! :-) (Hey! You really liked the description of the storm at the beginning? Whew! I wasn't sure I'd included enough to get it across! Thanks!!!!)

Yep, Gimli is warming up to Aravir now, and Aravir is getting to know the dwarf personally...nothing like traveling and living with someone to help further the acquaintance LOL! I really liked Eolyn too, she's so bossy and motherly towards all and she doesn't give a flip that she's bossing around the King of Gondor plus other assorted lords!

Elfwine knows that Arod is worried, so of course he'd go get him for a visit once he hears they'll be outside. Yes, Dr. Gimli had the perfect solution, didn't he? I do love the dwarf!

Legolas has found a means to help him endure if he listens carefully to the song and realizes his part in it. Olorin is still watching out for his friends, and no...I don't think Legolas and Gimli know that they will be making the trip West together. Not yet.

Awake, yes... and starving. (oops, wrong chapter! LOL) Arod says to thank you very much, he knew he was the right one to welcome the elf back to the land of the living! Thank you for the wonderful review, Dot! I really appreciate them!


WantanelfReviewed Chapter: 8 on 12/4/2004
I love this fiction!! I printed up Chapter One awhile ago and finally started reading it this weekend and haven't stopped. I'm just about to start Chapter Nine but thought I better send a review to encourage you to continue. I thought I'd found just about all the great Legolas fictions, but I was wrong. I am really enjoying this. I think you are doing a great job capturing the elves and the way they relate to their horses and nature in general. I can see influence from The Elvish Way with all Good Beasts, which was also a fantastic fiction. How can you go wrong with elves and horses? So many people write Legolas in a very unelflike manner. You have kept him the elf we know and love. Thank you and keep up the great fiction!!

Author Reply: Thank YOU! (By the way, I love your name - I'd have to make mine wantthreeelves, though!...or maybe for each day of the week...LOL) I am so glad you found this little story, and that you like it! Reviews are so encouraging - this is my second effort at fanfic and I live for the readers to tell me if something is working or not! You are quite correct - I had written my first fanfic and had Legolas riding a new horse in it - and suddenly I am besieged by the mare to tell her story! I had read The Elvish Way With All Good Beasts and loved it dearly, so I got in touch with Teanna and asked her if I could reference some of the events, etc. from her story. She was great, said yes, sent me reams of information about horses and horse-related injuries...just so helpful! So I am doubly glad the story pleases! As for keeping Legolas elf-y...I would not change a hair on his head :-) ...or a thought in his mind! Again, thank you and I hope the story continues to be entertaining...I certainly enjoy writing it, when I'm not having kittens about getting it right! :/


Rose SaredReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/26/2004
Ahh, that was a nice Chapter, no cliffies and all our friends back together again - even the nag! (Sorry Arod, I have to wrangle a horsefloat tomorrow and equines are not high on my love-em list today. After I have succeeded in turning the monster in the narrow driveway I will be more sanguine.) ()
Lovely chapter, very cheering on a Friday night.
Many thanks - and thanks for your kind words over my own difficulties.

Author Reply: Hey, RS! It's good to hear from you and hope things have settled somewhat! Cliffies? Me? I've tried and tried, but the skill to write a decent one eludes me! :-) Hmmmm, a horsefloat, huh? Sounds difficult! Arod says he didn't do it, if that will help any! No? I told him NOT! I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter and everyone being back together! Gimli's already giving Legolas heck in the next chapter DO you get a dwarf to behave? :/ Thank you for the kind review!


TinnuialReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/23/2004
oh a new chapter!!! thank you!!!! :) Made my day, you did!!
Though, I am somewhat confused....what didn't Legolas know??? Did I miss something? hmm...should go read it over again... ;)
I love this story, thank you for sharing it with us!!

Author Reply: Hi, Tinnuial! Go back and read chapter 7 if you haven't. My last posting was ch. 6 and it's been since September since I've been able to put anything new up. When I posted this time, I posted 7 and 8 together, but only 8 showed up on the front page of the site! SORRY! Should have done them a day apart and spared everyone the confusion! :-( Chapter 7 should explain what your question is about...and THANK YOU for still reading! *big smile for patient readers*


daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/23/2004
Now I see where that last chapter came from!

For some reason, I am really touched by the relationshipship of Eomer and Elfwine. Eomer treasures him so and the boy trusts him and so obviously idolizes him. Eomer will always know the answer, he seems to think. I hope Eomer enjoys this now because it won't last forever.

Arod treats him like a naughty foal who needs to watched and kept out of trouble. But trust a child of Rohan to think of the fact that Arod needs to see Legolas. "He loves you too, Gimli." LOL

Author Reply: Hi, daw! I think I'm confusing everyone by posting 2 chapters at once! SORRY!

I am thoroughly enjoying the way Elfwine has stepped forward. He and Eomer do have that father/son relationship that you wish would last forever. Unfortunately, little birds grow up and feel the need to test their wings and of course, fathers "lose" intelligence as boys gain years! (Same with moms too!)

But Elfwine has been a pleasant surprise for me...he popped out about ch.2 and I've been chasing him ever since! I believe the boy has seen the devotion between the horse and his elf, perhaps more clearly (or on a more basic level) than the others. It's very simple...Legolas loves Arod - Arod loves Legolas...Legolas is hurt and Arod should be kept informed about him. Simple, huh? Perceptive lad...about Gimli, too! LOL

Now Arod knows how to take care of the kid - stand between him and potential danger, and herd him to the safest place and keep him there 'til someone shows up! I love Arod...he's such practical horse! :-)

Thank you for the kind review, daw! I needed it!


ManderlyReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/23/2004
Oops, the review I just left was for the last chapter. Must have got my chapters mixed up.

Yay, Legolas is at last awake. I suppose everyone will pounce on him now for explanations once their initial relief is over.

I love your Elfwine. His father certainly has his hands full with this little one, or at least trying to keep track of his whereabouts.

Author Reply: Sorry, Manderly! I think I've thoroughly confused everyone by posting 2 chapters at once! Learned a lesson, I did...

I know I would pounce on the elf once he woke up...uh, sorry...momentary lapse of control there. Yes, our dear Legolas is awake and now must explain to everyone what has been going on, especially friend Gimli, who is somewhat out of sorts because the elf scared his beard straight! :-)

Elfwine...this young man popped out about ch. 2 and has run me ragged ever since! He is fun, and more than a handful for his father! But he's got good intentions, and is a loyal friend to Legolas, which in his mind excuses some of his adventures. You know how kids are, they can rationalize anything given half a chance (convincingly, too *vbg*).

Thank you so much for the review and I am so glad to hear from you again! Got anything new going storywise? Hope so! :-)


ManderlyReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/23/2004
So glad to see this story again. This chapter was so wonderfully descriptive! The colours, the sounds and all the little details made me feel as if I was there in person along with Legolas. For a while you had me concerned about our favourite elf, but hopefully he's on the mend again and even more hopefully he will come to terms with the sea-longing so that it's no longer an all consuming struggle.

Hope to see more of this story soon!

Author Reply: See? See? See what Smeagol finds? 2 chapters at once...double your confusion! LOL

Thank you for this very kind review, Manderly. I am glad the details made the chapter real for you. Sometimes I reread and think, "this is soooo wordy and long and slow and..." you get the picture. So I'm glad you liked it. Legolas is finally going to come through all these trials and struggles, hopefully with some understanding that will ease things for him A LOT! Thanks again!


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