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Deific Flame  by Bejai 4 Review(s)
SphinxReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/7/2004
Ah. So now it becomes even more interesting. :) So very good to have this story back!

I think what intrigued me most about Sapphire Aurae was the Vilya undercurrent. And that's filtering through here as well, although nicely confirming to the theme - which is obviously different from that of SA.

The page/messenger was a very observant chap. Polite, as well. One can imagine Celeborn being a most interesting message-boy, if he had been one to Elu.

The flashback was fun to read for various reasons. One, that it showed how usually intelligent species who have lived for a couple of thousand years act like imbeciles. Second, it set the stage for the fireworks to begin. I might not agree with Erenion's character wholly here, but Cirdan's interruption was beautifully personal. I loved the "Telpe" part.

It will be very interesting to see how you bring Amroth back into this. And may I beg for Annatar? You do him so well. :)

*leaps around* You're backkk.

Author Reply: Thanks, S. Glad you enjoyed the chapter. They were all acting a bit like imbeciles, weren't they? Not the best of days for the elves.

Amroth is coming back next chapter. I think, after all this tension, we need a bit of an interlude. And Annatar will be back in two or three chapters -- one more confrontation with C&G before he heads off to ruin Numeneor. Should be, ahh, exciting.

Thanks for the review!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/5/2004
Fascinating look at how these strong elves reacted to and reasoned about the Three. I felt sorry for Celeborn. No one listened to him. And yet I think in the long run, he was wrong.

Author Reply: Thanks, daw. I do agree that things probably would have been worse without the ring. Maybe no Rivendell or Lothlorien for Frodo to rest in, and what would have happened to Frodo then? But oh, it would have been an agonizing decision at this point!

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/5/2004
Well done elf bickering - how tense that must have been, and how alone Celeborn must have felt? He alone (though I agree he spoke for the others not present) would destroy them. Even Cirdan sees that they have furhter purpose. Their argument was tense and physical - and I could see Erienion and Celeborn coming to blows, even.

Such a hard argument, for I think they are all right, in the end. The Three may have been use for great good at the right time....aiding Gandalf, protecting the heirs of Isildur, holding Dol Guldur at bay....and yet all the ringbearers spent much of themselves in wielding them and in the end all of it decayed. Personally, they would have been better off without them.

Your writing still wows me, Bejai.

Author Reply: Thanks Nilmadra. Glad you enjoyed the bickering. I wanted a tense, almost physical scene. You are actually the one who inspired me to get the chapter up -- you're about to lap me in History Lessons, and it makes me feel mildly guilty that you get three or four chapters up for my one ;)

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/5/2004
What a day - History Lessons AND Deific Flame. Lots of pleasure in one go.

Elrond and Celebrian getting close - good, Elrond needs his own family. I love the way the page adjusted Celeborn's message to make it more tactful. And that both Celebrian and Elrond knew exactly what the original would have been. It is rather amusing to see him treating the lord of Imladris as a dilatory elfling.

It must be - disconcerting, to say the least, to see your long dead brother's face in a endless stream of his descendants.

Hard for them to explain away the existence of the rings - good to see Galadriel being smooth, but the Nine and the Wraiths are hard to get past. You can see why the elves felt even more obligated to fight Sauron.

And the Three might not have the evil overtones of the other rings, but they sure as sunrise aren't wholly harmless either - look at the response of Galadriel and Gil-Galad to the idea of disposing of them. Is Celeborn right? Quien sabe! It's a difficult decision - did they make things better or worse? Help the fight or hinder it? They were well-meant, but does that make them well-meaning?

Celeborn knew it for truth when Galadriel said that Celebrimbor would not have betrayed her - but Sauron is not so dumb that he wouldn't be able to work out the whereabouts of at least two of the rings. She and Gil-Galad do stand out as recipients.

Another great chapter.

Author Reply: Thanks for the review, Bodkin. So glad you enjoyed the chapter!

I think treating Elrond as a "dilatory elfling" is one of the reasons C&G need to get out of Imladris. Time to let Elrond have a go on his own. And you're right -- the Three aren't evil, but they certainly do have influence. Celeborn proved that!

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