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Deific Flame  by Bejai 6 Review(s)
NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/13/2004
Superb, Bejai! First, I hope your ankle is healing well. Elrohir sends you his condolences.

You show Annatar as evil and powerful, and the desire of the man perfectly. I appreciated the vey witty dialogue between Galador and Calandil too - Calandil gives a good example of 'go not to the elves for advice, for they say both yea and nay'

I like Celeborn's immediate recognition of the nine as well. He knows, and he is saddened for even with the warning will not be heeded.

Glad your muses have returned and looking forward to more!

Author Reply: Thanks, Nilmandra. I must admit, when Elrohir was healed in the last chapter of History Lessons, I was a bit jealous. Would almost be worth having Galadriel pull out Nenya, if it means I could walk again. Almost ;)

I'm glad you enjoyed the Sauron moment. The guy is quite fun to write at this point in his career. I'm having way too much fun with him. And I'm glad you picked up on the "for the say both yea and nay" thing. That was exactly what I was thinking.

Thanks so much for the review!

MarnieReviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/13/2004
LOL! How very ..evil.. of Sauron to give another ring to the boy, thus ensuring he could hate his fellow Nazgul for all time. That's just so like him! A refinement of evil :) He's a fantastic bad guy - one who's really good at what he does.

I loved Celeborn remembering his grandfather, but not quite remembering when the memory was from. It seemed terribly poignant, the fact that he doesn't know whether he's grown to be taller than him or not. And throughout this chapter his enormous age has come through - the fact that it's been so long since he wrote a song that he can't now really remember if it's one of his or not; all the memories that have been haunting him, even in new places. Galador is quite right - immortality seems like quite a burden in this chapter.

But then there's merry Calandil to show that it doesn't have to be. I loved his interview with the Men; "the Wise suffer vain seekers and fools with kindness. I am less wise, less patient, less kind than they." And his looking mysterious when asked to explain how he knew the Man's name ;D 'I've been eavesdropping on your conversations for the last mile' wouldn't seem quite as impressive. I wonder if the Men knew it was a bawdy song, or if the dialect of Doriath is too different to understand. I can't help but think they imagine he's singing about something tragic and beautiful ;)

I loved the way the elves just appeared - there's a real sense of the difference between the elves and Men, but now the readers know both from the inside. And Celeborn's list of 'bad things of Middle-earth' was oddly amusing. Unlike his "And a warning, though I am certain we shall not heed it." The voice of experience, cynicism and wisdom. Very terse, tactless and Celebornish.

More please!

Author Reply: You're back! How was the vacation?

Glad you enjoyed Sauron. He has been entirely too much fun to write. I get the impression that while Overwhelming Armies of Darkness and Depair are all well and good, and necessary if one is going to rule the world, it is all quite ... corporate. My Sauron muse (lovely. I have a Sauron muse) doesn't try to justify himself at all to me, but he does insist that the artistry of evil is in the details.

Glad the age thing came through. I was hoping it would. And I thought you'd enjoy that little nod toward Elmo.

Caladil is always a hoot to write. He strikes me as one who finds great enjoyment out of life, particularly when there is an opportunity to tease an old friend. Glad you're enjoying him, seeing as how he is yours ;)

I struggled quite a lot with this chapter, and it is so good to hear that it actually worked.

SphinxReviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/13/2004
What a wonderfully *detailed* chapter. I've been waiting for it ever since you gave me the ETA. ;) And it was killing me because I saw the author alert on a routine mail check in the morning, and couldnt read until later.

It was full of little things - that gave it such a fabulous flavour. The Numenorean in the beginning, for instance - my favourite part of the chapter. And the wine spilling, and the rings and the opulence. Wow.

He lifted his face and sneered at the stars while Eärendil passed angrily overhead, powerless, chained by the indifference of his keepers. It was all intensely amusing.

THAT is what I mean.

I especially loved Celeborn's reaction in the end to the news of the Nine. What terror he must have gone through - to realize that if the NIne were susceptible, the Three certainly were. Excellent, excellent touch.

More than anything, it is the way you've created the backstory to all this that floors me. And I love it.

Update. Like, NOW. :D


Author Reply: Oh, I'm so glad to hear that the details worked in this chapter. I've had the thing nearly done for a month, but the stinkin' details just wouldn't work out. I've been despairing, thinking that I've forgotten how to describe the feel of a think. I'm not so good at physical descriptions, but the internal feel of a think usually writes itself. Not so in this chapter until a few minutes before I was ready to post. It is a relief to hear it worked out!

And I'm glad the truth behind Celeborn's concern came through. Not so much that there is a new Bad Guy to fight, but that Galadriel might be next.

Thanks for the review!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/13/2004
Wonderful. The corruption of the Nine - not that Mr Nasty needed much corruption. In fact, if somebody had to suffer eternal servitude to Sauron, he seems a pretty good candidate. And the horror of their emergence - Celeborn feeling some responsibility due to the circumstances of the making of the rings.

Celeborn and Galadriel's new haven sounds lovely - as do the elves of Edhellond. And Imladris's woods.

Like Calendil's bawdy song (that Celeborn cannot remember if he wrote) sung in the beautiful elven tones that contributed to the men gazing at him with reverent expressions. Also his statement that he is 'less wise, less patient, less kind.' Maybe - but more humorous.

I like Galador. Nobody's fool. Very sensible to come to Imladris to get advice from Celeborn. And I love Celeborn being enthroned by the grove.

Glad you are better - give up cliffs, they are dangerous things.

Author Reply: Thanks for the review, Bodkin! And thanks for mentioning some of the very things I was hoping would come through -- it is always good to know that the story is working, and that I'm not just nattering on ;)

As for giving up the cliffs ... don't know about that. I like rock climbing too much. I just need to give up falling.

npkeditReviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/12/2004
Well, first of all, I'm glad you're back writing. Someone suggested I read your stuff when I got into LOTR fic (I'm a Celeborn fan) and it has not been a disappointment. I was delighted to see another chapter (especially the first sightings of the Nazgul).

And I hope you're feeling better now--with me, it was a flight of stairs when I was a teen, 7 months in a wheelchair, and 2 knee operations. I heartily empathize.

Author Reply: Oh, I'm so pleased that you've been enjoying my stories! I didn't intend to write about Celeborn when I started writing LotR fanfic, but after a bit, he just worked his way into the stories. Now he's firmly entrenched.

I am feeling better, and every day gets better. But yikes, I'm glad I managed to avoid your kind of injury! I came down on one foot, but managed to avoid the other, so crutches (annoying as they are) are all I need.

Hope you continue to enjoy the story, and thanks for the review

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/12/2004
First let me say I'm sorry about your foot, Bejai. I hope you're feeling better. I broke one bone in my foot once and that was bad enough.

But mostly let me say how much I enjoyed this chapter. The writing is beautiful and vivid and the story is compelling. You use wonderful little details (Celeborn can't remember if he wrote a song or not; Annatar draws a sound from the glass he is holding). I was swept up in it all.

Author Reply: Thanks daw. The foot gets better every day, thank heavens, and in a few weeks I'll get to try walking again.

I'm so glad you enjoyed the chapter. I struggled to get the details right in this one -- it took me longer than usual to articulate what I wanted to say. I'm glad it worked, and thanks for the review.

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